/ / Connecting the toilet to the sewer. The scheme of installation of a toilet bowl

Connecting the toilet to the sewer. The scheme of installation of a toilet bowl

Connecting the toilet to the sewer system with your own hands -the procedure is not at all as complex as it might seem at first glance. When you do it, you need to do just three things correctly: give stability to the toilet itself, connect the outlet to the sewer and connect the water pipe to the drain tank. Suspended plumbing fixtures are installed a little differently - on the frame. However, this work is also quite feasible and without the involvement of specialists.

New plumbing: toilet installation

Installation of purchased plumbing is done in several stages:

  • Old equipment is being dismantled - the tank and the actual "seat" itself.
  • If necessary, the board is changed.
  • A new toilet is installed. At the same time, the connection to the sewage system is performed.
  • The tank is mounted and connected to the water supply.

connection of a toilet bowl to the sewage system

Preparatory work

Before embarking on such aoperations, such as installing and connecting the toilet to the sewer, you should prepare the bathroom itself. Previously, it is necessary to take out all the furnishings that might interfere with the installation work. Also, to prevent water leaks and flooding neighbors, common cranes overlap.

Dismantling of the old tank

First of all, turn off the draincapacity from a water pipe. Usually the tanks are connected to it by a flexible metal hose. If there is a valve on the branch from the pipe to the drain tank, it should also be closed. Then unscrew the nut, fixing the hose to the water supply, and then the nut of the fastening to the nozzle of the tank.

How to remove an old toilet bowl

After the tank is turned off, proceed to thedismantling the plumbing fixture. Pre-release the old toilet bowl disconnected from the branch pipe branch of the sewer pipe. The method of dismantling depends on which method was used for fixing. This can be connecting the toilet to the sewer with a corrugation or a box. In any case, difficulties with their dismantling should arise.

On the sides of the bottom of the toilet there are two holes,from which you need to unscrew the bolts. After the equipment is disconnected, it is set aside and the condition of the mortgage board is checked. If it is damaged or rotten, replace it. For this, the old board is removed and discarded. The niche is carefully cleaned, if necessary expanded, poured with a cement mixture and pressed into it a new board, corresponding to the size of the "legs" and the base of the toilet bowl.

In the event that the floor in the bathroom is tiled, and under the old, and under the new plumbing fixtures, it is worthwhile to put a rag (so as not to scratch the cover).

Toilet bowl installation: instruction

After the old equipment will bedismantled, proceed to install a new one. In the mortgage board drill holes - at a distance corresponding to the holes under the fasteners in the bottom of the toilet.

The plumbing device is placed on it andscrew with long screws. Holes in the board should have a diameter slightly smaller than that of the rods. Screws of screws can be covered with special plastic or steel decorative pads.

how to connect the toilet bowl to the sewer

Basic rules for connecting to a sewage pipe

At the moment, only threeTypes of toilet bowls: with horizontal outlet, oblique and vertical. The bell flare from the riser in ordinary urban flats usually comes out at an angle. Connection of the toilet bowl to the sewer is made depending on the type of its outlet and the position of the branch pipe of the drain pipe. In this case, various elements are used as adapters: cuffs, branch pipes or corrugations.

Rules for installing instruments with an outlet at an angle and horizontal

Since the toilet bowls with horizontal outlet oroblique are used most often, we will consider the scheme of their connection in more detail. If the outlet of the bowl and the socket of the pipe are coaxial, plastic connections are used for the connection. In the case of small inconsistencies, eccentric cuffs are used. Minor discrepancies are usually caused by the displacement of the toilet when attached to a board or tile. For serious deviations, corrugation is used.

Preliminarily, as already mentioned, theinstallation of a toilet bowl (with oblique release or with horizontal) on the mortgage board. Then proceed to the actual connection. The output itself is smeared with a surrey and wrapped with a resin strand so that its end is 0.5-1 cm long from the outside. If it is poured into it, it can become an additional cause of blockages later on. Then the connecting element - corrugation or coupling - is put on top. The opposite end is greased with a sealant and inserted into the socket of the sewer pipe.

Functional Testing

Further, regardless of whether thethe connection of the toilet bowl to the sewer with a corrugated pipe, a cuff or a branch pipe, the drain is checked for leaks. It's very easy to do this. It is necessary to pour the water into the bucket (since the cold tap is closed, it is possible and hot, but it is better to do it in advance) and gently pour it into the toilet, while watching whether there are any places connecting the outlet and the socket leakage. If everything is done correctly, such a problem will hardly arise.

Use the toilet can really start no earlier than 4 days. It is such a period of time that sealant is necessary for final hardening.

