/ / Dracaena Marginata: flower care

Dracaena Marginata: flower care

The homeland of the dracaena is the tropics and subtropicalareas of Asia, Africa, Latin America. In nature, they are slender evergreen plants with a woody stem. The ornamentality of Drazene is given by unusually painted leaves. Because of the lignified, not having the leaves of the stem, the plant is often called a false palm tree, although Drazena has nothing to do with it.

The favorite variety of many florists isdracene marginal, care for which is simple. The flower has a weakly branched stem, narrow leaves with a reddish fringe. The plant develops well in the pot, is not afraid of dry air and irregular irrigation.

Dracaena: how to care for a plant

The flower should be placed so that it fallsscattered bright light, or he was in the penumbra. Direct sunlight adversely affects the plant, although inadequate lighting reduces its decorativeness. It is necessary to move the pot from the flower to the meter from the window facing south-west or south.

Dracaena is a heat-loving plant, soin the room it is necessary to observe the appropriate temperature regime (in summer the air should be warmed up to +20 - +25 degrees, in winter it should be not less than +12 degrees). For a plant, the temperature difference is especially dangerous: a sharp rise or fall of temperature by 10 degrees can cause death of the flower. Critical for many species is the mark is already at +14 degrees Celsius. Dracaena must be protected from drafts and prevent its airing during the cold season.

Dracena marginata: care and watering

The plant needs a regular year-roundwatering. In the spring and summer months, dracen should be watered twice a week, in winter, one watering in 5-6 days is sufficient. In summer, you can put a pot once a month in a container of water and keep the plant there until the air bubbles stop. After this, it is necessary that the excess water of the glass. Watering is renewed not earlier than a week after the procedure. For moistening use only the settled (at least half a day) water.

The flower needs high humidity. You can put a pot on a wet pebble, as well as daily spraying of leaves from the front and back. It should be ensured that the accumulation of water does not occur in the funnel of the leaves - this can cause rotting of the trunk. Even regular spraying sometimes can not prevent easy drying and yellowing of the tips of the leaves. This process is not dangerous, fairly common and does not affect the decorativeness of the flower.

Dracaena needs to be fed fertilizer for houseplants every 15 days.

Dracaena Marginata: Care, Reproduction and Transplantation

Plant cultivation is carried out in several ways. For example, cut the top part of the flower and perform rooting of the apical cut, for this use the lower heating and phytohormones.

Also from the apical part of the dracaena receiveair layers, and cut off the top. Reproduction is also carried out with stems without leaves (5-7 cm long), which are used as stem cuttings.

Transplant dracaena is made when from a potthe roots of the plant will start to appear. Every spring, it is worth replacing the top layer of the earth with fresh, enriching it with fertilizers based on algae and manure. The flower requires good drainage (pebbles or expanded clay), which, when transplanted, is placed on the bottom of the pot.

Dracaena Marginata: Care and Protection Against Pests

Plants are rarely affected by diseases and pests. However, dry air can lead to the appearance of ticks. Increasing air humidity and treating the flower with pesticides will help to solve this problem. Sometimes dracene can be affected by thrips, causing foliage discoloration. They remove the beer soaked with a cotton swab.

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