/ / Mortar: how to build cement?

Mortar: how to dilute cement?

To obtain a qualitative result withconstruction of any type of construction, it is necessary to comply with the requirements that are appropriate for each type of work. So, when laying the foundation of a building, erecting walls and so on, different types of mortars are used, the process of implementation for each of which differs. Not knowing how to dilute cement to get the composition of the required concentration, it is impossible to be sure of the successful result of the work performed.

Types of building compounds

how to build cement for a foundation

Before answering the question: "How to dilute cement?" - we will consider in what mortars this material is used. Conventionally, the following types of formulations can be distinguished:

  • Concrete solution. This type is used in such works as laying the foundation, strengthening various structures, screed floors and others. Therefore, it is recommended to use cement of higher grades. It can also be noted that often these types of raw materials are used for these purposes, such as slag Portland cement, aluminous material and others.
  • Cement-lime composition. This type of solution can be used for various purposes (for jointing, for plastering, for "splashing" and others). Note that it is necessary to know how to dilute cement, the proportions of substances and the preparation for each case, since these moments may vary.
  • Masonry composition.

Methods for preparing solutions

how to dilute cement proportions

Consider how to dilute cement for variouscompositions. As noted above, a concrete mortar is used for the foundation. The preparation of this composition can depend on many points, such as the season of the year (when the building is being built), the conditions of the region (terrain), and others. Various additives (plasticizers, modifying impurities and others) can be used, which significantly increase the characteristics of concrete, reduce the time of "setting", prevent the appearance of cracks, and so on. However, it is possible to identify the main points that are applicable for any type of concrete compositions. Also, in order to know how to build cement for a foundation, the following information will be helpful:

  • All solutions have a constant composition - cement, sand (it is recommended to use a career type), gravel (crushed stone) and water.
  • The ratio of fillers is adjusted depending on the type of binder, that is, the higher the cement grade, the denser the consistency of the solution. So, for 1 m3 sand consumption of this material will be as follows: M150 - 230 kg, M200 - 185 kg, M300 - 120 kg, M400 - 90 kg. Also the ratio differs from type and brand of concrete. For manual laying the mortar can be mixed by taking the ingredients in such proportions (expressed in parts): cement M 300 (1), sand (3.5), gravel (crushed stone, 5) and water (1/2). In this case, concrete 50 is obtained.
  • Water should not contain impurities such as oil, chlorine compounds, residues of other solutions and the like.
  • The quality of the solution will be better if kneading is performed in a concrete mixer.

how to dilute cement
Cement-lime composition is also prepared indifferent proportions depending on the place of use. For example, to perform plastering in places of greater wear (stair flights, walkways, etc.), it is necessary to increase the consumption of binder material. However, we can single out a unified procedure for actions, the main points of which are as follows:

  1. "Extinguish" lime with water in a separate container in advance.
  2. Mix sand and cement.
  3. Dilute the mixture in lime milk.

The ratio of substances depending on the work:

  • for the decoration of walls and ceiling - cement (60 kg), lime (140 kg);
  • for work on staircases - cement (100 kg) and lime (140 kg);
  • for making plaster on the grid - cement (50 kg), lime (140 kg) and sand (1 m3).

The solution for masonry can be prepared as follows:

  1. Mix sand and cement (3: 1) so that a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Shut off with water, the amount of which depends onthe degree of moisture in the sand. You can determine visually, gradually adding it to the container and stirring. The solution should be plastic and keep up with the shoulder blade.
  3. The composition should be used within 2 hours.

Knowing how to dilute cement for variousmortars, you can correctly choose the ratio of constituents and mixing conditions. At the same time, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of the work under which these compounds are used.

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