/ / When and how to wean the child from a pacifier?

When and how to wean the child from a pacifier?

With the appearance of a newborn in the house,a question that does not have a single answer from different doctors. Do I need a dummy? At first glance, the dummy seems to be an indispensable helper, which can almost instantly calm the baby. However, its application has its opposite side. The child gets used to it so much that later the parents ask another question: how to wean the child from the pacifier?

Having appeared in the world, a newborn baby hasonly congenital reflexes. The main reflex is sucking. Wise nature has provided for the need to feed the baby, giving him the ability to suck from birth. The role of sucking is simple on the one hand, because there is nothing easier, but on the other hand, it fulfills the most important mission - thanks to that reflex, the baby receives vital nutrition. Therefore, when a baby, recently experienced a birth stress, gets a pacifier, he calms down, satisfying his need for sucking. However, using a dummy pacifier should not be abused. Some parents, trying to calm the baby, for any reason give him a pacifier, but later this habit of a dummy can play a cruel joke. The baby is so used to the process of sucking that parents, not knowing how to wean the child from the nipple, are forced to turn to psychologists.

But after all, sometimes, crying, the kid tries to say that everything is not right with him, that he needs the help of his parents. While adults try to close the crying mouth with a pacifier.

Dangers of using nipples lie in waitas well as those babies who feed on mother's breast. A dummy makes them get confused when in a short period of time they get a pacifier, then a breast. As a result of getting used to the nipple, the baby begins to suck the mother's breast incorrectly.

In search of how to wean a child from a nipple,parents sometimes condone the child's intent to suck his fingers. The need for satisfaction of the sucking reflex causes the baby to lick his fingers. In this case, you can not start the process of weaning from a dummy. Doctors warn frivolous parents against such actions, because it is so possible to burn easily rubbed mucous membranes of the mouth and food tract. No less desperately doctors warn against such methods of calming the baby, as dunk a pacifier into something sweet. The sweet taste will cause the baby to calm down and fall asleep, however, there is no guarantee that the crumbs organism can transfer the new product without allergic reactions, and not yet a stable digestive system will be able to digest the received drops of honey or fruit juice. In addition, the process of weaning a baby, who likes a sweet nipple, will become even more difficult.

Trying to find a way how to wean the child frompacifier dummies, parents should know that gradually growing up, the child will have less need for sucking. Sucking reflex to 6 months, as the introduction of lures, begins to fade, and the baby begins to comprehend the foundations of a new world for himself. At this point, you should start the action to wean the baby's nipple.

Knowing how to wean a child from a nipple, parents will experience much less problems than if there is a situation with giving the baby a nipple blasphemously greased with mustard.

The first rule. Do not give the baby a nipple for any reason. Otherwise, how to wean from the nipple, if you constantly use it?

The second rule. Wait until the moment when the baby's food becomes quite diverse. An inquisitive kid will find other activities that will satisfy his curiosity.

The third rule. Do not aggravate the situation when you dip a pacifier into something sweet. This will complicate the process of weaning.

The fourth rule. Give your child maximum attention, communicate with him, learn all his desires and concerns. Be engaged in revealing the reasons of anxiety, instead of process of closing a mouth of a screaming crumb of a pacifier. If you do not know how to wean a child from a nipple, when he was already more than a year and a half, ask for help from a psychologist. It will help you overcome the vicious circle of dependence on the nipples.

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