/ / Sewer PVC pipes: dimensions and selection rules

PVC sewage pipes: dimensions and selection rules

PVC sewage pipes, the dimensions of which will beare considered in this article, have found wide distribution when stacking the system. They are used today quite often, replacing traditional metal products. This material is resistant to the influence of corrosive substances, which are in the drains of domestic and industrial highways. If we talk about a quality plastic pipe, then it should have a perfectly smooth surface, which virtually eliminates clogging.

Description of plastic pipes

sewage pipes pvc dimensions

Sewer pipes PVC, the dimensions of which youit will be necessary to know before purchase, are made using the most modern technologies. This guarantees the products durability, as well as reliability. Mounting them is simple enough, and you do not have to spend a lot of effort in terms of internal and external works. They have excellent throughputs and are easily bent at different angles. They are distinguished by a reasonable price, a long life span, which is not limited to 50 years, and does not require regular maintenance. They are chosen for their excellent resistance to corrosion, as well as to the effects of chemical aggressive substances. The systems equipped with these pipes have low thermal conductivity, which prevents the freezing of waste water. It is quite easy to do installation work due to its low weight. As a pleasant bonus, there is a protective coating, which reliably protects against the development and spread of viruses, as well as bacteria.

Dimensions of plastic pipes

sewer pipes pvc catalog sizes photo

A small diameter is used at low loads. If the product has a large radius, then it is designed for a significant load, it can be used in cottages or apartment buildings, as well as in social facilities. As for the diameter of 200 millimeters, it is chosen to serve hospitals, saunas and hotels. The industry is served by pipes, the size of which reaches 300 millimeters. When carrying out individual construction it is necessary to use a small radius, so a riser, whose diameter is 150 millimeters, will not be fully utilized if there are only 4 bathrooms in the house. The square cross-section is chosen only for irrigation of personal plots.

Features of the choice of diameter

Pvc sewage pipes for internal sewerage dimensions

When PVC sewer pipes are selected,dimensions must be known in advance. This will allow you to clarify before purchasing what products should be used, for example, to drain the toilet waste. In this case, a diameter equivalent to 110 millimeters is used. From plumbing devices by the type of shells and baths, sewage is diverted with a pipe, the size of which is 75 millimeters. For the organization of the yard sewage system, a pipe of 300 millimeters is used. It should be remembered before buying that the thickness of the wall and the radius are interdependent indicators. If the diameter is 150 millimeters, that the wall thickness is equivalent to 3.9 millimeters, whereas at 110 millimeters this figure is 3 millimeters.

Peculiarities of the choice of polyethylene pipes

sewage pipes pvc for outdoor sewerage dimensions

PVC sewage pipes for outdoor useSewerage, the dimensions of which were mentioned above, can be corrugated. They are made of double-layer polyethylene, and also have high quality, are chemically resistant and are actively used in modern construction. In the production process, it is possible to achieve excellent ring stiffness, which allows for concealed installation at a depth of 1 to 20 meters.

Pressure pipes

sewage pvc pipes internal dimensions

If you need PVC sewer pipes,catalog, dimensions, photos will help you figure out the choice. Modern industry produces pressure products that are designed for use in high and low pressure conditions. They are chosen for the most aggressive environments, but very often they are used for laying water pipes. Despite the fact that the dimensions of the pipes may be different, the range of dimensions of such products varies from 10 to 1200 millimeters.

HDPE pipes

sewage pvc pipes external dimensions

If you decide to purchase sewer pipesPVC, catalog, dimensions, photos are presented in the store of the supplier. There you will be offered pipes made of low-density polyethylene. This material has high strength properties. It is able to demonstrate greater resistance to an aggressive environment. Such products are most often used for laying water.

Information about the inner diameter

fittings of sewer pipes pvc dimensions

When PVC sewer pipes are selected,internal dimensions must also be taken into account. The scale of internal diameters is made depending on the place and role of the product in the sewage system. Thus, the diameter of the tap from the washing machine or dishwasher should be equal to 25 millimeters. This indicator for a shower booth or siphon is equivalent to 32 millimeters. With regard to the piping system in the apartment, then the figure should vary from 40 to 50 millimeters. When laying the external sewer, it is customary to use pipes of the most impressive diameter, which reaches 160 and 200 millimeters.

Recommendations for the selection of PVC pipes

If you decide to purchase sewer pipesPVC, the external dimensions must be taken into account. It is worthwhile to carefully consider other parameters that concern the length of sections, inner diameter and safety factor. Among the additional features can be identified the presence of protection when laying electrical cables, which implies the ability to self-extinguish. You can ask whether the pipes have a quality certificate, in which the GOST must be specified. Only in this way you will be able to purchase products, in the production of which all the rules and norms were observed. Pipes must comply with standard marking, and also have high-quality packaging. Sewage PVC pipes for internal sewerage, the dimensions of which were mentioned above, must undergo mandatory testing at the last stage of production. This is how the performance characteristics are evaluated. It is important to transport by the rules and standards, so you can eliminate the possibility of damage to the material.

Disadvantages of PVC pipes

If you purchase sewerPVC pipes for internal sewerage, the dimensions you can find out by reading this article. However, it is also important to take into account some of the negative aspects of these products. They can be used at a temperature of no higher than 40 degrees, otherwise the material can begin to deform, which significantly reduces the life of the product. In extreme cases, it is possible to attack the walls of a liquid that has a temperature of up to 80 degrees. However, such interaction should not last for an impressive time.

Shaped elements

PVC sewage pipes, the sizes of whichwill help to make the right choice, are used in tandem with shaped parts. Their diameter should correspond to the products themselves, these components can be subdivided depending on the purpose. In the plant conditions, corners are made, which can be equal to 45, 90 and 120 degrees. You can purchase and flexible tap, the most often used for the arrangement of internal sewerage. It is necessary when it is not possible to use the standard parts. The tee will allow to withdraw from the main pipeline. It can be straight, triple, single-plane or in the form of a cross. Shaped parts of PVC sewer pipes, the dimensions of which are equivalent to the products themselves, are sold in the market in a wide range.

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