/ / Why do I need hydrophobization of the facade?

What is the purpose of hydrophobic facade?

All building structures have a common enemy -this is moisture. And if the air gap and waterproofing are saved when creating ventilated facades, then this method for concrete or stone walls is not suitable. Hydrophobization of the façade prevents the ingress of moisture into the structure from a monolith or brick and creates a film on the treated surfaces that does not allow water to pass through.

hydrophobic facade


Such technological works are able to provide protection against the destructive effect of water, but they have their own peculiarities in the field of use and methods of implementation.

Hydrophobization of the facade consists in applyingwaterproof materials on the surface, requiring protection. Widely spread and purchased fused and glued types, made from natural or polymeric substances. This coating is used to protect against prolonged effects of moisture. The main disadvantage is a minimum vapor permeability, because of which the wall construction may violate the gas exchange process. The pores are compacted after application of a special formulation, and the building ceases to "breathe".

hydrophobic facade climbers

When using such mineral materials,as plaster, concrete, stone, brick and sandstone for finishing the facade, hydrophobization becomes an important factor in their protection. When using technology, the walls change their characteristics. Hydrophobizers are compositions that have a deep penetration and form a water-repellent film. This reduces the level of dampness, but the vapor permeability remains the same. However, this technology is useless for continuous contact with water.


Hydrophobization of the facade implies the use ofactive chemicals with a high penetrating ability. A distinctive feature of the drugs is high adhesion, which makes it possible to obtain a monolithic layer with low hygroscopicity. The surface subjected to processing, due to this, acquires protection from the direct influence of atmospheric precipitation (including slanting rain).

The hydrophobisers contain silanes, siloxanes,Silicates penetrating the material a few centimeters into depth through a porous surface. The layer being formed has breathable, frost-resistant and waterproof characteristics.


Hydrophobization of the facade has many advantages, the main ones of which are:

  • Prevention of washing away from the walls of binders. Due to this, the probability of formation of highs on the surface (salt coating) and further destruction of the material disappears.
  • If all nuances of application are observed, the average period of coating effectiveness is about 15 years.

cleaning of facades from highs and hydrophobization

  • Preservation of the level of vapor permeability allows maintaining the optimum air composition inside the premises.
  • The wall structure after the treatment is not subject to wetting, which leads to a deterioration of the thermal insulation characteristics.
  • Coverage provides a simple care for the surface of the facade.

Hydrophobization of the facade: technology

Application of the composition is possible both in constructionat home, and in the process of operation. The distribution of impregnation is not difficult and allows you to quickly process even a large surface area. The list of main tasks is determined after the initial assessment of the general condition. A suitable composition of impregnation is selected depending on the type of bottoms and applied materials for the walls.

Self-processing of lowbuildings, but as for multi-storey modern buildings, the best option will be the hydrophobic facade climbers. This will allow you to perform all the work regardless of complexity in a short time.

sandstone for finishing the facade hydrophobization

Preliminary preparation forprocessing. It consists in cleaning the walls of dust and dirt, removing damaged materials. In most cases, it is sufficient to wash the façade with special means. Hydro-jet cleaning is used for complex soiling. Further, the surface is treated with a primer to prevent the occurrence of mold and fungus. The walls are covered with impregnation in two layers, between application of which must pass at least 1-2 hours.


During the distribution of the composition, the ambient temperature is of great importance. It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, since violation of the established rules is fraught with a decrease in efficiency.

The application of water repellents is similar topainting of walls. Special sprayers provide high speed of work, but you can do with the usual roller and brush. It is easier to prevent any problems than to deal with their consequences. Therefore, if you compare the cleaning of facades from highs and hydrophobization, the latter option becomes more preferable and long-term.

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