/ How many watts does the refrigerator use per day, per month?

How many watts does the refrigerator use per day, per month?

A modern man's dwelling is simply stuffedvarious devices, without which it is now difficult to imagine everyday life. All these devices consume quite a lot of electricity. Because of the large size of the device, the first suspicion about what kind of household appliances takes so much money from the family budget falls on the refrigerator. Modern devices of this type perform many functions. Without them, the kitchen will not be itself. How many watts a refrigerator consumes, everyone should know. After all, this indicator largely depends on the conditions of operation of machinery. How to reduce the consumption of watts of energy of the refrigerator per day, will be considered further.

The concept of electricity

If you do not go into physical terms, you canto say that electricity is a commodity that owners buy for the operation of their household appliances. When selling to the consumer, this consumable is calculated in kilowatt-hours.

But in the technical passport of a refrigerator, a kettle,washing machine and other household helpers indicate the amount of watts consumed by them per hour, excluding the mode of their operation. But to calculate how much electricity it took to spend on their work, you need to consider these specific costs.

How many watts does the refrigerator consume

How many watts does the refrigerator consume per hour, per dayor a month, can not be calculated, based only on information from the technical passport. This indicator is important for arranging the wiring of the appropriate power. But consumption shows exactly the electric counter.

After all, everyone will agree that when you startThe unit consumes more watt than in the motor rest mode. It should also be noted that the refrigerator, for example, "Indesit" consumes a quantity of watts different from the brand "Atlant". Therefore, such an easy, at first glance, question can be somewhat more complicated. But realizing that it affects, you can reasonably reduce electricity consumption.


Half a century ago, citizens of our country did notthought so much about the need for savings. After all, at that time, firstly, there were not so many electrical household appliances, and secondly, electricity cost a penny. The family budget almost did not feel the costs that went to pay utility bills.

If another 30 years ago, almost no one was interested in how much a refrigerator consumes a watt per month, today this issue has become topical.

How many watts does the refrigerator consume per hour

According to statistics, householdsconsume 29% of the country's total electricity. More this figure is only in industry (31%). A home refrigerator is always included in the network. Therefore, it occupies one of the first places in the list of monthly expenses.

Statistics of German sociologists say thatin a family that uses household appliances such as a washing machine, a dishwasher, a vacuum cleaner, an iron, an electric kettle, an electric stove, a refrigerator, 30% of all resources are consumed. According to this indicator, the technique takes the first place. The costs for hot water (14%) and electric stove (11%) are slightly less defined. If the house does not have any of the above devices, the share of the refrigerator in the consumption of kilowatt-hours will be even higher.

Energy efficiency class

Based on statistical data, the question is how muchWatt consumes a refrigerator per day, not only households are interested, but also the highest authorities. Indeed, the reduction of such costs will lead everywhere to significant savings in resources.

The European authorities issued a law that obligesall manufacturers of overall household appliances indicate the energy consumption class of the device. So the buyer will be able to navigate with the purchase and in his choice to give priority to economical devices.

How many watts does the refrigerator consume at start-up?

There are energy efficiency classes thatare denoted by large Latin letters from A to G. The first three letters are the most profitable devices. The basis of this method is the definition of the index, calculated in percent. To this end, manufacturers divide the actual annual consumption of the device by the average for the same technique.

How much does the refrigerator consume?

Today, producers are obliged to indicate a similarinformation in the passport attached to their offspring when buying. There it is described in detail how the calculations are made. Therefore, wondering how many watts a refrigerator consumes per hour, you should first look at the technical documentation of the unit.

Currently available for saleequipment that uses 230-460 kilowatts per year for its operation under continuous operation. Approximate daily intake is obtained by dividing these figures by 365 days. The end result will be in the range from 64 to 120 watts per day.

How many watts does the refrigerator consume

However, it should be remembered that in case of improper operation, even a class A refrigerator can use up to 550 kilowatts per year. To reduce this figure, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of factors.

Freezing power of the device

For the annual amount of resources spent onmaintenance of the refrigerator, affects the power of freezing. It makes it clear how much a particular unit can freeze products per day with an average electricity consumption. The more this indicator, the more you will have to pay at the end of the month on bills.

For example, to understand how many watts consumesrefrigerator "Indesit", you should compare its capacity of freezing with other manufacturers of similar equipment. This household appliance has a frost capacity of 30 kg / day. Is it a lot or a little? The answer to this question can be given by carefully studying the technique of the company's nearest competitors.

How many watts does the Atlant

So, LG has a refrigerator with similarindicators can be cooled to -18 degrees 17 kg / day. This is almost 2 times less than that of the "Indesite". But if the refrigerator is designed for a large family, the speed of freezing is important in the preservation of products. You need to pay for comfort.

Effect of temperature

To calculate, for example, how many wattsconsumes the refrigerator "Atlant", it is necessary to take into account the influence of temperature on the operation of such equipment. There are entire scientific branches that study the consumption of electricity by household appliances. Scientists conducted a series of experiments and studies. As a result, they succeeded in establishing the following.

If the temperature in the room, where is locatedrefrigerator is only 16 degrees, reducing the cost of the family budget for this item will be 50% (1.5 times). With increasing temperature to +30 degrees, costs are increased by 100%.

A few tips

Do not think that an empty refrigerator spendsless electricity. Conversely, when the load is low, stability is affected, the device will be turned on more often. Especially it concerns the freezer. It needs to be filled in completely, but not tightly. There must be room for circulation of air in it.

how many watts a refrigerator consumes per day

Also, the cold lost inside the chambers is necessarily restored. How many watts the refrigerator consumes at start-up, as much as it consumes during engine operation.

When the door is opened, a warmwet air. With it, the device will fight for the next few minutes, increasing resource consumption. Therefore, it is not recommended to put warm food in it or leave compote or jelly without a lid. Increasing the humidity level also leads to increased consumption.

Quality of the refrigerator

When purchasing a new refrigerator, you should pay attention to all the above tips. Cheap varieties will later lure money out of their owners' pockets for their services.

how much does a refrigerator a watt per month

At inexpensive units sometimes wear out quicklyseals on the doors, and the class of their energy consumption will be quite uneconomical. How many watts a refrigerator consumes this quality, even experts will not say. One thing is for sure: it will turn out to be a significant expense for its owners. Therefore, it is better not to save on quality.

Answering the question of how many watts consumesrefrigerator, which affects this, you can optimize the costs of the family budget without compromising the comfortable use of household appliances. Come to the choice of home appliances with the mind!

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