A hen party before the wedding or a holiday before marriage
Many people know that almost every marriage ceremony is preceded by a stag, but do not forget about the hen-party before the wedding. Its main goal -
Take care that on your bachelorette party beforeOnly the closest and most reliable friends came to the wedding. A couple of centuries ago, on the eve of the wedding, the bride lamented her maidenhood, which is completely different from modern concepts. Today, marriage takes place by mutual consent, and modern parties are fun and exciting, leaving memories for life.
When planning a girl's party before the wedding, be guidedonly on their preferences. Be selfish, it's your day! And the fact that someone can remain unhappy and offended, you should not worry.
At this event, do not call those girls,who envy or dislike you. Everyone knows - female cunning is very dangerous and unpredictable. Do not risk your family happiness. Try to do without guests, who at least somehow relate to the groom, no matter what your relationship with them. In which case, they will tell your faithful everything in colors, so do not allow their presence.
A few ideas for a party
The fact that this event should be fun, andalso interesting, it is clear to all. But, unfortunately, very few people have an idea how to arrange a bachelorette before the wedding. The scenario of the conduct may be different, but the most original, unusual ideas will be remembered for a long time by all participants. At will, it can be held in a cafe, only this is the simplest idea.
To sit around a little diversify, arrange to bring photos that will remind you of interesting moments of your friendship.
The scenario of the hen party before the wedding can beany. The main thing is that it should be memorable. For example, you can call your girlfriends for a "pajama" party. Dress code: warm, cozy pajamas; hair curlers in hair, excellent mood. Usually such parties are always very fun. Various contests, games, wrestling on pillows - everything that comes to mind is welcomed. A small amount of alcohol will help to relax even more.
If your financial possibilities allow restabroad, then boldly go there with friends for a few days. Walking in a fun company, shopping and small adventures is a wonderful opportunity to relax on the eve of marriage.
The main rule of this holiday is no men. Only the presence of a dancer is allowed. Remember that arranging an evening the day before registration is not the right decision. Think about your appearance and mood.