/ / Honey wrap at home

Honey wrap at home

Honey wrap at home

Be slim

At present, a large number ofways to help us to become slimmer. All sorts of diets, manual and vacuum massages and wraps, various injections and electro procedures have been developed. And the wrap is one of the most effective ways to correct your figure, make it more slender and smart. For wrapping, we use algae, clay, mud, acids, essential oils, chocolate, honey. Let us dwell on the honey wrap. Many prefer to make a honey wrap at home, firstly: it's much cheaper than in the salon, and secondly: you do not have to adjust to the master's work schedule.

Properties of honey

Honey is rich in vitamins, amino acids, macro- andmicroelements, during the wrapping procedure, these substances enter the skin, nourishing, moisturizing and softening it. It also helps to get rid of excess fluid, toxins and toxins, increases immunity, prolongs youthful skin and stimulates metabolism.

How to make a honey wrap in your home

Honey wrap at homeis quite simple. Enough to devote yourself a little time. The main thing is regularity, since it is necessary to repeat the procedure 10-14 times in a day or two to get a better effect. Honey wrapping at home will not only allow you to get rid of excess weight and hated cellulite, but will also tighten your skin, so losing weight will go gradually without the appearance of unpleasant stretch marks and folds on the skin, and the skin itself will become supple and silky to the touch, and the effect achieved will remain with you for a long time.

Honey wrapping at home can be done using one of the suggested options:

1. 10-15 tbsp. l. Heat honey on a steam bath until warm (not hot) condition. Apply to the skin, wrap with a film and a warm blanket for 1 hour.

2. 4 tablespoons. mustard (powder) mix with 4 tbsp. honey. To put the received structure, to cover with a film and a blanket for 20-30 minutes.

3. Honey, 5 drops of citrus juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit), 3 drops of lavender oil thoroughly mix. Spread the resulting composition on the body and sit for 10-15 minutes.

4. In honey, add 2-5 drops of essential (orange, lemon, grapefruit) oil.

5. Honey mixed with vodka. Apply the resulting liquid gruel to the problem areas, and within 5-10 clap. Then wrap around the film, wear warm pants.

6. Mix 200 g of honey with 3 tbsp. apple cider vinegar. With sensitive skin, you can dilute the vinegar with a little water.

7. 5 tablespoons. milk (cream), a little warm water and 10 tbsp. Honey mix thoroughly, and apply the resulting mixture to problem areas, wrap in film and blanket for 20 minutes, then rinse the composition off the skin and apply the cream.

Before wrapping it is desirable to thoroughly cleanskin, washing with soap and processed with a scrub, or a well boiled in a bath. After applying the honey composition, you can not wrap yourself in a blanket, and put warm tight pants over the film and move 30-120 minutes. But still it's better if during the wrapping procedure you will rest, listening to pleasant quiet music. After such a procedure, you will feel not only much more harmonious, but also rested. After the end of the wrap, rinse the formula and apply a moisturizing cream to the skin. Within 1 hour before and after wrapping is not recommended to eat food, if you want, drink a glass of water or unsweetened green tea.

Honey wrap at home hastheir contraindications, which harm cardiovascular and gynecological diseases, hypertension, varicose veins, diabetes, skin damage, pregnancy and allergy to bee products.

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