/ How to concrete the fence posts for yourself?

How can concrete poles for fencing by yourself?

Owners of household plots always tryas best as possible to equip their possessions. A secure fence around the manor is an indispensable element. The durability and strength of the fence depends on the quality of its supports. Therefore, the construction of pillars should be approached very seriously. In this case, not only the choice of materials, but also the installation method is of great importance. How correctly to concrete the fence posts? This is a rather complicated process, requiring certain skills and knowledge. If you have no experience of erecting pillars, then this article will become your guide and tell you how to erect a solid hedge on your land.

Why brick the fence?

how to concrete the poles for a fence
There are many ways to erectpoles for fence. However, if the fence has a large weight, it will create a strong load on the supports. Therefore, for the fence to last a long time, the pillars must be concreted.

This will give you the following benefits:

  • the pillars do not ruffle and fall regardless of the load created on them;
  • The fence supports will not be corroded;
  • the service life is significantly extended.

However, when concreting it should be taken inattention one nuance. If they are erected on a piece of land on which groundwater is too close to the surface, and also with abundant precipitation, the pillars will begin to bulge out of the ground.

Preparatory stage

Before you concrete the poles for the fence, you must first prepare the land.

To do this, you need the following:

  • shovel for earth works;
  • scrap;
  • a container for mixing concrete;
  • armature;
  • electric drill;
  • cement;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • Boer;
  • ruberoid;
  • laser level;
  • roulette;
  • wooden boards for the construction of formwork.

If all the necessary materials and tools are availableat hand, then you can start work. However, it is necessary to determine the method of erecting the supports for the fence. Many people are wondering about how best to do: poles for a fence to hammer or concreate? The answer is unequivocal: concreting. This is the only way to achieve their maximum stability and durability.

The first step is to prepareinstallation of poles. With the help of a shovel, get rid of the roots of the plants so that they do not interfere with normal work. After this, drill the holes for the construction of the pillars. Here, many people have a completely legitimate question: "At what depth is the concrete pillars for the fence?". To keep the poles as long as possible, the depth of the holes should be about one and a half meters.

Varieties of pillars for fence

how correctly to concrete the poles for the fence
The choice of pillars should be given great attention, since it is very important not only for their aesthetics, but also the performance characteristics, as well as the features of the erection.

To date, there are the following types of pillars:

  1. Wood. Are among the most short-lived, the termwhose services average about 10 years. When installing them, it is recommended that the wood be treated with special antiseptic agents that protect it from negative environmental factors.
  2. Asbestos cement. They differ in their versatility, because they have high technical characteristics and relatively low price. In addition, they are very easy to install.
  3. Metal. Such poles are very popular, because they are very durable and easy to build.
  4. Concrete. Have the highest performance and reliability, however, stand accordingly. In addition, with their installation will have to tinker.
  5. Brick. Have a very attractive appearance, howevertheir cost is quite high, so you can not afford poles made of brick by far. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that for their erection it is necessary to fill the foundation and the availability of building skills.

Before you figure out how to properly polish the poles for the fence, you need to talk about which poles are best to choose for protecting your infield.

Which poles are best used to build a fence?

how concrete posts for fence are made of corrugated board
From the type and quality of the pillars, the durability of the fence depends, so their choice should be given great attention.

It is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. If the fence is erected from a profiledflooring, then you can use poles made from any materials. Profiled sheeting has a small weight, so it will easily withstand even wooden supports. Do I need to concrete the fence posts from the tree? If you want the fence to last more than one year, then, of course, it is necessary.
  2. In the event that a hedge-grid is used as a fence, metal poles will be the best option. They are not only inexpensive, but they will also perfectly match with such a hedge.
  3. For concrete and brick fence optimalthe solution will be pillars erected from a similar material. Wooden and metal supports in this case it is better not to use, because they can not withstand the heavy weight of the fence.

It should be noted that in all cases, the poles for the fence must be concreted. On this depends their stability, reliability and durability.

Basic technologies of concrete poling

When erecting wooden pillars, concretingis not mandatory. It will be enough just to treat the wood with an antiseptic. But when installing columns of any other kind, concreting is mandatory.

To date, there are the following technologies for pouring the pillars:

  • point concreting;
  • partial concreting;
  • erection of the belt foundation;
  • dry concreting.

Each technology of filling columns has certain advantages and disadvantages, therefore it is up to you to decide which of them to choose.

Preparing the site for pouring the supports

whether it is possible to concrete the poles for the fence
So, we have already received an answer to the question of whetherwhether to concrete the pillars for fence, so now you can talk about all aspects of this process. The first step is to prepare a place where the grounds for the fence will be erected, as well as to carry out a number of mandatory measures.

