/ How to plant pineapple at home. Tips for growing exotic fruits

How to plant pineapple at home. Tips for growing exotic fruits

Growing unusual plants - veryA fascinating occupation, distracting from daily hustle and bustle. In fact, exotic plants in the near future give fruits quite rarely. From the seed of lemon, you can harvest the first crop only 15 years after planting. Will you wait? From the seed of a banana, you can get a fruit in a year, but the survival rate of seeds does not exceed 10% of the total. It's a matter of planting a pineapple. At home it is not difficult to grow this plant and it is very real. Let's talk about how to properly plant a pineapple and grow real fruits.

Pineapple is a long-term heat and light-lovinga plant resistant to drought. Starting clean pineapple, we usually first of all cut off and sent to the box top of his head, but in vain. With regular consumption of this fruit, it is not difficult to acquire your own small plantation. When you learn how to plant a pineapple, you will be pleasantly surprised by how simple it is. Of course, the result is not always guaranteed, but it's worth a try.

To plant pineapple at home is easiest of the cut offgreen outlet. Cut it at the base of the fruit, preferably without pulp. Wash the outlet in a solution of potassium permanganate (weak), then sprinkle with crushed charcoal (activated carbon tablets) or ash. After this procedure, the surface should be dried for about 5-6 hours in the open air, and then planted in a small pot (0.6 liters). At the bottom of the pot, drainage should be laid, which is filled with a loose earth mixture, which includes soddy earth, foliar sheet, sand, peat in a ratio of 1: 2: 1: 1. In order to plant a pineapple at home, you need another layer of soil in the pot, which consists of a mixture of sand and sheet humus 1: 1. How to plant pineapple, if the right ingredients are not available? From the problem of mixing can be eliminated by buying a ready-made substrate, intended for bromeliad plants.

Landing begins with the fact that in the earth we do 2centimeter recess with a slightly larger diameter than the size of the cut off socket. The hole must be sprinkled with charcoal. This will prevent the seedling from rotting. Put in the resulting hole socket, sprinkle and tamp the earth lightly. Do not interfere also fix it, since the design is extremely unstable.

Knowing how to plant a pineapple, you can createoptimal conditions for a young plant. However, you can not guarantee that the seedling will survive. Moisten the soil and cover it with transparent polyethylene for best effect. Then put in the place where most of the world. Rooting takes place at a temperature of 24-27 ° C. In winter, it will not be superfluous to place a pot near the battery. It is best if there is a foam under the pot.

If the instructions "how to plant a pineapple properly"you have completed all the points, then in 2 months the cutting will develop the root system and give new leaves. An adult pineapple acquires lateral processes (layers), which can also be successfully rooted in other pots. Thus, you have a chance to grow your own plantation.

Transplantation of pineapple is needed no more than once a year. Since the roots of pineapple are rather short, an adult plant is sufficient for the normal development of a 3-liter pot.

Given our weather conditions and the length of daylight hours, the important issue is no longer "How to plant a pineapple?", But "How to grow it?". The plant needs the following conditions, and no less:

  • The temperature should be at least 25 ° C in the daytime and at least 16 ° C at night. At a constant average temperature of 18 ° C, the plant dies.
  • The roots of pineapple are quite vulnerable. Do not place the pot on a cold window sill.
  • Pour the pineapple need only warmed to 30 ° C water, acidified with lemon juice.
  • It is better to be underfunded than overflow. Overmoistening kills the plant.

If you follow all the points, after 3 years you will get real fruits of exotic wood. Good luck and a good harvest!

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