/ / Cotton overalls Chicco - warm, reliable, modern

Cotton overalls Chicco - warm, reliable, modern

Assortment of the Italian company Chiccomore than 4000 items. These are modern and high-quality products for children and their mothers. In addition to the company's employees, experienced and respected specialists in the field of cosmetology, dermatology and pediatrics take part in the development of goods. The products of this company are trusted by parents from one hundred and thirty countries of the world, including Russia.

In our country, the overalls of Chicco are very popular. They are available in three types:

overall winter chicco

- on the sintepon. Such models are considered autumn-spring. It should not be worn at a temperature below -5 degrees;

- with thermal insulation - winter models, which can be used from -15 degrees. These are very thin and plastic overalls, allowing the child to move easily;

- fluff - the warmest and natural insulation. It is considered the most conservative material. Used eiderdown, which is hypoallergenic.

The top layer of winter clothing, as a rule,is made of microfiber and nylon. These fabrics repel mud better than others, easily erase and are quite strong. Soft lining is used for lining.

Chicco winter overalls not onlylooks externally, but (more importantly) is very convenient for the baby. In addition, the obvious advantages of this clothing include the safety of all materials used, which undergo mandatory testing and certification.

children's winter chicco overalls
Having bought a winter Chicco overall, parents can be absolutely calm - the child in it will be cozy and comfortable. In such clothes your baby will not freeze even in severe frost.

The company's lineup is great. You can get bright warm and very cozy winter overalls for the newborn Chicco. Most often they are made for fluff, which guarantees complete protection of the baby from the cold. This production of the Italian company is distinguished by the highest quality, original and unusual design and reliability. The price for it is from 4000 rubles and above.

For older children, a huge assortment of thermal overalls or models for fluff is offered. Consider some models from the latest collection of the brand.

Exquisite warm winter overalls Chiccofor the girl is executed in light pink and silvery-white color. Filler - natural fluff. The top layer is polyester-nylon impregnated with a water-repellent compound. Lining of fleece-polyester.

winter overalls for newborns chicco

Italian designers and designersProvided for possible difficulties in dressing babes - the winter Chicco overalls have a deep zipper, detachable hood. The model is complemented by a soft and warm collar, fitting cuffs on sleeves and panties. In such a suit, a child can be on the street at a temperature of five to twenty-five degrees below zero.

Another interesting overall winter Chiccois designed for long walks in the winter. The outer layer is a complex High-Tech system that combines innovative material and a high-tech coating that does not allow water and cold air to pass through. When dirt is easily cleaned with a soft brush or sponge. Machine washing is allowed. Thermal insulation - Thermore, creating an air layer and maintaining a natural temperature balance.

Those parents who at least once purchased the products of the company Chicco, know that it is executed with great love for children, so it is always comfortable and thought out to the smallest detail.

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