/ / Kitchen lighting is an important stage in its design

Kitchen lighting is an important stage in its design

When planning the design of the premises mustyou need to take into account the lighting, because it can make the interior either perfectly comfortable or defiantly uncomfortable. Quite often there are problems with lighting in small rooms, for example, in the bathroom and in the kitchen. How should it be - the correct lighting in the kitchen?

Feature of the kitchen is that this roomoften small, but rather multifunctional: often because of the lack of a dining room it is used not only for cooking, but also as a dining room. It is not uncommon and the reception of guests at the kitchen table. Thus, the lighting of the kitchen should be thought through, considering all these moments.

It is advisable to plan lighting for the kitchen inthe beginning of repair after its design is defined and the layout of the furniture is thought out. Once it was not a problem - in the middle of the ceiling hung one chandelier - that's all! But it is for the kitchen that the shadow that forms the shadow is not the best choice. Ideal option is now considered lighting each functional area of ​​the kitchen separately. Therefore, it will be most effective to combine different types of lighting: general, decorative and local.

The general lighting of the kitchen is meant for,to optimally maintain the level of the entire illumination of this room in the evening. This type of highlighting is best done bright, but soft enough, without sharp shadows and any light contrasts. The overall lighting should evenly scatter throughout the kitchen. It is desirable to do as much as possible natural, thus it is not recommended to use color fixtures. Prefer to recommend fluorescent lamps. Also, the source can be a chandelier or ceiling built-in lights.

It should be taken into account that the general light does not replaceillumination of functional zones. It is important that the dining area and the cooking area are equipped with separate lamps. If there are hanging cabinets, it is best to place the local lighting under them. Such a light will well illuminate the entire working surface and will not brightly strike the eyes. It is also convenient to use elongated lamps, when the light is evenly distributed throughout the working surface. For kitchens where there are no hanging lockers, stand-alone lamps are perfect.

Above the dining table can hang 1 or 2wall brackets fixed about 1 meter above the existing level of the countertop. In the case where the dining table is in the center of the room, while a clear accent, as a local source of lighting you can use a high table lamp or lamp located directly above this table. Lighting the kitchen will be more intimate, if the lamp will hang as low as possible.

To illuminate the table top the directionaldirect stream of light, so it is better if the ceiling or lampshade of a chandelier or lamp will be opened only from below. Too powerful lighting fixture is not needed here: a bright color will create sharp shadows that ugly distort objects and faces. The circle of light must capture the entire table top, so that there is no shadow and no boundaries of light on it.

By the way, in a very large or, on the contrary, very small kitchen there can be one local lighting. In these cases, general lighting of the kitchen is not necessary.

Decorative lighting of the kitchen is planned to tasteowners. Very interesting feature can be cabinets with translucent doors, illuminated from the inside. The main thing is that such lighting should be harmoniously combined with the rest. You can use dimmers to adjust the atmosphere in the kitchen and the intensity of the backlight.

Kitchen lighting must bebalanced and harmonious. Planning it, we must build on the kitchen interior, as there is no universal lighting scheme: in each of the kitchens, everything will necessarily look unique.

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