/ / Do I need to cut roses for winter - expert advice?

Is it necessary to cut roses for the winter - advice of specialists

whether it is necessary to cut roses for the winter

Every gardener with many years of practicedevelops its methods of protecting the rose from the winter cold - the period when the plant enters the phase of sleep. Important moments - hardening roses, as well as understanding when to cut roses. If your beautiful bush pleases with healthy foliage, the absence of disease, pests - then you really cared for your plant, and it has accumulated a large supply of carbohydrates. That's it they give the rose the basic forces to bear the lack of sun rays and the cold itself.

When frosts come to -8 degrees Celsius,the plant loses moisture, and all carbohydrates are converted to fats and sugars, which protect against freezing. And this stage is extremely important for roses to pass, so that their protective internal mechanism begins to work before the bushes are wrapped up in real frosts.

Pruning plants in summer: the consequences

If in the summer you often had to docut long and overgrown with shoots, so the rose is weakened. Move the winter will be hard for plants that are planted in a draft or in the shade, as the entire process of accumulation of the carbohydrates they need is slowed. And yet the weather can ruin the preparation of roses for its unexpected thaw, which can suddenly come after long, severe frosts. At such times, the flower will start to grow and spend all the stored carbohydrates, and with the onset of recurrent cold weather the chances of surviving become very small.

when to cut roses for the winter

Is it necessary to cut roses for the winter?

Pruning roses depends on the species. All procedures with the preparation of a bush for the winter affect the question of whether it is necessary to cut roses for the winter. These works are produced in autumn, in order to prepare flowers for shelter. But many species do not need pruning: such as a park rose and numerous hybrids, carry the cold without shelter.

when to cut roses

So, when to cut roses for the winter and how is itdo, depends only on their kind. Large-flowered roses and shrubs, which bloom repeatedly, are shortened by one-third of the shoots that grew during the summer. Scantling small-flowered roses do not undercut, but simply pinch the point of growth, the procedure is done in the first decade of September. Thus, the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to cut roses for the winter is clear: the characteristics of different plant species need to be taken into account. Miniature, polyanthus, tea-hybrid and floribunda shorten only half. Also, do not forget about the breakage of the leaves, but if you did not do it in advance, then you can do everything before the shelter. Leaves must be removed necessarily, since with them the bush will continue its vital activity - to allocate moisture and breathe.

The presence of moisture can lead to a processdecay of leaves, stems, resulting in an excellent source of fungal diseases. In order not to spread diseases and pests, all cut leaves should be removed and burned. To strengthen the bushes can be treated with 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid.

Before wrapping, also all the shoots that youconsidered weak or that look sick, it is necessary to remove, since they are unlikely to survive the winter and can cause infection of the whole bush. Is it necessary to cut roses for the winter? After reading the above tips, everyone can make a conclusion for themselves and do the right thing.

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