/ / Watering system drip band on the garden plot

Watering system drip tape on the garden plot

In the summer season, the most important problem forgardener becomes watering. Many summer residents just do not have time. To ensure the uninterrupted supply of water to the beds, it is possible to organize drip irrigation systems that can water all the planting without the participation of a person. The simplest method has long been the use of leks or hoses in which holes were made. But the technology does not stand still. New and more advanced designs began to appear for supplying water in sufficient quantities throughout the garden plot.

drip band

The optimal application isautomated irrigation. It is suitable if the beds with vegetables and fruit trees are located close enough to each other. Such irrigation systems not only help the summer owner in the care of the garden, but also carry a certain aesthetics. In addition, water is consumed less during their operation than with traditional irrigation methods.

drip irrigation systems

Automated watering system - driptape - made of high quality polyethylene. It has excellent resistance to ultraviolet radiation. It is arranged as follows. On a long pipe there are holes located at regular intervals. Water through them penetrates into the soil in small doses and nourishes the roots of plants. Thanks to pressure compensators, it is evenly distributed.

To get a drop of tape, you needcut out a pipe of the necessary length. Its ends must be connected with a tee, couplings and a square. Connecting pipes, you need to consider the distance between the holes. If the distance between the pipes is 45 cm, the lines connected to it will be located at such an interval. You can also assemble the equipment for drip irrigation as follows. For this, a polyethylene hose is used. It is cut into pieces, connected to the system by means of adapters, at its ends, drip feeders are inserted. They allow you to regulate the amount of water coming to plants. With the source, the end of the hose is connected to the adapter-valve.

equipment for drip irrigation

If there are plants on the site that are especiallyrequire constant irrigation, then a separate branch of the system can be brought to them. To ensure that the view of the pipes that make up the drip band does not spoil the appearance of the garden, they can be hidden under a layer of mulch. In this case, irrigation can be carried out inside the soil, so that water flows directly to the roots. And that moisture comes on the surface of the earth, the hoses are placed above the soil, near the plants. Then the root system is moistened from above.

drip irrigation

For a garden site, the drip band is convenient andis practical. It allows you to individually water the plants, during its operation, the crust is not formed on the surface of the earth, and control by the owner is not necessary. It is able to function round the clock. Since watering through this system is tailored to the specific needs of plants, the risk of their disease from waterlogging is lost. Use drip irrigation is possible not only on the open ground, but also in greenhouses.

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