/ / Cleansing the intestines at home.

Cleansing the intestines at home.

If you feel heaviness in the abdomen, periodic discomfort, bloating, you have a bad appetite and frequent headaches, then you no doubt need to "clean" your body of "slag."

If you want to feel healthy and be cheerful and more cheerful, have a lot of time and like others, then you are also recommended to clean up the intestines.

There are official medical techniques,which are aimed at cleansing the small and large intestines, discharging the liver and pancreas. And you can use the services of professionals, and under their control and supervision to undergo a complete examination and treatment.

However, it is possible (although it is not so effective) to cleanse the intestines at home.

There are a lot of folk methods that have long been used to better feel. But we'll talk about them later.

Now I want to talk about how to clean the intestines at home with the help of cleansing enemas.

To do this, you will need a hot-water bottle asa water tank, a rubber hose and a plastic tip. Water is poured into the heating pad at room temperature, about two liters, then the tip is smeared with petroleum jelly and inserted into the anus. At this it is necessary to lie on the left side, and after all the water goes inside, you need to try to keep it there until the moment when it will be impossible. So spend a course of enemas a few days with interruptions in two or three days. This method (cleaning the intestines at home) is described in all sources as the most effective and effective. Many write that after such a course of treatment they just flit.

However, I can say that this is not exactlya harmless way, like cleaning the intestines at home, as with the periodic "washing" of the intestines, along with the calculous stones and slags, the entire normal intestinal microflora also exits, bacteria are washed out, which actually ensure the normal absorption of nutrients, and permanent trauma to the villi of the intestine flows of water leads to their atrophy and, as a consequence, to disruption of parietal digestion and digestion.

Therefore, dear ladies, if you are using thisby a remarkable method, I highly recommend that after the course of treatment go another course of probiotics and prebiotics to restore the washed microflora for normal functioning of the intestine.

Another common method: purification of the intestines at home, this is the cleansing of the intestines with bran. The course of treatment is carried out a month with an interval of one year. You buy in the store bran, and eat in the morning on an empty stomach two tablespoons, squeezed them with a lot of liquid. It can be water or milk or unsweetened tea. Then at lunch and before dinner fifteen minutes before eating we eat two more spoons of bran. Bran is a coarse fiber, they are not digested, so they pass through the intestines in transit, collecting everything that's been lying there bad. This method, in my opinion, is more loyal and physiological. You need to take care of your body more carefully, otherwise you can make it worse than it was.

Do not forget that, while passing through purificationintestines at home, you need to follow a certain diet. Abstain from floury, fatty fried, pickles and marinades, and, of course, from sweets. Otherwise, what is the use of unloading the intestine, if you are following it again.

In general, doctors recommend thatunloading days, it is not so traumatic for the intestines and almost harmless for the body as a whole. And the results are not worse, unless, of course, adhere to a rational diet on other days. The most common kefir day, apple, watermelon, when you eat only one food in one day.

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