/ / Myrtle Tree How to Care for the Miracle of Nature?

Myrtle Tree How to Care for the Miracle of Nature?

The tree of the Myrtle family is an amazing anda completely unique plant - familiar to people for a long time. Even there is an ancient legend saying that the myrtle tree brought with it Adam from Paradise. Myrtle tree is a symbol of purity and purity, therefore it is customary to give it to the bride's wedding as a wish for a happy and quite happy marriage.

In the old days myrtle was valued for its stunningdecorative properties, but not only. This magnificent shrub was appreciated for its medicinal qualities. The word "myrtle" in Greek means "balm", and the leathery leaves of the amazing shrub are extremely rich in essential oils, which are very widely used for a long time using cooking, cosmetology and medicine. Very popular spice cloves, for example, are also obtained from one of the myrtle varieties. Even the very fragrance of this beautiful shrub destroys germs, so that in the room where it grows, the atmosphere is healthy and even healing.

For ornamental purposes, the most common myrtle is used, which in everyday life is called the myrtle tree, as we look at it now.

So, an ordinary myrtle is a smallan evergreen tree of the Myrtian family, reaching a height of one meter or slightly larger, with small leaves and single white or with a slightly pinkish tinge, which can be either simple or terry. In the conditions of the room, a myrtle tree, how to take care of which, we now disassemble, usually blossoms for the fourth or fifth year. Crohne myrtle can be given any shape, as the plant itself tolerates such a difficult operation for garden crops as cropping.

Myrtle tree symbol of love, purity andpurity, occurs their subtropics. This means that in the room where it grows, for normal development of the myrtle it is necessary to provide increased humidity, and its leaves should be regularly sprayed with water. For irrigation, however, it is necessary to use exclusively soft water, for which water must first be well settled, so that the salts contained in it are settled. The use of a water filter can not give a tangible benefit.

It can not be called a whimsical shrubMyrtle tree How to care for him is, as we see, not a particularly complicated procedure. Since myrtle can not be called a fully domestic plant, this decorative shrub requires a certain care both in winter and in summer.

Myrtle tree how to care for it in a warmseason? A characteristic feature of the microclimate that is most suitable for myrtle at home in spring, summer and autumn is the maintenance of a moderate temperature regime - no higher than 23 degrees Celsius, the light should be bright, and a small amount of direct sun rays will not harm at all. However, during the midday heat the plant needs to be slightly shaded, otherwise the myrtle will suffer from heat.

Best of all (and this is a characteristic featureshrub) myrtle develops in the open fresh air. Therefore, with the onset of summer, it is best to take it out on a balcony, a terrace or put it in the garden, if such an opportunity exists.
Watering a myrtle tree is necessary regularly, but not abundantly, but it is necessary to cut or transplant it in the spring and not more often once a year.

In winter, myrtle needs complete rest. Watering almost completely stop, but you need to make sure that the land in the vessel does not dry out. The bush itself should be in a cool place at a temperature of about eight degrees Celsius. Increased air temperature can lead to loss of leaves.

If this did happen, you do not need to despair- in the spring the leaves will grow back and the myrtle tree, as we already know well, will rejoice again with its cheerful and healthy appearance.

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