/ What can cause diarrhea in a dog?

What can cause diarrhea in a dog?

Diarrhea or, as they say in everyday life, diarrhea, in a dogcan be caused by various factors: poisoning, frustration from eaten food, and in some cases even a symptom of an infectious disease that begins.

Let's be honest, faced with such a phenomenon asupset stomach in the dog, most owners do not rush to seek advice from the veterinarian, trying to cope with the problem on their own. And in almost 90% of cases they succeed. But sometimes you can not do without the help of a specialist. After all, diarrhea in dogs is not always an inoffensive or rapidly occurring phenomenon.

Sometimes diarrhea can be a symptom of suchserious infectious diseases like plague or parvovirus enteritis. In such cases, every minute is precious. After all, lost time can lead to an exacerbation of the course of the disease, the occurrence of complications, as well as to more sad consequences for the animal and even to his death.

With the beginning form of the intestinal plague, diarrhea is usuallyIt changes color from light yellow to dark, almost black. For parvovirus enteritis is characterized by fetid diarrhea with blood veins. Often diarrhea with enteritis resembles flushing with fresh meat and dyed pink.

Delay in the diagnosis and treatment of theseserious diseases can cost your pet life. The insidiousness of these infections is that the dog's diarrhea is accompanied by a constant, unceasing vomiting. This leads to rapid dehydration of the body, which adversely affects the heart muscle, and the dog dies.

With such serious diseases, in addition to diarrhea, the animal has a general depressed state, temperature and a number of other painful symptoms.

Diarrhea in a dog caused by poisoning, alsois dangerous. At home, you can only try to provide first aid. Toxins that get into the body require a certain treatment: for food poisoning, some drugs are used, with chemical poisoning - absolutely different.

In any case, if there is a suspicion ofpoisoning, try to rinse the stomach of the dog by douching (if the dog is small) or using a mug of Esmarch (if the dog is large enough breed). Give a few tablets (depending on the weight of the dog) activated carbon, which binds toxins in the body.

If the dog's diarrhea arises from the reception of poor-quality or not intended for animal food, then in this situation, the pet can be helped independently.

Often changing food, introducing new foods into the diet can cause diarrhea in the dog. Than to treat it, some recipes of national medicine will prompt.

First of all, the dog needs a stagnant diet. It helps to fix the stomach a rice broth, which must be given within one or two days. For this, the rice is boiled to a liquid gruel and given to the animal.

An excellent means for fixing the stomachis starch in the form of a water-welded kissel. As astringents, you can use decoctions of oak bark, blueberry fruit, infusions of St. John's wort, chamomile, sage.

Herbal preparations should be administered to the dog through the anus with a small syringe: a bitter taste and a sharp odor can cause vomiting when ingested.

With proper care, such a diarrhea in a dog passes in a couple of days.

Do not use for treatmentanimal tablets intended for humans. The structure of the gastrointestinal tract of a dog and a man is different, so tablets that help people do not always benefit the animal, and in some cases can even worsen the condition.

But, if the diarrhea in the pet does not stop and is accompanied also by the presence of other symptoms, then it is necessary to apply for help to the veteranar immediately.

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