/ / How to keep a mimosa longer - a lovely yellow flower

How long to keep the mimosa - a lovely yellow flower

In France, in Cannes, the mimosa festival takes place annually. It has long been believed that in 1880 it was there that for the first time appeared an exotic with a charming smell of mimosa, which came from Australia.

How to save the mimosa longer
Since then, beautiful delicate plantscover the vast hills on the coast between Cannes and Nice. Every year during the beginning of the mimosa bloom, which means the end of winter, France organizes a holiday with a grandiose flower parade.

Mimosa (Mimosa shy)

How longer to keep the mimosa - a lovely yellow flower, which the beloved person gave from the heart? This question worries many women.

In our country, since the Soviet times, mimosa was a harbinger of spring. With these flowers, men presented their beloved women to the bright women's holiday on March 8.

How to keep the mimosa longer
This beautiful amazing fragrant flower has the ability to maintain its sweet fluffiness and gentle look for a long time. From it emanates a light and delicate fragrance.

The question arises: how longer to keep the mimosa - this amazing exotic spring flower?

Care for mimosa

Here are some practical recommendations that will prompt how to keep the mimosa longer in the vase:

  • First of all, that the buds onbranches, they blossomed faster, it was necessary to break the stem at the end of the branch and put it in hot water, while constantly sprinkling the inflorescences themselves with the cool water that had stood by. Thanks to the instant heating, the unopened buds swell and blossom beautifully.
  • Mimosa does not tolerate dry air. To keep it fluffy, it is necessary to maintain the humidity in the room. To do this, you can use a normal air humidifier. If this is not possible, you can hold the stems above the steam at the first appearance of dry flowers. This will restore the plant.
  • The water in the vase, in which there is a bouquet of mimosa,it is necessary as often as possible to change, since the flower is constantly allocated protective milk fluid, folding in water. This should be done once in two days, if the bouquet is not very large, otherwise - once a day.

How long to keep the mimosa in the vase

How to save a mimosa longer: additional tips for flower care

Cut flowers preferably at dawn or early in the morning. If the plants are not placed immediately in the vase, the stem of the mimosa needs to be cut longer.

Flowers for a bouquet to cut off after preliminarywatering for a few days. Cut plants already for the vase, preferably under a stream of water to avoid the formation of air congestion, so that the plant can freely absorb the necessary amount of water from the vase.

How to save the mimosa longer? There are many ways. Here is one of the methods of preserving the ornamentality of the mimosa for about 6 days. You can put the plant in warm water (up to 39 degrees.), Previously adding a few drops of acetic essence. Then make a new branch on the branch, crush its tip and put it back into the water.

I want so much that my favorite yellow flowers preserve beauty as long as possible! How much longer to keep the mimosa fresh, how else can you extend her life after cutting?

And for this plant you can use another known traditional method, used for almost all colors, - add aspirin to the water.

Mimosa is able to stand cut off even for several months, demonstrating all its amazing endurance and immeasurable craving for life, like all life on Earth.

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