/ / Stairs to the attic: parameters and safety

Ladder to the attic: parameters and safety

The main requirementsmatch any staircase, including, and attic - safety and reliability. The same applies to the work performed during its installation. Each staircase to the attic must meet certain common requirements. If it is between the walls and handrails are not needed - its width is usually 0.8 or one meter. Otherwise, the presence of enclosing elements (handrails) is mandatory. In this case, between the balusters it is necessary to maintain a clearance of not more than 12 cm (accordingly, the width of the handrail must be at least not less than 12 cm). It is highly desirable to test the structure for strength. The ladder to the attic must withstand a load of two tons (in accordance with the norms of construction), and its elements must necessarily be non-combustible. With regard to the height of the handrail, the minimum allowed value is 90 cm. There are separate safety requirements and to the steps themselves. In particular, their width should exceed 26 cm, and height - 19 cm (and less).

staircase to the attic
Stairs to the attic with their own hands - this is quitereally and at home. The simplest of them has no turns. To create it, you first need to measure the existing gap between the floors (and prepare enough space for work). Next, you can begin to develop a sketch, the main requirement to which is the correct calculation of the height and number of steps. Given the recommendations given above, as well as the angle of inclination, this is not so difficult. Before you make a staircase to the attic, you also need to dismantle all the elements that are no longer useful. Next, we take the pine blocks and produce cuts for the steps in them. They are performed manually, and the depth in our case is twenty millimeters. The main nuance here is their parallelism, in other words, in terms of level they must fully correspond to each other. At the end of this stage, the remaining excess material is removed using a conventional hammer and chisel.

staircase to the attic with your own hands
The quality of the previous stage will beVerified when the stairs to the attic will be installed. The upper and lower fastening of the bars is carried out by means of special brackets made of metal. Before implementing this process, it is recommended to perform the marking with a pencil. Due to this, the width and necessary position of the ladder will be maintained correctly. For the role of material for the steps, a pine board, having a width of 35 mm, perfectly fits. Once the boards are installed, they must be carefully processed. This is done using a grinding machine. An important nuance here is that steps must be easily inserted into the cut-through grooves. Further they are fixed with the help of glue (best of all - two-component). For this purpose the grooves and the board are covered with plentifully.

how to make a staircase to the attic
After the stairs to the attic and all of itthe components are mounted, they need to be ground and sanded (with further opening with the appropriate varnish or paint). When the coating dries, you can safely use the stairs. Note that, in parallel with its installation, you can supplement the wall, for example, with wooden shelves (or other decor elements).

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