/ / How to Grow Seedlings Seed Tomato For Early Harvest

How to Grow Seedlings Seed Tomato For Early Harvest

This is a popular perennial plant, homewhich is South America, is cultivated in our country as one-year-old and is grown through seedlings, which can be bought at the market. Unfortunately, from such seedlings it is not always possible to get a good harvest. It is better to grow seedlings by yourself, in which case you can not only collect a rich harvest, but also get it on certain dates.

Want to know how to grow a seedling tomato,to get an early harvest? You need to start with the preparation of seeds - after all, only from good, high-grade seeds you can get a strong and healthy seedling. Seeds selected for sowing can be sorted into canvas sacks according to sorts and stained in half an hour in a warm, one-percent solution of potassium permanganate.

Then disinfect the seeds in a flowingwater and for two hours put in a thermos with a water temperature of 50 degrees for warming up. Do not warm up the battery or stove, as the seeds will dry out.

Another tip, how to grow tomato seedlings,that she was friendly and strong. To increase the energy of seed germination, treat them with growth stimulators. To get a nutritious solution of a spoonful of wood ash fill in 0.5 liters of warm water, stir thoroughly and insist for 24 hours. After this, gently drain the top of the solution and place the seeds in it for 3-4 hours. Now the seeds can be sown in boxes filled with a special primer for tomatoes, and universal primer. If the land is used from the garden, then it must first be burned.

To know, When planting tomatoes on seedlings, you needto clarify, it is grown for greenhouses or for open ground. For film or glass greenhouses seeds are sown in late February - early March. For the cultivation of tomatoes in the open ground under the film to sow a change in the middle of March. And to find out the exact day when planting tomatoes on seedlings, you need to turn to the lunar calendar. The moon has a great influence on the growth of plants and therefore this calendar, according to many gardeners and truck farmers, is almost the most important of their "tools".

Seeds are sown to a depth of one centimeter ingrooves, which can be done with a ruler every three centimeters. After sprouting seedlings need to be weeded out. Picking can be done after the appearance of the second present sheet. In order not to damage the stem, the plants are not pulled out of the ground, but dig up with a sharp stick or fork and hold them for the cotyledons. Weak and sick plants are discarded, and with the help of scissors, the cotyledons and the first two true leaves are removed. Plants are best to dive into separate cups with a high rim so that you can then pour the earth 2 centimeters. After picking the plant should be watered abundantly.

To ensure that the seedlings do not stretch,the main rule is how to grow tomato seedlings - every plant should receive enough light and place to grow in breadth, not in height. It is also important in the room where the seedlings are to maintain a certain temperature regime: in the daytime the temperature should be 20-25 degrees, and at night - 8-10 degrees. If the plants continue to stretch, lower the temperature by 2 degrees. The same temperature is maintained after picking plants.

During the whole time the plants should be well ventilated and have sufficient lighting. If there is not enough light from the window, it is necessary to illuminate the plants with a fluorescent lamp.

How to grow tomato seedlings so that throughmonth she had a barrel thick with a pencil? For this, seedlings need to be fed several times. The next question is: how to feed tomato seedlings? For the first time, 5 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 grams of superphosphate and 12 grams of potassium chloride are used to feed the seedlings onto a bucket of water. A week later, a second feeding is carried out, a week later - the third. Each time the dose must be doubled. At the same time, it should be remembered that if a special soil bought in the store is used for growing seedlings, then it is not possible to carry out additional fertilization.

The fourth time you need to take a bucket of water 10grams of saltpeter, 40 grams of superphosphate and 80 grams of potassium chloride. How to feed tomato seedlings, if it grows weakly or vice versa, is its excessive growth observed? To stimulate the growth of seedlings, add more saltpeter to the top dressing, and to slow the growth, increase the dose of potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

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