The first step is to measure the futurefence. This is very important, since the number of pillars depends on the length of the fence. If the profile is a profiled flooring, then between the supports should be approximately 2 meters. When using a grid-netting, a gap of three meters is allowed.

After the measurements, you should perform the markup. To calculate the number of supports, the total length of the fence is divided by the length of one span, and one is added to the result obtained. When the calculations are carried out, the location of each support is marked on the land plot. In this case, you should consider where the gate and gate will be located.

When the preparatory phase is completed, you canbegin to perform basic work. First, drill the wells into the supports, and then you can start mounting them. How are the fence pillars made of profiled sheeting and other materials poured? This will be discussed later.

Partial concreting

The supports can be made by handdrill or ordinary shovel, designed for excavation. The width of each hole should be twice as large as the diameter of the post. As for the depth, it is best if it will be one and a half meters, but if the height of the supports is not too large, then a depth equal to a third of the height of the support is allowed.

When installing poles, it is recommended to usethe building level, so that they stand perfectly even. After installing the support, the pit is half poured with earth and compacted, and the second half is poured with concrete.

Spot concreting

Whether it is necessary to concrete the posts for a fence
Many people have a question about howConcrete metal poles for fence. In this case, it is better to use the point technology of the bay. It is suitable not only for poles made of metal, but also for other types of structures.

The supports are made in the same way,described earlier, but the bottom is not covered with earth, but with rubble and sand. To increase the level of stability of the support, it is welded on both sides of the metal heel on both sides and metal reinforcement is installed. After installation of the pit, the pit is poured with a concrete mixture.

The erection of the tape base

How to concrete the fence posts usingtape base? This technology is more complicated than those described above, but if you follow the next instruction, then you will certainly succeed.

The first thing to do is to drill pits under supports andprepare a trench depth of about 40 centimeters and a width of about 25 cm. The trench breaks through the entire length of the future fence. It should be noted that the pits under the poles do not have to be deep, since the strip foundation has high strength and reliability, therefore the supports will be able to withstand a fairly large weight.

When the trench is ready, the formwork should be erected,and also to create a pillow made of rubble and sand in each pit and along the entire length of the trench. In addition, along the entire trench, metal rods are stuck in a checkerboard pattern with an interval of 50 centimeters. After that you can start installing the poles. At the bottom of the trench, two metal frames are laid, one of which should be on the bottom, and the second at an altitude of about 20 centimeters. The final stage of the erection of the basement is the pouring of trenches and pits with concrete.

Features of dry concreting

at what depth do the concrete poles
How to concrete the fence posts for thistechnologies? Yes, it's very simple. In the place where the support is erected, holes are drilled in which a "glass" of roofing material is being built. Next, the leveling of the posts is carried out, after which the holes are filled with sand or gravel. To ensure that the layer has been compacted as best as possible, during the fall of the pit the material is periodically watered.

How to install the poles correctly?

When installing the bases for sampling, it is better to fill the hole with a special crushed stone, which has a high resistance to low temperatures.

In addition, the following tips are recommended:

  1. Before pouring a concrete mixture, a crushed rock is poured onto the bottom of the pit, which must necessarily be rammed. This is necessary to improve the stability of supports.
  2. If you have underground water in your gardenare very close to the surface, it is very important to use roofing material. This material perfectly absorbs moisture, which will ensure good protection of concrete from deformation.
  3. Concrete mixture must fill the pit to the brim. After pouring in the mixture is inserted a few metal fittings, the length of which is slightly smaller than the depth of the hole. This will give the pillar greater stability after the solution has solidified.
  4. When installing concrete poles, it is recommended to install them on a special frame made of reinforcement.
  5. Before pouring the supports, they should be leveled and leveled with supports, and only then be concreted.

By sticking to these simple tips, you will be able to build a reliable fence, which will serve you more than one year.

Methods of concreting

Fence posts must be concreted
Every person who does not have any experienceconstruction works, the question arises as to how to concrete the pillars for fence. Regardless of the technology of pouring the foundation, the first thing to be done is the installation and concreting of the outermost supports. In this case, the posts are best to be wedged with stones so that they are in a level position.

After the installation and concreting of the extreme supports, a cord is stretched between them, which will allow to install the posts strictly along one line, as a result of which the fence will be perfectly even and beautiful.

Instead of concluding

So, if you have read this article before thisplaces, then you will no longer have a question about whether it is possible to concrete the posts for the fence. Pouring concrete pillars with concrete gives them greater strength and stability, so the poles will stand for a long time without tilting by a millimeter. In fact, the process of concreting the pillars with your own hands is fairly straightforward. The most important thing is to follow certain instructions and observe safety procedures.

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