/ / Fence design: modern types

Fence design: modern types

The fence is a universal household iteminterior. It is the hallmark of any home. The construction of fences or hedges is a tried and tested way to equip a household plot, to fence sports and playgrounds, park areas. The fence design for these purposes can be used in a variety of ways.

From small fences to strong fences

In the past, fences were most often constructionsThe simplest kind: light and relatively small height. For their manufacture, as a rule, they used improvised materials. These were poles, wooden racks and wicker.

Modern technology improvements madetheir changes in the manufacture of both materials and the design of the fences themselves. But the ancient elements are still present in the design of modern fences. In general, decorative fences today are very popular in the construction world, as they perform not only practical functions, but also aesthetic.

Private house fences

design fences of a private home

Generally, the design of fences for a private home can bewhatever. But the most common is a wooden fence. It is widely used in rural areas. A fence, a wattle fence, a palisade, a wooden fence - these are its main varieties.

The design of the fence, made of a fence, is an ordinary fence, consisting of wooden rails. They are nailed to crossbeams located horizontally.

And the branches of trees or bushes woven together are a wattle fence. By the way, today this kind of hedge is created only for decorative function.

For the construction of the stockade, wooden stakes are used. They are driven into the ground, disposed one to the other.

Wooden fence

To maximize the diversity of designwooden fence, do not take much effort. After all, wood is a plastic material of beautiful texture. It is easy to handle, painting, varnishing or burning a blowtorch.

The appointment, of course, also causes the designfence and its construction. To protect personal territory, build fences, the height of which varies from 1.5 to 2 m. And the estate itself is divided into zones with decorative fences, whose height is 0.5 meters.

Like other types of fences, fences made of wood are deaf, open or combined.

Open fences have a small weight, their cost is also small. They organically enter the design of the site, do not interfere with the survey of the terrain, visually increasing the territory.

Deaf fences are a continuousA canvas protecting the estate from wind and other unforeseen situations. In this case, there is no survey of the surrounding terrain. The weight of the fence is quite large. To the design itself, high demands are placed on strength.

wooden fence design

Fences of a combined type have advantagesfences of a deaf type, but the design is more lightweight, and outwardly they are more attractive. In the combined fencing, the lumen is installed at a small distance from the ground or at the top. The surrounding area is not visible, although the design is more openwork.

In rural areas,openwork fences made of racks. They are located vertically, at an angle of 45 degrees to the ground. Spans in appearance resemble maps. And if you give the edge, located at the very top, a wavy form, then the fence will become very attractive.

Fences are also common in which spansare filled horizontally with beams, logs, unedged or edging boards. Using such fences, you can visually increase the territory. And to protect the wood from different weather conditions, a visor is attached over the fence. It also performs decorative functions.

Protections from corrugated board

Currently, fencing of profiled sheetingThey gained wide popularity in various spheres of use. This material has many advantages, and there are practically no shortcomings. With a small price of the material, its quality is simply excellent. By paying a small amount of money, you will get a strong metal fence, which can not be influenced by different weather conditions or other harmful effects of the environment. Virtually no care is needed.

fence design from corrugated board

Design fence of corrugated board, thanks to a widethe color of the metal is very diverse. Only need to choose a suitable option, which would correspond to the facade, roof or other elements of the architecture of the house.

The structure of the fence consists of pillars and a frame. To him and attach sheets of metal.

Concrete fences

Fences made of concrete are popular not only when fencing industrial objects, but also in private construction. There are two technologies for their manufacture:

  • Casting, when a special mixture is poured into the molds and solidifies there;
  • technology by the method of semi-dry vibrocompression, when a semi-dry mortar of concrete fills the formwork: using special equipment, each layer of this mortar is rammed.

Regardless of how it is made, you can thoroughly diversify the design of the fences (you can see them in the article).

Fences, made of injection concrete,collect from individual elements, which are then inserted into the grooves of concrete pillars. They are not affected by weather conditions. But such fences have one significant drawback - low mechanical strength. The cost is quite small, which attracts many buyers.

Fences have very different qualities,made by the method of semi-dry vibrocompression. They have high strength and impressive appearance. The service life is 50 years or more. Elements of this fence have different parameters and shape. Outside they can be covered with paint.

design of fences photo

The main advantage of such fencing issomething that they do not need to look after. Six months after the fence is installed, the concrete will harden, and it can be covered with a hydrophobizing solution or painted. Its price, compared with the casting fence, is much higher.

Metal fencing

Very nice look welded fences. They are a construction that is made up of pipes or metal bars. They are attached to a stone or metal base. They fit perfectly into landscape design.

The fence of this kind can not be noticed, sinceIt is often used as an element of decor, as a basis for climbing plants on household plots. It is also used in schools, kindergartens, hospitals and elsewhere. These fences are durable and do not require special care.

design of a fence with a gate

To create such a fence, useprofiled parts, pipes, corners and other decorative trifles. And to protect the metal from external weather conditions, it is coated with a special solution with an anti-corrosion property. Wear resistance is the main advantage of such an obstacle. Neither high nor low temperatures do not affect the metal.

Siding fencing

The fence of this material becomes verypopular in country cottages. With the help of siding, you can create a completely new design of the fence, and the house itself will look more original. This fence serves not only to protect the house, but also its decoration. By the way, the design of the fence with the gate from the named material looks very harmonious and solid.

When constructing a siding, as a rule, a material made "under the log" is used. It has the form of a calibrated log, which gives the appearance of the fence an unusual and beautiful.

fence design

Painting such a fence is not needed. Do not use special antiseptic solutions. From corrosion, siding is reliably protected by a multilayer coating. The service life is quite long, about 50 years. This material is not affected by atmospheric changes. It is environmentally friendly and can not be burned.


Another type of fencing is a hedge. This is undoubtedly the most beautiful, efficient and ecologically clean kind of fence. One of its functions is aesthetic. The hedge can be composed of densely planted bushes and climbing plants that grow on specially designed supports for this purpose.

 landscape design of a fence

The disadvantage of this type of fencing is a long time of growth. In addition, they need constant care, which is expressed in watering and pruning.

As you can see, in our time it is possible to create all kinds of design fences. Everything depends only on the imagination and financial possibilities of the customer.

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