/ / Heater for the kettle: which heating element is better

Tehn for kettle: which heating element is better

The high popularity of electric kettles is explainedsimplicity and convenience in operation. The time of boiling water in such a device is much less than in an ordinary teapot. And all this thanks to the presence of a special water heating element located in the bottom of the electric kettle - TEN.

Peculiarities of heaters

The manufacturer offers the buyer to buy a heater for a kettle of these types:

  • spiral;
  • disk.

The principle of the spiral is practically the same as the well-known boiler. The only difference is the location of the spiral: in the electric kettle it is placed parallel to the bottom of the tank.

Ten for a teapot

The disk heater for the kettle is located on the bottomtanks for water heating. Consequently, the heating area of ​​the disc heater is much larger. Water boils at times more likely than in a teapot, at the bottom of which a spiral is placed. This feature makes the device, in which a disc heater for the kettle is installed, is more preferable when choosing.

Ten for a teapot


Due to its special features for the kettleThe disc can heat even a glass of water in less than a minute, while a device with a spiral heater is not suitable for this mode of operation, because the spiral TEN should be completely immersed in the liquid.

Because of poor-quality water in the kettles is formedscale. It is impossible to get rid of this phenomenon. The frequency with which the scale will form within the kettle, and how often you need to clean it, depends on several factors: the quality of the water and the coating of the container into which it is poured. Heating devices, which are based on a disc heater, are much easier to clean.

If the heating element for the kettle is burned out - throw it away and get a new one, as the heating elements placed in electric kettles are not subject to repair and restoration.

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