/ / Finishing stairs: methods and materials

Finishing of stairs: methods and materials

Any multi-storey building, whether it's a dacha,a private house or a country cottage, is equipped with a staircase. In some cases, this is an unsightly interior element designed to move between the levels of the house, but sometimes, in addition to its main task, this building serves as an original decoration of the entire room. The difference between the two options is the presence of decorative lining. Correctly executed finish of the ladder allows not only to transform the entire structure, but also to make movement on it as comfortable and safe as possible. But what materials can be used for this purpose and how to choose them correctly, we will consider in this article.

Types of stairs

Most often facing facing reinforced concreteand metal structures, because they look too massive and unpresentable. In the first case, not only the finishing of the steps of the ladder is performed, but also the lining of such planes as risers, plinths, bowstrings and kosuory.

finishing of stairs
Metal structures can be supplementedsteps and rails of other materials. In both cases, special attention should be given to horizontal surfaces, since the maximum load is applied to them during operation. Next, we'll look at how to choose the right cladding material and what requirements it must meet.

Selection of finishing material

Finishing of the stairs in the house must be carried out taking into account the following nuances:

  • Safety and practicality. For facing the steps, wear-resistant and at the same time non-slip coatings must be selected. Podstenenki end strong and resistant to mechanical influences options, as this area is often subjected to shocks with the toes of shoes.
  • Compliance with floor covering. The materials used to finish the stairs should be combined with the flooring on both floors.
  • Geometry of the march. Rails can be lined with any materials, while screw and rotary stairs require a more careful choice of lining. When choosing a tile or a stone, it should be borne in mind that they will have to be cut a lot, which will lead to material overexpenditure and increased costs.

If the house has small children, special attentiongive the insulation and noise-absorbing properties of the coating. In this case, the staircase is finished using wood, as it is more pleasant to the touch and has a damping effect.

Painting of concrete stairs is the most economical method of finishing

The most budgetary facing option is considered to bepainting of reinforced concrete structures. In this case, the staircase will look quite strict and fit well into almost any interior. However, do not forget that concrete is characterized by rapid abrasion, so before painting the steps are covered with cement mortar with hard crumb.

Despite the cheapness and simplicity, this methoduse few, since this method of decoration has its drawbacks. The painted steps remain firm, cold and rather uncomfortable. Such finishing of the stairs in the house is carried out in cases when the owners plan its further arrangement with the help of additional materials. For example, you can lay a flight of stairs with soft carpeting that absorb sounds well, keep warm and help create a cozy home environment.

finishing the stairs in the house

It should be noted that the loose rollthe product can form wrinkles, which will certainly lead to tripping and injury. For a safer movement, the cover is securely attached to the base, and corner corners are made of metal or wood-polymer composite.

Wood cladding

Very often the finishing of stairs in a private houseis performed using different types of wood. This material is appreciated due to its ecological compatibility, warmth, attractive appearance and ease of installation. Wood trim is suitable for stairs of any geometry.

finishing stairs in a private house

Beautiful and warm colors, as well as naturalDrawing attracts many house owners, but often wooden elements are painted. Here you should use vinyl or acrylic paint, which is not afraid of water and is resistant to wear.

Usually concrete ladders are supplemented onlystalks of wood, and risers plastered, painted in white or overlaid with tiles. This approach allows you to save on the purchase of natural cladding, gives lightness and a certain variety to the interior of the room.

What kind of wood should I choose for finishing stairs?

To arrange steps, it is usually usedan array or layered glued wood. But parquet boards are strictly not recommended for this purpose. The selected wood material must meet the following requirements:

  • have a moisture content of not more than 8%;
  • characterized by a straight line arrangement of the layers;
  • do not have knots, cracks, pigmentations and other defects.

These characteristics are optimally suited tonatural materials of the E-class (in other words, first class wood). For grades choose varieties with good hardness and maximum resistance to abrasion. This includes such hardwoods: oak, beech, ash and various exotic species.

Materials made from spruce and pine, you canuse for skirting skirting and risers, but the steps covered with products made from these varieties is not recommended. In extreme cases, coniferous wood can be used to finish the staircase leading to the attic or to the cellar (where people walk least often). This is due to the weak strength and fragility of these varieties.

