/ / Bork Teapot: price, customer reviews

Kettle Bork: price, customer reviews

It is unlikely that at least one person on our planet canimagine the kitchen without a kettle. But such a simple, seemingly, subject requires careful study before buying. In addition, the assortment of modern stores often puzzles. And therefore, it is necessary, at least, to rely on the proven products of well-known manufacturers. These include, in particular, electric kettles Bork.

Boiling point: Bork teapots

In order to choose a reliable and qualitativetechnique, which will last a long time without interruptions and negative moments, you need to thoroughly prepare: to study the basic parameters and characteristics, price offers and analog products. Teapot, the price of which can both please, and plunge into horror, can differ in the type of heating element, types of materials used. Affects the cost of design, appearance, additional functions.

The Bork teapot is the subject of technology that combines refined style, modern controls, quality materials and safety in operation.

Varieties and main differences

Bork electric kettles are represented by manymodels, but the most popular, deserving of the greatest attention, are k800 and its modifications in other colors, k711, k700, k503, k515, and also one of the newest - k810.

kettle bork
Models k500-503 combine the traditionalshape, quality materials and ensuring safe operation of the device. The volume of this kettle is 1.7 liters. Has a mechanical control, diode illumination of the water level, sound signals at the end of the boiling mode, the function of blocking the supply of current with insufficient water, and the possibility of turning on the contact base by 360º.

electric kettles bork
Models 700, 701, 702, unlike the seriesk500-503, have a more modern elongated shape, noiseless boiling, shutdown indication, and safe shutdown if there is not enough water in the tank. In these teapots, special diffusers have appeared, the function of which is to provide a noiseless boiling. The principal difference between the models 700, 701 and 702 is in the color of the case.

kettle kork k800
Kettle Bork k800 and k810 significantly differfrom each other. The first model is a stylish device, which is designed for a volume of 1.7 liters, has five different temperature modes of operation, differing depending on the drink: coffee, black or green tea and others. Also in this kettle there is a function of maintaining a constant temperature and an annular diffuser, which ensures quiet operation.

Model k800 can be selected in different colors, which will help you to choose a teapot for the design of your kitchen.

kettle bork reviews
The kettle Bork k810 differs, in the first place,presence of a control panel and a basket for welding. This device can rightly be called "smart", as brewing tea will happen completely without your participation. You only need to press the start button and select the mode, everything else will make the kettle by yourself.

Main characteristics

First of all, it should be noted that any kettleBork is equipped with sound indication of water heating, and in the model k810 the sound signal notifies about the moment of boiling or heating, but about when the tea was brewed. Also, the latest model boasts a delayed start function, i.e. you can program the kettle in the evening, so that he turned up at 7 am and brewed fresh tea.

A peculiar control panel, which can be seen on the bottom of the teapots of the latest models, is easy to use.

teapots price
Also a peculiar zest of teapots of this company -The presence of an annular diffuser, which ensures a quiet operation of the device. Although the old models still work quite noisy, the new ones will be pleased with the quiet work. The only thing that you will hear is the sound signals about the readiness of tea.

Safety as one of the main parameters

In the modern world, security is an important criterion in the choice of any technique. Especially this issue is relevant if the house has small children who can inadvertently include an empty kettle.

It should be noted that all models of Bork teapots, even the oldest, are equipped with a special system that will not allow the kettle to turn on if there is not enough water in it.


Buyers who already have time to appreciateTeapots of this company, as a whole are happy with purchase. Kettle Bork, reviews about which are generally positive, stands out for its perfect design, quiet operation, a variety of temperature modes and additional functions.

The positive aspects that customers identified in the latest models of this company's teapots are:

  • quiet operation of the device;
  • case material - stainless steel (except for the k810 model), this already speaks of the longevity and reliability of the device;
  • The presence of a filter that does not allow the possibility of scaling to get into the cup;
  • technology of smooth opening / closing the lid;
  • presence of several temperature regimes;
  • the presence of sound signals about the heating of water;
  • the ability to maintain water temperature, automatic maintenance is activated immediately after heating the water, and after a while it can be turned on manually;
  • in the latest models there is no need to select the mode each time: the kettle automatically remembers the last mode and can repeat it;
  • The lid opens incredibly smoothly, which eliminates the possibility of a burn with hot steam or droplets of boiling water.


Since all items, even those withfirst glance are perfect, have drawbacks, the Bork teapot also has several disadvantages. To someone they seem unprincipled. No, I should just say that the company Bork produces wonderful and quality teapots. The price is what is bothering some buyers. The cost of the device is quite high, depending on the store, it ranges from 12 to 14 thousand rubles, but you have to pay for quality.

Also, according to some hostesses, metalthe body is both a positive side and a negative one, because it constantly collects fingerprints on itself. The problem is not so serious, and the prints can be easily erased with a napkin, but it is still considered a disadvantage. Also, the metal casing during the boiling of water is substantially heated. Therefore, you need to wean yourself and others around the kettle with your hands.

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