/ / 36 week of pregnancy: pulls the bottom of the abdomen and hurts. Why?

36 week of pregnancy: pulls the lower abdomen and hurts. Why?

In the last weeks of pregnancy, all futureMummies around the clock accompany anxiety and various fears. At these times, the fruit rises as much as possible and, thus, is located directly under the chest, making it difficult to breathe. You can also notice that in the 35-36 weeks of pregnancy, the lower abdomen pulls, since the uterus is already beginning to prepare for the upcoming birth and thus causes training fights. Therefore, at this time, many experts recommend not to go to distant travel, so as not to risk health.

Main features of the 36-38th week

At this time the future baby continues intensivelygain weight. The movements of the fetus in the uterus are more active, and are also accompanied usually by a strong stirring of the handles and legs. A woman must always listen to them, as during normal pregnancy the child has to perform about ten shocks within twelve hours.

36th week of pregnancy pulls lower abdomen
It should also be noted that the baby is already fullydetermines its position in the uterus at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy. Pulls the abdomen of future mothers at this time precisely because the child is almost ready to be born, so the woman's body is also prepared for this by regular contractions of the uterus. There may be more pain in the abdominal cavity and in the pubic region.

What can bother?

Any future mother can also say thatit becomes much more difficult to walk, and still there is stiffness in all movements when the 36th week of pregnancy comes. It pulls the lower abdomen, the lower back can hurt - this very often occurs at this time. Another unpleasant moment may be the occurrence of discomfort in the hip joints.

The reasons for the appearance of such unpleasant pulling sensations can be different, therefore it is worth talking about them in more detail.

36 37 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen

Not a reason for excitement

In the event that the abdomen is below during pregnancy onthese terms hurts the same way as during menstruation, then do not panic. Usually, feelings of this nature do not threaten the health of the future mother and her baby. They are due to the fact that a woman develops and grows at an active pace within a woman. Therefore, the uterus becomes much more every day and thus presses on all neighboring organs.

In addition, almost all girlsthere is a hormonal failure when the 36th week of pregnancy comes - pulls the lower abdomen, softens and relaxes the joints, which leads to pain in the area of ​​many muscles and pelvis. The future mummy can also feel that it becomes very difficult for her to walk because her center of gravity is displaced by a very large puzik, typical for this period.

From this it should be concluded that the pulling pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy at week 36 are considered natural and non-dangerous phenomena.

35 36 weeks gestation pulls the lower abdomen

Other grounds for pain

Among other things, the future mother canto appear or become aggravated such an unpleasant illness as hemorrhoids. This ailment can also be considered as the cause of the pulling pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy on the 35-38th week. In this case, you need to consult your doctor who can advise and prescribe a safe medicine that can alleviate the condition of a woman and not harm the fetus.

Also, unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen can still be caused by training fights. With this phenomenon, the pain should arise unexpectedly and pass for a couple of minutes.

Cause for concern

In the event that it's already 36 weekspregnancy, pulls the lower abdomen, it has also become much harder, then immediately you need to call your doctor or an ambulance. Such symptoms mean that the uterus is in a tonus, and this is very undesirable at such times. Due to these violations in the body, the fetus has a lack of air, which can lead to premature birth. For such a condition of the uterus, pain in the back and lower back is also characteristic.

In the event that the increased tone does not pass for several days, it is best to go to the hospital so that the doctors can monitor the state of the future mother and the health of her baby.

Also, it is worth worrying ifalready 36 weeks of pregnancy, pulls the lower abdomen and there are spotting from the vagina of the smearing character. These signs may indicate that the placenta exfoliates. This process threatens not only the health of the future man, but also his life. In such cases, it is also worth immediately contacting a doctor.

Stretching pain in the abdomen during pregnancy

What other ailments can there be?

At the 36th week of pregnancy, many women, exceptall of the above, suffer from frequent constipation and other disorders of the digestive system. In addition, expectant mothers are concerned about migraines, frequent urge to urinate and insomnia.

Also at this time you can already notice that frommammary glands begins to emit fluid. But do not worry, because it started flowing colostrum. More women often suffer from varicose veins, heartburn, leg swelling and sleep with constant interruptions. In the last weeks, the fetus already presses heavily on many nerve endings, which causes a feeling of numbness when walking.

abdomen at the bottom of pregnancy

Useful recommendations

To ease yourself a fortune on this date,You need more time to spend your time in the fresh air and passive rest. In addition, you must avoid all kinds of sudden movements and get up from the lying position very carefully, turning from back to back and flapping legs on the floor only after this manipulation. Thanks to this sequence of body movements, you can protect yourself from pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back at the 36th week of pregnancy.

Almost all specialists on such terms stillrecommend to walk a little at least every twenty minutes and not stay for a long time in the same position. Women should wear only comfortable shoes these days and do not drink a lot of liquid so that there is no swelling before delivery. It will be very useful to do special gymnastics designed for future mothers of this trimester. Also, it will not be superfluous since starting from the 35th week to be like the courses on which we are preparing for childbirth.

In addition, do not forget about the correctnutrition and visiting your doctor at least once a week. If the future mother has any doubts about her state of health, it will be best to call the doctor or an ambulance for advice.

causes pulling pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy
At this time, one must begin to prepare inthe maternity hospital, because in the near future there will be a joyful event, in the place of all fears and fears will come the feeling of happiness and relief at the sight of the native little man.

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