How to make a waterfall with your own hands at the cottage
To decorate household plots, manylandscape designers use ponds and waterfalls. These garden elements have gained considerable popularity among many owners of country houses: they are beautiful, do not require special care and perfectly fit into any decision of the site organization. But in order to create such a beautiful decoration, you do not need to invite specialists. If desired, each summer resident can build an artificial waterfall in the garden with their own hands. This is not difficult at all, and the result will certainly please you and your household.
How to make a waterfall with your own hands
Before embarking on the construction process,it is worth undertaking a number of preparatory works. To begin with, you should decide where your waterfall will be located. With his own hands it is better to build it near an already existing pond or pool. Then you will only need to build "steps" and install a pump that will supply water. When planning the same design "from scratch" it is important to pay attention to the relief. For proper functioning of the waterfall, an inclined surface is required. If the slope is not, you can create it yourself, making a mound of any building materials: sand, pebbles, small stones and so on. The main thing is that on the mound there are no irregularities, pits or bumps.
Before you make a waterfall with your own hands,it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the design features of the future structure. The waterfall is based on two reservoirs with water. If you have no already ready pond or pool on the site, you can use plastic or metal containers. And the upper bowl should be twice less in volume than the lower one. The cascade itself can be made from prefabricated blocks, which are sold in specialized stores, or used for its creation of natural materials.
How to make a waterfall with your own hands "from scratch"? First you need to dig a foundation pit, the bottom of which is cleaned of stones and plant roots. Fill it with a layer of fiberglass or sand at least four centimeters. Now you can proceed to the waterproofing of the future structure. It is best to use roofing paper or a special film for swimming pools. Then you need to create ledges, from which the water will fall. The total height of the cascade, as a rule, does not exceed one and a half meters. Lower ledges should be installed at least 30 centimeters above the surface of the water. Choosing stones of various shapes and sizes, you can achieve interesting effects: from a uniform flat flow to powerful waves, breaking against the base. It remains only to install the pump, for the work of the waterfall - and a beautiful decorative structure on your site is ready. It should be remembered that during installation, all parts of the pump must be securely isolated and hidden.
How to make a waterfall your hands beautiful? It can be watered with plants, install boulders along the structure, and lay the bottom with tiles. Here you can place original sculptural compositions. In a word, the decoration of a waterfall depends only on your taste and preferences.