/ Water heaters: wiring diagram. Connecting the water heater to the water supply system:

Water heaters: wiring diagram. Connecting the water heater to the water supply system:

Electric water heaters recentlybegan to enjoy great popularity among the population, as they give autonomy from the central supply and allow creating comfortable conditions where there are no boiler houses. However, when purchasing such products, users often have questions about their installation. That is why, when acquiring water heaters, the connection scheme of which assumes a separate frame in the water supply system, it is worthwhile to learn in advance about the actual installation process.

water heaters connection diagram

Operating principle

Such units operate due to the activethe resistance of the fans, inverters or anodes, which are installed inside the tank. When water enters it, they produce heat and maintain the temperature at a certain level. As a result, the user has access to this benefit of civilization at any time.

 water heater connection diagram

Models and their connection systems

It is worth mentioning immediately that the schemethe connection of the Ariston water heater practically does not differ from the same projects of other manufacturers. Therefore, to consider individual models simply does not make sense. All of them are almost of the same type and do not differ from each other in any way.

However, there is one kind of this device thathas special design features, affecting the installation. The point is that the connection diagram of the instantaneous water heater does not imply full integration into the system. Typically, such products are separate units that have their own water supply and output directly from their own capacity.

Electricity and water supply

First of all, it is necessary to remember thatthe manufacturer gives a guarantee on their water heaters. The connection scheme should be used in this case exactly as planned in the project even while developing the device. However, most experts recommend to leave a standard connection for the integration into the water pipe, but they are suitable for the electrical part separately.

Considering this, it is necessary to describe separately asthe process of the electrical circuit, and the connection to the water supply system. At the same time, the installation should be stated in detail, proceeding from the fact that the project is designed to fit into an already existing network.

connection of a water heater to a water supply system


  • First of all, you will need pipes to work,which will connect the system and water heaters. The connection scheme when using the tie-in involves the use of metal-plastic products. They are more reliable and do not require additional tools for installation.
  • Next, you need to purchase accessories that will beused to connect all the elements. In this case, separate attention should be paid to the fact that you need two tees, which will carry out the transition from one tube to another.
  • It is also recommended to purchase a pair of cranes,overlapping water access to the heater. Basically, they are not needed, but in some situations it is very convenient to be able to physically close access to the device.
  • A typical electrical connection diagram of the water heater assumes the availability of a cable corresponding to the unit's power. It is desirable that it be made of copper and have a good protective shell.
  • Separate attention deserves protectivedevice or machine. It is also selected based on the power of the heater. It is thanks to him that you can make a complete shutdown of the device, which is not provided for in some models, and it will provide protection for the product itself and the entire network.

connection diagram of storage water heater


A set of necessary tools directly dependsfrom the materials that will be used in the work. However, if the connection scheme of the water heater involves the use of metal-plastic pipes, its quantity can be greatly reduced.

  • First of all, you will need a set of keys thatwill be used when clamping the connections. Therefore, it is necessary to worry in advance about the fact that there is exactly the instrument that will correspond to the fittings.
  • Also, a special cutting knife is needed. If necessary, it can be replaced with a hacksaw, but it will be necessary to clean the edges of the cut.
  • For some works, you will need a screwdriver, which is useful not only for fixing certain couplings, but it is also necessary when connecting electrical circuits.
  • Special attention should be paid to the perforator. This tool will be needed to fix the heater itself on the wall and fix the pipes that will be fed to it.
  • Usually the connection of a water heater to a water pipe,which scheme involves the installation of its own power cable, does not provide for the use of pliers, knife and insulation tape, but it is desirable to have these things at hand.

Hardware Fasteners

It should be noted right away that there are manymodels of these products and each of them assumes its own way of installation. For example, the connection diagram of the water heater "Termix" directly depends on the specific features of the selected unit. It can be suspended to the ceiling, wall and even installed on the floor. Functionally, this arrangement does not particularly affect the circuit itself, but the wiring and fastening depend on it.

In order to correctly fixheater on the plane, first it is necessary to measure the horizontal with a water level so that the product does not have any distortions. It is also necessary to measure the vertical using a plumb line. Next on the plane, place the fasteners, which are installed with a perforator. After that, the heater can be hung in its place.

wiring diagram for the thermex water heater

Water pipes

At this stage, you need to create a closedThe pipeline, part of which will be water heaters. The connection scheme here usually involves inserting into the existing system. However, there are exceptions, but in this case a separate project is being prepared for the entire wiring.

  • First of all, it is necessary to perform pipe cuttingcold and hot water in accordance with the used clamps or adapters. Usually for this purpose the water pipe is cut and the tees are inserted into this place, but in some cases you can simply drill a hole and use a special clamp with a clamp and a tap.
  • Further on the water outlets on the heater are mountedcranes. Some masters consider this not mandatory, but it is with their help that you can make a complete dehumidification of the product or completely cut it off from the system.
  • At the final stage, you need to connect the cold water pipe to the corresponding tap on the heater, and the same is done with the hot system. They are usually marked in red and blue.
  • It is also worthwhile to divert from the safety valve of the device with a special hose, which is usually placed in the toilet bowl or drains.

flow water heater connection diagram


Usually the connection diagram of the water heater is satisfiedis simple. Many people think that it is enough to just plug the product into the product, into which the plug of the unit wire should be inserted. However, specialists have their own opinion on this matter.

Professionals first prefer completelycut the plug and make the connection to the machine. This reduces the number of contacts and reduces the factor of a substandard outlet. Then lead the wire to the junction box. It is opened and connected directly to the wires of the supply of this section of the apartment or building.

Recommendations of specialists

  • Before you start working on the sidebar in the pipe system, you need to turn off the water. The same applies to the installation of an electrical circuit.
  • Usually the connection of a water heater to a water pipe,the scheme of which involves the use of several units, is produced independently of each other. So you can ensure the stable operation of both devices and get the ability to disable one of them.
  • Choose a similar product is necessary,focusing not only on the type of premises where it will be installed, but also on the number of future users. This factor should be the main one, since the level of comfort depends on it, for which reason the heater is installed.
  • Some models of such products have their owninstallation and connection features that are individual. They are usually described in detail in the instructions that come with the kit. Compliance with these conditions is strictly necessary, since this affects the functioning of a particular model and the period of its operation.
  • In some shops you can purchaseSpecial kits that are intended for connection to the water supply of certain models of heaters. They are quite practical and save a lot of time and money. However, it is necessary to be very careful to choose the product that is suitable for the already existing water supply network. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to adapters and couplings.

electric circuit for connecting the water heater


Based on the above, one can understand thatthe connection diagram of the storage water heater is exactly the same as that of any other device of this type. At the same time, with its development and implementation can even cope with a beginner with a minimum of tools and even not having much experience. However, it is necessary to remember that some manufacturers give a guarantee on their products only in case of correct installation without breaking the seals of the cover of contacts or when using the services of specialists with appropriate qualifications. Therefore, this issue needs to be clarified at the acquisition stage.

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