/ / Reinforcement of aerated concrete blocks. Aerated concrete blocks: dimensions and price

Reinforcement of aerated concrete blocks. Aerated concrete blocks: dimensions and price

Many private builders are wondering why it is necessary to reinforce aerated concrete blocks.

The need for reinforcement

First of all, it is necessary to do this in order tothe walls turned out to be more durable, if such manipulations are made, cracks do not appear, in addition, the building will have a longer service life. If the conditions for reinforcing masonry in the construction documentation are not specified, then the location of the reinforcement belt should be determined independently.

In which cases is reinforced aerated concrete masonry

The reinforcement of aerated concrete blocks, as a rule,It is made at laying of deaf walls, overlappings, support zones of crosspieces. Reinforcement of the walls should be done also when the distance between the floors is to be provided by a distance of more than 3 meters. In addition, it is necessary to reinforce the sections of the window sills. In this case, the reinforcement should be located in the grooves, which must be prepared beforehand, while the elements are fixed with a special glue. In order to ensure better sealing and fixing of the reinforcement, a cement-sand mortar must be used. When building buildings from aerocrete blocks, the reinforcement is made in well prepared stitches.

Features of the reinforcement

reinforcement of aerated concrete blocks

Reinforcement of aerated concrete blocks is mandatoryshould be made in strobes. In order to prepare them, you need to use a technology that involves retreating from the edge of the block 60 millimeters. On the perimeter of the bars, the armature must be welded by contact or gas welding.

The most suitable temperature regime, whenwhich should be reinforced, is considered the temperature limit from 5 to 25 degrees. If the temperature is higher, the blocks must first be moistened with water.

Preparation of aerocrete masonry before reinforcement

blocks of aerated concrete dimensions and price

Reinforcement of aerated concrete blocks will not be possibleif you do not prepare some materials and tools, among them you can distinguish: gon, shtroborez, hand saw, building level, mixer, building hair dryer, glue composition or solution. If there is a desire, then instead of the reinforcement one can use the reinforcing cage, which is made of galvanized strips.

Features of reinforcement

production of aerocrete blocks

Blocks aerocrete, the size and price of whichspecified below, should be reinforced by a certain technology. First you need to prepare the rods of the armature, the material itself, which must be stored under the film. Unpacking the pallets is not recommended, since if aerated concrete is exposed to water for a long time, it can become unusable. If in the course of work it is intended to use standard aerated concrete products, the dimensions of which are 600 x 300 x 200 mm, then the consumption per 1 cubic meter will be 28 pieces.

The first row of gas units must be laid on the solution. In the course of work, it is necessary to check the leveling of the masonry with the help of a building level, since this will determine the consistency of all subsequent rows. Base and masonry should be separated by a layer of insulation.

Reinforcement of walls from aerocrete blocksis accompanied by stacking at the corners of the rails, which will determine the height of the masonry. To do this, pull the rope, which will control the uniformity of the arrangement of the blocks. Masonry should not only be reinforced, but also sealed, for this it is necessary to properly prepare the adhesive composition, which must be uniform. Before use, it must be thoroughly mixed. The consumption of adhesive composition will be about 5-10 kilograms per 1 cubic meter. When using a solution, its consumption will be approximately twice as large. Correct the laying it is necessary, using a rubber kijanku. If the block does not match the size, then it can be sawn using a hand saw. In order to ensure a right angle, you need to use a square.

Recommendations of a specialist

reinforcement masonry from aerocrete blocks

Reinforcement of masonry from aerocrete blocksIt is produced by the method of bookmarking reinforcement in every fourth row. In order to make shtroby, you need to use an electric shtoborez, which is sometimes replaced with a hand tool. If the thickness of the walls exceeds 400 mm, then it is necessary to make two shtroby, located in parallel with respect to each other. Before you put the valve, you need to remove all the dust from the formed shtrob using an electric building hair dryer. After the surface must be well moistened and filled with glue up to half the depth. The rods must be well moistened, and then laid. Once the reinforcement has been laid, it is necessary to add the glue and coat the block surface with a solution. The base must be leveled with a spatula. The remaining series should be reinforced with the same technology. During the laying of blocks, vertical seams will appear, from which it will be necessary to get rid of by filling the solution. Particular attention should be paid to the cutting site, which is formed after the assembly of the cut block.

Final works

reinforcement of walls from aerocrete blocks

After the reinforcement of aerated concrete blocksthe fittings will be completed, the walls can be ennobled with brick, plaster, lining or siding, ceramic or steel sheets can be used. If you want to use a brick as the lining, then between it and aerated concrete you need to leave a small gap. It is worth remembering that the house, which is built of aerated concrete blocks, will be subjected to loads that can cause deformation of the building. Factors such as soil deposition, changing weather conditions can cause cracks on the walls. When comparing a gas block and reinforcing bar, the former has insignificant resistance to deformation phenomena and bends, while the reinforcement is not subject to this, which should be taken into account when constructing objects using aerated concrete. Aerated concrete, in which there is an armature, does not affect the bearing capacity of the wall, which is beneficial for construction. In order to protect aerated concrete walls from the occurrence of cracks, you can use not only the reinforcement, but also the grid, as well as fiberglass. If a long wall is supposed to be erected during construction, then the reinforcement must be made with the help of rods, and not the grid.

Dimensions and prices of blocks

reinforcement of aerated concrete blocks by fittings

The production of aerated concrete blocks isGOST, before purchasing, you must necessarily study the dimensions of products, this will allow to produce construction works with greater economy. Thus, blocks without a comb can have a length of 600 mm, while their width and height are 100 and 250 mm respectively. The price of such a unit per cubic meter will be equal to 3,400 rubles. Blocks can be made with a groove, their size at the same time is 600 x 200 x 250 mm. The price of such a block will remain the same. The production of aerated concrete blocks is carried out with the presence not only of a ridge but also of a gripper, while the size of such a block will be 600 x 400 x 250 mm, the price will remain the same as it was indicated above.

The blocks are aerated concrete, the size and price of which you are known, are now widely used in construction.

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