/ Dizzy Pelargonium. Care for them

Dizzying pelargonium. Care for them

pelargonium care
This flower is from the family of geranium. In the people it is considered that geranium, pelargonium - one flower, but it is not. These are completely different plants. Geranium is a perennial frost-resistant flower that grows in gardens and hibernates in the ground. And Pelargonium is a heat-loving plant that lives in the garden only in the warm season. The flower in question, before the first frost is transplanted into pots, then they are placed on the window sills until May and are looked after, as for an ordinary houseplant. Also throughout the year can grow in a pot of pelargonium, care for them is described below. South Africa is the birthplace of this flower.

Short description

Pelargonium is a plant with stemsstraight or creeping, can be strongly branched. Leaves are simple, beautiful, palchate. Flowers are of different colors, they are collected in multiflorous umbellate plants. Pelargonium is the most common plant on the windowsills of our grandmothers. It is unpretentious, so it's easy to take care of. Pelargonium is most often grown not because of beautiful flowers, but because of fragrant leaves. It is used as a decorative-flowering pot culture or as an ampel plant for open ground.


geranium pelargonium
It is very easy to breed pelargonium: almost all varieties can be propagated by cuttings. But some - only with the help of seeds.

Pelargonium. Care: sanctification and temperature

For the normal growth of the flower is necessary, of coursethe same, the heat and very good lighting. In the summer it should be put on air, but protected from direct sunlight, which can harm leaves and buds. In summer, the air temperature should not exceed the room temperature (from 18 to 24 ° C). In winter it is desirable that its values ​​vary from +8 to +12 ° C.

Pelargonium. Care: watering and humidity

Pelargonium is necessary regularly, and most importantly, a lotwater in a hot period (spring and summer). In winter, watering should be done as needed. Pelargonium is undemanding to spray, but responds positively to it. Although it needs a lot of moisture, it can be poured and the plant will die. It is better to dry pelargonium by not supplying the required amount of water than to destroy it by waterlogging.


For pelargonium, the soil must be nutritious. For example, a mixture of garden land, peat and sand. For growing in pots a good drainage is necessary, periodically loosening of the soil is necessary.

Pelargonium variety


It is held at the very end of February or inbeginning of March. Crop partially old shoots, leaving literally 2-5 kidneys. Pelargonium must also be fed with mineral and organic mixtures or liquid fertilizers.

Transplantation and top dressing

Young Pelargoniums are needed annuallytransplant. Do it in the spring. Pot should be small. If pelargonium is planted on the balcony in boxes, then between the plants should remain a distance of 15 to 30 centimeters, depending on the branchedness of the variety.

Pests and diseases are quite resistant to pelargonium, flower care is therefore not burdened with the search for drugs to combat them.

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