/ / Violet "goddess of beauty": description, photo

Violet "goddess of beauty": description, photo

In nature there are no ugly flowers. Everyone, even the most modest, has his charm, which must be discerned. But there are flowers in the world, the charming shapes of which can not be overlooked. One of them is a room violet "goddess of beauty". Appearance of the variety fully corresponds to the name. This flower at all exhibitions invariably attracts to itself views and causes delight. It is impossible to find a fan of violets, who would not like to have this adorable "goddess" in his collection. By the way, reproduction is carried out without difficulty. For this it is sufficient to have only one sheet. However, to force a violet to blossom, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts. If you do not know her preferences and just put her on the windowsill, you can eventually get only a lush green leaf outlet. In this article we will share the secrets: what this flower likes, what does not like, what care it takes.

Brief information about the variety

Violet "goddess of beauty" is the fruit of the painstaking selection work of Elena Vasilyevna Korshunova.

 Violet Beauty Goddess
The abbreviation "EK" in the title is the firstthe letters of her name and surname. Unofficially, lovers of violets call her cultivars "kryshunyatami." "Goddess of Beauty" is one of her best works. For the first time at the flower exhibition, this violet was introduced in 2003 and instantly found hundreds of fans. Despite the fantastic beauty of the plant, the growing conditions and ways of reproduction of the "beauty goddess" differ little from those inherent in other violets. This variety can be grown only in the house, on the street in the open ground, even under suitable weather and climatic conditions, the plant can not be placed. The "goddess of beauty" blooms, you can say, all year round, but the most beautiful and large flowers are thrown out in autumn and winter.

History of origin

Variety of violets "the goddess of beauty" was "born" in the cityTogliatti, in the apartment of the breeder E. Korshunova, known among the florists. With the abbreviation "EK" there are many other varieties, for example, "EK-Tibet", "EK-Dama heart", "EK-Victoria", "EK-Pink Angel". Elena Korshunova, for her breeding work, has allocated a whole separate room, where she places seedlings, rooted shoots, specially planted shelves, young plants undergoing quality testing. Adult violets are located on the glassed-in loggia. The selection work of this woman is admirable, because each variety created by her fascinates with very large flowers and unpredictable play of petals.

violet Goddess of Beauty photo

Features of the leaf outlet

Despite the unusually chic appearance in the periodflowering, is not always able to decorate the windowsill of the violet "Goddess of Beauty". The photo and description of its leaf socket without inflorescences make it clear that in form it is not quite compact. The leaf plates are of medium size, dark green, covered with very fine fine hairs, which gives the impression of velvety. Growing leaves on disproportionately long petioles, because of what break up in all directions. To give the plant a compactness, flower growers advise lower leaves to periodically remove. With age, the rosette melts and becomes unattractive, so the plant needs every two years, at least three years to rejuvenate.

sort of violet Goddess of Beauty

Features of flowers

During the flowering period, it looks unusually impressiveviolet "EK-Goddess of Beauty". The photo and description of her delightful flowers can not convey their charm to the fullest. The first thing that impresses them is their rather large size for violets. The diameter of the flowers in most cases is 7-7.5 cm, but can reach 9 cm. At the same time its flowers are terry, and their edges are wavy. The color range of the petals is represented by pink tones of different intensity with overflows in lilac, crimson and violet paints. In some varieties, overflows capture the entire surface of the petal, others concentrate only on the edges.

No doubt, at the time of flowering is incomparablethe violet "goddess of beauty" looks. The description of the plant will be incomplete if you do not mention its peduncles. If they were either more powerful, or shorter to hold chic massive flowers, the violet bush would look perfect. But the "goddess of beauty" pedicels are relatively thin and long, so as the flowers bloom, they wilt. This small flaw is not critical, but still spoils the appearance of the plant as a whole.

violet Goddess of Beauty Description

Methods of reproduction

Violet "goddess of beauty" easily reproducesvegetatively. It is enough to cut off its leaf on the petiole and put it into the water. When the children get through, put the leaf in a ready-made substrate for the violets. This is the simplest way that this variety can be propagated, but for a 100% rooting effect it is preferable to place the leaf not in water, but in a specially prepared mixture for rooting. It can be:

- ready soil for violets;

- mixture of peat with vermiculite;

- agroperlite;

- peat tablet.

Any of the above soil mixtures needpour in a small (up to 50 mm diameter) plastic container with holes in the bottom, place the sheet there, pour it and cover it with a packet. Get a mini-boy. It must be ventilated every other day, and the leaf should be watered as necessary. When transplanting an entrenched leaf into a pot, it is not necessary to open the little boy immediately, but gradually, so that the young violet gets used to the new conditions of detention.

Violet Goddess of Beauty photo and description

Place in the house

Charming, but somewhat capricious violet"goddess of beauty". The photo below shows how it looks if all the rules for its content are observed. This beauty loves the light very much. If in a room where she was taken a place, the windows "look" to the north, flowering is useless to wait. The southern side of the plant is more to its liking, but under direct sunlight it is undesirable to hold it. In this case, burns may appear on the leaves. It is preferable to grow a violet on the sills of the east or west side, but there are also small secrets. The fact is that this variety needs a light day lasting from 12 hours. If it is shorter, it is required to place a violet under a special lamp. With a sufficient amount of light, it will not be strongly stretched peduncles and leaf petioles.

Violet EK Goddess of Beauty photo and description

Secrets of care

To violet "goddess of beauty" pleased with luxuriousflowers, some growers are advised to regularly feed the plant with fertilizers for flowers. But you can not do this, if every year to transplant the violet into a slightly larger pot filled with a fresh ground mixture. It is sold ready, filled with all the necessary trace elements.

As for spraying violets, there are different opinions. Some flower lovers say that no drops of water should fall on the leaves. Others, on the contrary, advise regularly to "bathe" a violet under a gentle water jet, and then process "Epin".

And the last: to get large and lush flowers, it is desirable for young violets to break off the first buds, then the next ones will be larger.

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