/ / Laying the laminate on the concrete floor with a substrate with your own hands

Laying a laminate on a concrete floor with a substrate with your own hands

If you will be laying the laminate onconcrete floor with a substrate, then you must first familiarize yourself with the technology of work. This kind of flooring is quite new in the market of the corresponding materials. Due to not too high cost, practicality and aesthetic appearance it became for many the most optimal option. You can lay the house of the finish coat on any surface. Thus, quite often the concrete floor is used as a rough foundation. This procedure is common and simple for self-implementation.


Laying a laminate on a concrete floor with a substrate

In appearance, the lamellas resemble boards, the thicknesswhich can vary between 7 and 12 millimeters. As for the width, it varies from 17 to 30 centimeters. Before laying a laminate on a concrete floor with a substrate, you should familiarize yourself with the basic dimensions. So, the length is most often equal to the limit of 1 to 1.5 meters. The structure of the material resembles a multilayer pie, the individual layers in it perform a certain role, namely, the basic, decorative, protective and stabilizing. Depending on the method of manufacture, a laminate of a higher or a direct pressure is distinguished. The service life of this coating, if it is not subjected to flooding, will depend on the surface layer, namely the protective film. If we are talking about high-pressure laminate, then this component is multicomponent.

For reference

Laying laminate on a concrete floor with a substrate photo

In addition to expensive melamine and acrylic resinsuse aluminum oxide or corundum, which increases the strength properties. The protective film increases durability, and also prevents exposure to ultraviolet and chemicals. If you are laying a laminate on a concrete floor with a substrate, then you should know that under the protective film is a decorative layer, which can be a special foil or paper. From this layer will depend how much the coating is aesthetically pleasing.

Preparation of concrete base

Laying a laminate on a concrete floor with a substrate with your own hands

How good and successful will the layingcoating, depends on the state of the base. The surface must be flat, horizontal, protected from dampness. The surface must be noise and heat insulated. If you previously cleaned the old floors, then the surface should be leveled. Elevation differences should not be more than 2 millimeters per square meter. If they are more significant, then you can try to eliminate them with a special mixture or bring down the protrusions. If such a technique is not possible, then a new screed should be set up.

Recommendations for the conduct of preparatory work

how to make laying a laminate on a concrete floor with a substrate

It is often enough to lay a laminate on a concrete floorwith a substrate is carried out only after the cement or concrete covering has been equipped, however, each of them assumes a long drying out. As for modern materials by the type of self-leveling floors, they allow the manipulation of preparation in a shorter period. The thickness of such coatings can be very significant. They dry up quickly. Many manufacturers emphasize that after a few hours after the filling is possible to walk on such sexes. Experts do not recommend hurry, walk on the surface though and you can, but you do not need to rush to mount the cover. Full drying of such a surface will occur in a few days.

Mounting the substrate

Laying the laminate on an uneven concrete floor with a substrate

Laying the laminate on a concrete floor with a substrateis produced by a certain technology, which provides for the installation of a waterproofing layer. In the role of the cheapest option is the usual film, the canvases of which overlap. The edges will need to be connected with the help of building scotch. Experts consider this option not the best. It is preferable to use substrates made of expanded polyethylene or extruded polystyrene foam, they have noise-absorbing properties. More expensive, but also effective option is a bitumen-cellulose substrate, it includes cork powder. When choosing this option, remember that it is not compatible with the system of warm floors and assumes the presence of special breathable skirting boards. Polymer substrates that have a self-adhesive base are also quite convenient, which is why they are very easy to stack. Without the use of a substrate, it is possible to do only in the case when a four-layer laminate is installed. This is due to the fact that its lower layer performs the same function. However, it should not be in this case to save on the use of waterproofing material.

Stacking technology

Laying a laminate on a concrete floor with a substrate is

Laying the laminate on a concrete floor with a substrate(photos are presented in the article) provides for the acclimatization of materials in the room within 2 days. This will prepare the laminate for installation work and protect it from deformation. Due to the fact that during the installation work a surface will be formed that does not have a clutch base, it is necessary to leave a gap near vertical surfaces, the width of which should be 10 millimeters. If the laminate is laid on a concrete floor with a substrate by hand, then the installation work must be carried out in such a way that the long side of the lamella is directed along the light flux. Once the wedges are in place, which is necessary to ensure clearance, you can lay the first row, which will be located at the wall surface. After the first row is completed, you will need to determine the length of the last workpiece, given the width of the gap. The remainder of the lamella can be used at the beginning of the next row, but this rule is only valid when the element is not less than 30 centimeters. Otherwise, the wizard will need to prepare another panel. Laying a laminate on a concrete floor with a substrate is a job that involves the presence of waste. However, if you use the above method, the waste can be reduced to a minimum, ensuring the displacement of the joints, which, in the opinion of experienced masters, is very important. If necessary, the last row should be trimmed in width.


You should remember that laying the laminate onAn uneven concrete floor with a substrate is not produced. In this case, you risk getting a finish coat, which will deform and will not last long.

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