Connecting the tank to the water supply

So, how to connect the toilet bowl to the sewer, weyou found out. After this procedure is completed, proceed to install the drain tank. It is fixed according to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer to the plumbing fixture itself. At the next stage, you will need to connect the tank to the water supply. In this case, everything is simple. For connection, an old hose can be used, by screwing it to the drain tank and draining the cold water pipe.

connection of the toilet bowl to the sewer system

Tighten the nuts tightly, but do not tryto break the thread. Both for dismantling and for installation, a simple wrench is usually used. After the hose is screwed, open the water and check the connection points for leaks. If any, it is most likely in the old hose. It will simply need to be replaced, it's worth it inexpensively.

Installation of a toilet without a board

Sometimes the toilet is not installed on the board, but directlyon the tile. In this case, holes in the fasteners are simply drilled in it. Next, a linoleum liner cut from the base of the toilet bowl is laid on top. The latter should be glued to the floor on the sealant. However, after the device is similarly installed, it must be seated and rocked. If it is unstable, the tile underneath it will still have to be removed and a wooden, level base installed. Connecting the toilet to the sewer in this case is carried out in the usual manner.

sewage pipes

Suspended plumbing

Recently, many apartment ownersprefer to install in the bathrooms models that are not attached to the floor, but to the wall. Such toilet bowls look more stylish and modern than ordinary ones. In addition, this solution makes it easier to clean the toilet. In this case, the hostess does not need to wash the toilet leg and its base. It's enough just to wipe the floor under it.

Of course, connect the toilet to the riser with the usualway in this case does not work. All pipes for sewerage will be clearly visible, which is extremely unaesthetic. Therefore, the hanging toilet bowl is hung on a special steel frame. Next, they carry out the padding and frame the frame with gypsum boards, thus arranging a false wall covering all communications.

toilet bowl connection with sewerage

Assembly diagram

Well, now let's take a closer look,how to connect the toilet to the sewer. Frames for such plumbing fixtures are sold separately. In their design, special brackets and screws are provided, through which the position of the frame on the wall and on the floor can be adjusted. In another way, the frame is also called "installation".

So, the scheme of installation of a toilet bowl in this case is those:

  • The drain tank is attached to the frame.
  • The marking under the frame is in progress. Usually it is fixed in two places on the wall and in two - to the floor.
  • The tank is connected to the water supply.
  • Next, the frame is fastened with the verification of its horizontality and verticality according to the level.
  • Mounted decorative box of plasterboard sheets.
  • The toilet itself is installed.
  • The drain is being assembled.

Basic rules for installing the frame

Before fixing the frame, check that it is correctHave you hung the tank. In the end, the drain button should be located at an altitude of about 98.5-100 cm above the floor level. The toilet itself, which will be installed later, is at a height of 40-42 cm. The sewage pipe is approximately 20 cm. You can also select the desired position after installation, by adjusting the screws securing to the floor.

To the wall, fixing is done so that there is a small gap between it and the drain tank (about 1.5 cm).

toilet seat installation instructions

Water connection

This procedure is no different from the installationconventional toilet bowls. The only thing - flexible metal hoses in this case is not recommended. The fact is that they quite often fail. If it is a question of an ordinary tank, it will not be difficult to replace it. However, it is very difficult to remove the hose from under the false wall behind the hanging toilet. Therefore, in this case it is better to use the piping from a piece of plastic pipe. The design of the overflow toilet bowls is usually such that you can connect it if desired, both from above and from the side.

Before beginning the plating of the frame with gypsum boards, it is also necessary to fit the sewage pipes (branch pipe) to the toilet outlet - by means of the same nozzle or, at the very least, the couplings.

Gypsum boardboarding

Before installing the decorative box to the framescrewed pins, which in the future will need to attach the toilet itself. To make the base of the false wall, it is necessary to use a moisture-resistant plasterboard with a thickness of at least 1 cm. When cutting it, it is necessary to provide holes for the drain button, corrugation and pipes. On top of the box usually trim with ceramic tiles.

Installing the toilet bowl

You can not mount the plumbing device yourself.earlier than two weeks after the tile has been laid. The output of the toilet bowl is fastened to the socket of the sewer pipe with a branch pipe. The very same "seat" is pulled together by nuts on the pins. The joint between it and the tile of the false wall is smeared with silicone sealant.

toilet circuit

At the final stage, drain the water to check the connection of the toilet bowl to the sewer system for leaks. At this work on the installation of sanitary ware can be considered complete.

As you can see, the procedure for installing the toilet bowlis quite simple. After starting the assembly, you will see for yourself. The main thing is to carefully seal all joints and prevent leakage through a pipe or a drain hose. Of course, and the toilet itself, in the event that it is floor, should stand smoothly, not swinging.

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