/ / How to scare off the wasps? What smell scares off wasps?

How to scare off the wasps? What smell scares off wasps?

At the end of the summer, many residents of summer cottages,houses and apartments begins to worry about the question of how to scare off the wasps, causing a lot of trouble. After all, often these insects begin an attack without any apparent reason, showing aggression and attacking several times. Scare off is relatively difficult, but perhaps, if you understand the reasons for their occurrence and take all measures to destroy them.

How does the wasps get into the room?

How to scare off a wasps

As insects enter the room, and howscare off the wasps? This question is asked by many gardeners and gardeners. Basically, wasps prefer to build nests in lofts, roofs and balconies, where there is always enough heat and there is some food. There are many cases where wasps are located in apartments where people live and work. Starting in the spring in search of a quiet and quiet place for the nest, the female can fly into the room through an open door, window or window and begin to twist its corner. After that, she starts laying eggs, eating crumbs from the table, flies and other insects. After 1 month, a brood appears, and the family of wasps is large enough and strong, causing a lot of trouble by its presence.

Why is it necessary to scare off the wasps?

Many rely on the fact that in the end you can conclude an "alliance" with importunate insects and achieve peaceful coexistence, but the final picture is quite different:

  • Wasps adversely affect the harvest, destroying the raspberries,gooseberries, pears and grapes. Berries are eaten entirely by insects, and in fruits of larger sizes eat tunnels, in which several individuals can be accommodated at once.
    What smell scares the wasps
  • In addition to destroying the harvest, wasps can harmhealth or even a person's life. It is known that an insect bite can cause a sufficiently strong allergic reaction, untimely treatment of which provokes anaphylactic shock and other unpleasant consequences.
  • Wasps are carriers of infection, extracting food not only in gardens and orchards, but also in garbage dumps, which is dangerous to health and can lead to various kinds of intestinal diseases and disorders.

These reasons are enough to agree with the fact that wasps are often pests than peaceful insects.

When should I get rid of annoying "guests"?

If the residents were faced with the question of howto scare off the wasps, the best way to deal with them is to destroy the nest. The most suitable time is considered to be spring and autumn, when the dwelling of insects is empty. The nest found must be burned closer to the evening with its inhabitants, otherwise, if it is done in the afternoon, the wasps returning home after the working day will become enraged and begin to attack all those who meet them on the way.

Preparation for meeting with insects

Odor that repels the wasps

Scarring is a necessary measure in the fight against insects that have settled in a dwelling or are harmed by eating a mature crop.

Before proceeding to the destruction procedureshould be carefully prepared. To do this, you need to put on clothes from dense tissue and close all open parts of the body. On the hands should wear gloves, preferably impregnated with odor, scaring off the wasps. The face should be protected with a mosquito net. Having convinced that there are no animals and children near by, you can start working. To solve the problem of how to scare off wasps, it is necessary in advance, until the swarm has not acquired frightening dimensions.

The most common methods of scaring off wasps

Before starting to repel insects,It is necessary to determine the choice of strategy. For example, there are common methods, such as pouring a nest with boiling water, sprinkling with diesel spray with diesel fuel, gasoline and kerosene. Household chemicals (chlorine, Dichlophos, Domestos) are also popular, using which, the nest and places of os accumulation are treated. Often people acquire various sprays and deodorants, air fresheners and other aerosols that produce a smell that scares the wasps. Since the work is carried out in the hot season, using the above mentioned means, it must be remembered that they are all flammable and easily combustible, especially when it comes to kerosene and diesel fuel.

People's methods in combating wasps

Those who do not like chemistry and prefer naturalpreparations, I often use various herbs and plants that repel the wasps. For example, bitter wormwood is an excellent natural repellent against wasps and many other insects. Having landed it on a site or a balcony, the inhabitants will forget about the annoying buzz for a long time. Also good scared off are mint and basil mint, which frighten not only the wasps, but also ticks, flies and mosquitoes. Another version of how to scare off wasps, is a liquid smoke that emits a specific smell.

According to many gardeners and gardeners, the most effective models in the process of fighting insects and their scaring are special models of the aspen nest.

How to scare the wasps away from home

Wasps never settle next to a neighboring beehiveavoid war between families. You can also use electronic devices that repel insects, but they are quite expensive and most of them are ineffective. In specialized stores, the consultant can tell you what odor scares the wasps and suggests perfumes, after which you can protect yourself from bites.

Recently, most of the people whofought with wasps, came to the conclusion that without the help of specialized drugs it is quite difficult to cope with insects. People's methods of fighting are good, but they help in cases where the aspen swarm is not very large and can be dealt with without much effort. When the aspen family is well developed, without buying such means as "Raptor", "Ghett", "Mosquito" and other similar drugs can not do. These funds are effective and last for a long period of time - up to 8 months, which allows you to scare off insects once and for all. Also about the smell that scares the wasps, you can learn more in the stores.

Safety rules for contact with wasps

  • If a wasp circled near the ground, do not panic and scare it off. Waving hands and sudden movements will lead to a painful bite rather than an intruder.
  • In the country or a country house you need to change clothes more often and avoid excessive sweating. Drops of sweat and moisture on the body are very attracting wasps.
  • Any drinks, sweets, fruits, vegetables and other food on a picnic or a dacha table must be tightly closed.
  • Walking barefoot and viewing old trees is the key to an indispensable meeting with the wasps.

    Plants that repel the wasps

In conclusion, it should be noted that if a number ofsettled wasps, then at hand always should be ice, burn, tablets "Suprastin", even if none of the members of the family have allergies. After reading the article, each owner knows how to scare off the wasps from the house, without making any special efforts. Remember that care and attention are the main requirements for any contact with these insects.

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