/ / Cleaning the boiler yourself: advice of professionals

Cleaning the boiler yourself: advice of professionals

The boiler must be cleaned everysome years. In the event that you intensively use the water heater, and the quality of water leaves much to be desired, you should wash the product more often. Of course, it's easier to turn to plumbers for help, but if you want to save money, you can clean yourself.

Why clean the boiler?

Regular maintenance of the boiler - a pledge of itlong and high-quality work. In hard water cleaners poorly soluble, it also tends to form scale, which conducts heat badly. The heater, located in a storage tank, eventually becomes covered with a thin layer of lime. It starts to work worse, power consumption increases. If this does not clean the element, the scum will be located on the surface and penetrate into all available space. This plaque is not only difficult to remove - it seals the heater and results in significant outages. Heat transfer may not be at all.

The protection relay trips, the appliance switches off. Launched cases can result in the need to repair boilers. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to conduct timely cleaning.

Cleaning the boiler

When should I clean?

The boiler must be cleaned approximately every two years. Start the process if you notice the following interruptions:

  • The appliance began to heat water too long or turn off frequently;
  • The boiler emits a loud hiss at work;
  • from it pours a yellow liquid with the smell of hydrogen sulfide.

If you use a water heater formaximum temperatures, it will have to be cleaned more often (scum and build-up on the tank are formed more quickly). To prolong the life of the device, heat the water to 60-70 degrees Celsius.

Another practical piece of advice - to reducenumber of failures, do not buy water heaters with electric heaters made of black and galvanized metals. Such details are less resistant to rust and poorly manage the heating of water.

Give preference to magnetic thermostats.

Boiler repair

Drain the water

Before cleaning the boiler, it is necessary toget rid of all the liquid inside it. In the event that the water heater is located directly above the bathroom, it is possible to put a large capacity under it and drain the water during the removal of the heater. Examine the boiler device: if the electric heater is screwed into the tank - perform two procedures at the same time. If in order to remove the heater, it is necessary to unscrew a few nuts - it is better to drain the water in advance. With proper connection to the water pipe, there should not be any problems with cleaning.

  1. Be sure to unplug the appliance and close the common water tap.
  2. Close the cold water, open the hot mixer on the nearest mixer and wait for it to drain.
  3. Connect the tube to the drain connection, direct it into the drain, open the tap and drain the water.

There is another option - if the cranes andThere are no drainpipes, empty the tank with a safety valve. Cleaning the boiler yourself with this method is a long process, so it's better to wait until the water cools. If there is no choke, disconnect the hot water pipe and replace the bucket. Gradually, unscrew the safety valve until liquid is spilled from it.

How to clean a boiler

Preparation for cleaning

Cleaning the water heater - not very complicatedprocess, and you can do it yourself. After all the water is drained, disassemble and remove the heater. To do this, remove the decorative cover (most often it is attached to the screws). In some boiler models, the parts we need are covered with a plastic panel. It stays on the locks - just poke the bar with a screwdriver.

Take a picture of the connection scheme to return everything back after the procedure. Disconnect the wires to allow access to the thermostat. Pull it out.

Scum - the enemy of boilers number one. If you do not periodically clean the heater, it can permanently fail. Timely cleaning of the heating element will save you from unnecessary waste of money and significantly extend the life of the device. Carefully remove the heating element. Next to him you will see annon, which protects the interior of the tank from corrosion. Look, if he's intact. If not, replace the part with a new one.

Cleaning TEN

Clean the boiler should be carried out immediately - the wet scum is much easier to remove than hardened. The main mass will be located at the TEN. There are several ways to clean the element.

Cleaning the water heater

  1. Remove dirt manually. With a knife surface or a stiff brush, remove the upper thick layer of scale. Be careful not to damage the surface of the element with sharp and careless movements. After you can handle the heater with sandpaper - the cleaner it is, the better it will work.
  2. In the store you can buy a huge amountmeans for descaling. It is better to buy a cleaner for cleaning electric kettles - the principle of its operation is the same as that of a boiler. Take any enameled container, add liquid (read the proportions on the package beforehand). Leave it for a while.
  3. Instead of ready-made tools, you can usefollowing. Fill a small container with a solution of citric or acetic acid. Place the item in the bottle and leave for a day. To increase the efficiency of cleaning, put a container with TEN on a weak fire (30 minutes).

Cleaning the heating tank

Washing the boilers from the inside is as important ascleaning of heating elements. Substitute a bucket, open the cold water tap and wait for it to remove the scales left from the water heater. For convenience, you can remove the device from the wall.

Boiler maintenance

If the contamination is particularly severe, remove the scalemanually. Do not use abrasive or solid objects - this is not allowed for enamel surfaces. Do not touch the magnesium rod, if anything happens to it, you will have to buy a new part. If scaling is not obtained, it is necessary to disassemble the device and clean it with chemical means.

After cleaning, assemble and connect the water heater. Remember: all parts must be dry.

Auxiliary means

Remove the copper heat exchanger from the applianceindirect heating is not so simple, and conventional models of large capacity can be disassembled and collected all day. In this case, the cleaning of the boiler by chemical means will help, without parsing and removing the apparatus.

Visit the store and buy the tool createdespecially for such purposes. Alternatively, you can prepare a concentrated solution of citric acid (half a kilogram of acid per 2 liters of water). What exactly you pick, it does not matter.

Cleaning the boiler yourself

To pour the preparation inside, through the hot tapwater, empty the container by one third. Connect the hose to the drain fitting and pour the solution through it, lifting the end of the pipe above the boiler. Leave for a few hours. After drain the solution and rinse the tank, several times draining the water and pouring it again. Connect the device, heat the water and drain it again. The water heater is ready for use.

Important Tips

Cleaning the boiler is a simple process, but it's best not to spend it alone - water heaters are very heavy.

  • If you use chemicals, make sure that they do not come into contact with rubber seals - they can lose elasticity, so the boiler will flow.
  • Check twice for each operation you performed. The water heater will not work after the assembly, if you do something wrong.
  • Connect and disconnect the power only when the tank is full of water.
  • When you have finished rinsing, pour the boiler with water and wait for a while. If the flange does not leak - excellent, you can use the device.
  • If you use chemicals, always wear a glove and a face mask.

Washing boilers

Now you know how to clean the boiler, notcalling the master. This is a fairly simple and relatively fast process that any host can handle. The main thing is to carry out this operation in a timely manner so that the device can serve you for a long time. Remember: professional boiler repair is a costly process.

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