Facing with tiles

Very often the staircase is finished on the second floor with ceramic tiles. This method has its advantages and disadvantages.

stair tiling

To the positive sides of ceramic facing are:

  • hygienic (tiles can often be washed with detergents);
  • a wide range of colors (tiles can be trimmed with the style of the whole room);
  • fire safety (in case of fire tiles will prevent the spread of fire through the stairs);
  • acceptable cost (tile is much cheaper than natural stone);
  • durability.

Speaking about the disadvantages of this cladding, it should bemention such qualities: cold, hardness and slipperiness. Eliminate the unpleasant sensations when contacting ceramics by combining tiles with other finishing materials (eg wood).

How to choose a stove tile

The tiles used to decorate the steps must have the following specifications:

  • high resistance to abrasion (class IV or V);
  • minimum hardness of 5-6 points on the Moss scale (this is usually indicated on the package);
  • good anti-slip properties (without glazed coating with roughness and convex elements).

Such requirements must comply with the materials used to arrange the outflow. Podstupenki can be made with lower-grade options.

A rock

Finishing stairs with a stone brings in the interior of a noterefinement and emphasizes the well-being of the owners of the premises. Such constructions are associated with ancient castles and luxurious classical apartments.

As any natural stone is consideredcold and massive material, stairs in small rooms completely they should not be faced, as they will look too bulky. Change the situation helps to combine several materials at the same time. To impose a certain style and make a certain zest in the interior can be by combining the same rock of stone, but different shades. If the steps are finished in lighter tones, the staircase will look more light and elegant.

finishing stairs to the second floor

However, do not forget that the stone - naturalmaterial, so practical and easy to care it can not be called. Some species get dirty very quickly and are practically not cleaned. For this reason, the stones used in the interior were treated with special impregnating compounds. They reliably protect the natural material from the harmful effects of moisture, fats and colored substances. The treatment is carried out immediately after the installation and is repeated every two years.

What types of stone can be used for finishing stairs

As it became clear from the above information,any material used for the cladding of the steps must be characterized by good resistance to abrasion and be sufficiently firm. Therefore, choosing a stone for facing with tread, it is necessary to give preference to such types: basalt, granite, hard grades of sandstone, and also heavy-duty varieties of calcite marble.

staircase finishing with stone

For the same purposes, travertine can also be used, butOnly if you pre-fill its pores with a special putty for the stone. Using glossy options, it is necessary to cover the surface of the steps with solutions that prevent excessive glide. With the same purpose, it is possible to make depressions and reliefs in the form of various patterns in the stone.

Limestones and soft sandstone species can not be used to equip with tears, since such a coating will be short-lived, and it will be very difficult to keep the steps clean.

Laminate flooring

Laminate is considered a universal material,which can be used as a coating both on the floors and on the steps. This material is capable to give refinement even to the most rough and massive concrete constructions. It is quite simple in care, pleasant to the touch, does not require any additional treatments and has an acceptable cost.

finishing of laminates

Finishing of ladders with laminate should be carried outwith strict adherence to the technology of laying this coating, since this determines the duration of its operation. Here you need to consider several important points:

  1. If the laminate is laid on a woodensurface, boards are checked for strength and stability. For this coating, even the slightest stirring of the base during walking is unacceptable. If any element is unsteady, it must be securely fixed with screws. Before laying the laminate floor steps are ground and covered with a layer of finishing putty.
  2. When going to cover the concrete surface, the base is checked for strength and evenness. If necessary, a leveling layer of cement screed is laid on the concrete.
  3. After preparing the grounds, they begin to cutslats. If the width of one board is not enough to cover the entire stage, the elements are joined and only then cut to the desired size. It is desirable to use lamellas, which are much wider than the step itself, since in this case the strength of the structure will be much higher.
  4. For the design of the risers, laminate is also used. It can be placed both vertically and horizontally. On the steps, only the horizontal arrangement of the facing is permissible.

How to choose a laminate for stairs

Laminate flooring starts with selectionquality material. Laminate, like any wood product, is divided into several classes, which indicate the scope and characteristics of the product.

The panels for the steps must have the highestdegree of resistance to moisture, mechanical damage and abrasion. Usually at home use a laminate, the classification of which begins at 2, but for stair flights should choose products with a marking of not less than 31.

In this article, several materials are considered,with the help of which the stairs can be finished. A photo of the various options will help you create an impression of each method of decoration and choose the most pleasant method for yourself. We hope, the above information will be useful to you.

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