/ / How to choose stools for the kitchen

How to choose stools for the kitchen

If you decide to make repairs in the kitchen,accordingly, you will need to purchase stools. To date, furniture stores are full of a lot of wooden products. All of them differ in their properties, design and price. But do not rush to buy the cheapest stools for the kitchen. Remember that this piece of furniture will later be subject to a lot of mechanical damage and heavy loads. A cheap stool for a kitchen can simply fall apart on the first day after purchase. Therefore, you should not save on it. And in order to make the right choice, you need to be guided by certain rules about which we will tell you in this article.

stools for the kitchen

Softness of the chair

First, decide on the type of stool you want- whether it will be hard or soft. Both options have their advantages. But when choosing a soft type, one should take into account the fact that after a few years of use the chair can "persist" and require repair. The hard version is more durable, but not very comfortable. It is also important to take into account that the material from which kitchen stools are made should be easy to wash and wipe (especially if there are small children in the house).

stools for the kitchen


After you have decided on the type you want,you should decide whether the stool is foldable or not. Here everything is very simple - if you have a large space in the kitchen, choose usual (stationary) chairs. Well, if you live in a small apartment with compact rooms, give preference to folding models. If necessary, they can easily be put in the pantry. And when visitors come to you, you can get and lay out such stools for the kitchen in a matter of seconds.

The weight

An important characteristic is the weightproducts. If you need light chairs, choose a plastic one. These stools for the kitchen are mobile and almost weightless. If necessary, they can easily be moved to any place. If you are not going to move anything, the ideal option will be heavy wooden chairs on thick legs. Sitting on such a stool, you will never roll over.

stool for kitchen


When you go into the store, be sure to sit on a stool and assess how comfortable it is on it. In addition, if your legs bend at a right angle, then this chair is perfect for you. And more: do not be afraid to sit on each stool in the furniture store.

Material selection

And finally, the final stage is a choicethe material from which the stools for the kitchen are made. This characteristic directly depends on the kitchen table. For example, if you have it made of natural wood, it is ideal for classic wood chairs. The stool from plastic will perfectly match with the same table or the product from MDF.

Based on the above rules for choosing a kitchen stool, you can note the following important points:

  • Design and color.
  • Type of kitchen stool.
  • The material from which it is made.
  • Convenience and dimensions.

Having paid attention to all these characteristics, you will definitely choose the right stool for your kitchen.

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