/ / Tying the well with your own hands: a step-by-step description, features and recommendations

Binding the well with your own hands: a step-by-step description, features and recommendations

After the completion of the drilling of the well,to begin its arrangement. A fairly important stage is tying the well. Such work is carried out using one of the existing technologies, which differ in functionality, reliability and cost.

Main features of strapping

tying of wells

If you want to keep the upper well output atstreet, then you can use it only in the summer. If you connect the water pipe in the warm season to the head, then the source can be used until the first cold. If it is necessary to supply water to the house all year round, the pipeline should be made permanent. For this, it is laid below the freezing line. This indicates that the entrance to the well should be located at a depth of 2 m.

Protect the source of water not only fromfreezing, but also from getting debris. Among other things, the equipment must be serviced periodically, and the well should be cleaned. Therefore, the system should be provided with free access.

Description of the technology

wellhead pattern

The piping of the well is a whole complex of works that assume:

  • laying and launching the water supply system;
  • installation of equipment;
  • ensuring uninterrupted water supply;
  • protection of the source of water from dirt and freezing.

If we are talking about the standard scheme of tying, thenFirst you need to make an adapter, caisson or pit. The pipeline system at the next stage should be designed and laid. The masters will have to pick up the pump and filters, mount the hydraulic accumulator and take care of the installation and start-up of the pump. The success of well operation will depend on how well-thought-out and qualitative the project is.

Recommendations for the adapter, caisson and pit


If the borehole is to be carried out by yourself, then, in the opinion of consumers, it is important to think about which technology will be used for the site of the launch. It can be:

  • pit;
  • caisson;
  • adapter.

As an alternative solution, theconstruction of a surface structure. However, this option is justified only when the well is in a warm climatic zone. If the temperature is lowered, the room will require heating, which is unprofitable.

The piping of the well will be very simple,if you make a pit. An additional benefit will be obtained if there is access to the building materials of the former use. As one limitation is the level of groundwater, which should be low enough, otherwise, as the domestic craftsmen emphasize, the pit will be flooded. It can be made from concrete rings, bricks or concrete formwork.

Step-by-step description of strapping with a pit

bilge equipment

If you decide to use as a technologytying the pit, then first you need to determine the way it is manufactured. At the next stage a pit is prepared, the depth of which can reach 2 m, otherwise it will be extremely inconvenient to work inside. Crushed stone is poured into the bottom, then you can proceed to the production of walls. If necessary, they can be waterproofed, and then sprinkled with expanded clay or gravel along the perimeter.

If the piping of the well with one's own hands is performedon the technology of erecting the pit, it should be remembered that it has an impressive minus, expressed in low tightness. This prevents the possibility of installation inside the equipment, for this you must prepare another room. The cover can be made of metal, an alternative solution is the use of a concrete slab with a hatch. In each of these cases, thermal insulation is required. You can place the main cover area below the top line of the ground. Outside, there will be only a hatch.

Choice of equipment

oil rigging

As the main equipment for tyingwell pump projected. Without it, water will not flow into the pipeline. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the well and determine the loads, so that the device is able to cope with the tasks. Among the main parameters of choice should be:

  • performance;
  • debit wells;
  • automation;
  • diameter of the well;
  • head;
  • purity of water.

As for productivity, itis determined taking into account the requirements for water. This figure is important to know as accurately as possible, because the power of the pump depends on the cost. To the need should be added 20%. This is necessary for the reason that at times water is required in a larger volume, among other things, the pump should not work at the limit.

When determining the debit of a well, you should take into account thatThe productivity of the equipment is selected taking into account the amount of water that a well can provide. If there the water comes very slowly, then in the acquisition of a powerful pump there is no sense. It is desirable that it has automatic control for autonomous shutdown, when water in the well ends. When working on a dry device, it can burn.

The scheme of tying the well to water is presented inarticle. Among other things, when selecting equipment, you must consider the diameter of the well for normal operation of the pump. Its diameter should be at least 1 cm smaller than the casing. One of the important characteristics is the head. He indicates to what height the unit will be able to raise water.

In the calculations it should be taken into account that to the depthWells need to add the length of the aqueduct. Pay attention also to the purity of the water. The pump must be designed to contain fine sand in the liquid. If this feature is not provided, then the device will quickly fail.

The outflow of the mouth and its scheme

tying of gas wells

The well head piping scheme is used forwork on sources with reservoir pressure that does not exceed hydrostatic pressure. At the same time, there is a possibility of oil and gas production. When using a universal mouth sealer through pipes, a shut-off arrangement is used to eliminate oil and gas manifestations. It has special requirements, among them:

  • the ball valve must be in the open position;
  • the parameters of the remote nozzle are determined in such a way that the circular groove of the coupling is at the shutter level;
  • The crane is closed only after closing the valve plugs.

The above scheme is used in works,which are directed to current and major repairs, as well as the development of wells with reservoir pressure, which may exceed or equal to hydrostatic pressure.

Oil well and features of its strapping

tying the well with your own hands

The piping of an oil well is part of theThe fountain armature, which is located on a column harness. It is designed for one or two downhole pipelines, control and monitoring of the flow of the medium in the intertube space. The upper end of the downhole pipeline is fixed in the coil, which is located on the pipe head.

The output of the Christmas tree is carried out onworking pressure in the range from 14 to 140 MPa. In this case, the cross-section of the trunk can be equal to a digit from 50 to 150 mm. Fountain Christmas tree can have a design in the form of tees or crosses. These parameters are determined by rows of pipes that go downhole. In addition, the system is equipped with cranes or latches.

Gas wells and features of their piping

The piping of gas wells is necessary for connectingwith collection collectors. Nodes and blocks are used to perform technological operations in field development. Tying is not only a set of works, but also a set of assembly units, which involves welded structures with counter flanges, tees and bends, as well as fittings and adapters.

The quality of connections at the same time is increased byworks on welding, which does not destroy the seams and assumes a quality that could be obtained in the factory. The nominal passage can vary from 50 to 100 mm, while the working pressure is 14-35 MPa.


For tying the well can be usedThe caisson, which is the same pit, but manufactured in the factory. In many cases, this method is most preferable. It can be made of different materials, for example metal or plastic. The caisson has undeniable advantages over other ways of tying. First, it is completely sealed. Secondly, it's easier to install. Thirdly, the caisson can have almost any size, so the parameters can be selected with regard to the equipment being installed. If the level of groundwater in the area exceeds 3 m, then a sealed caisson should be installed necessarily when tying the well.

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