/ / The cat does not eat!

The cat does not eat!

You bought a cat or a cat, you were given an animalfriends or, finally, you took a homeless little lump, and maybe the neighbors left their pet for the holiday, the result is one - in your house there was another person, constantly demanding tasty food, a clean pot, a warm place to sleep and a huge amount of caress. How to take care of cats and cats? What should I do and what not? How to properly feed and what to do, if suddenly the cat does not eat? These and other aspects of caring for your pet you will now find out.

About nutrition

Everyone who has fluffy pets, once and for allyou need to remember that feeding cats and cats from your table is strictly forbidden, most human food does not bring health to the animal's benefit, and sometimes even vice versa - do harm. Best of all, do not give the animal never, under any circumstances the following:

  • Fried and salted dishes;
  • Marinated foods and sweet;
  • Various spices;
  • Baked products.

Because of this food, the pet can develop liver, kidney, and gastrointestinal diseases, even if initially it was completely healthy.

So what to feed the animal if the cat does not eatpractically nothing that you offer him? Initially, you need to decide whether you can spend money and time preparing dishes from natural food and making a special diet or it will be easier for you to buy specialized feed. There are many animal feed manufacturers on the market, but it's better not to save on food, because afterwards, using cheap cat food, your pet may have various diseases, the treatment of which costs a lot of money, so it's best to immediately approach the issue of nutrition with all responsibility. The truth is told by veterinarians that the cat is another child and requires monthly financial investments. Depending on the health of the animal, dry or canned food is selected, if you feed the cat with dry food - make sure that the animal drinks three times more of the liquid eaten, with canned food this matter does not need to be given additional attention.

A healthy cat is fed from two to three times inday, while access to water should be permanent. If the cat does not eat anything, check its general condition and temperature. The sick animal is fed often and in small portions, it is best during the illness to give the chopped chicken fillet, which must first be mixed with rice decoction. If, after all, the cat does not eat - do not insist, when he gets hungry, he will let you know about it.

The basis of the cat's diet is meat. Of all meat products, only the liver and chicken skin are banned. Fish, oddly enough, is also not one of the best foods to feed cats, if you decide to give it, then it should be thoroughly cleansed of skin and bones, and it is also better to give low-fat varieties. Very useful cereals, in particular - rice and buckwheat, as well as dairy products with a low degree of fat. Of all dairy products, it is strictly forbidden to give milk to cats! It is necessary to include vegetables in the cat's diet and additionally give vitamins.

If still your cat does not eat, then carefullytrack how much he drinks fluids. If the animal began to drink a lot or stopped drinking at all - this can serve as the first signals of various diseases and it will be best to show the pet to the vet.

Hygiene and care for the prevention of diseases

Behind the ears and eyes of the animal is necessarytimely withdrawal, if suddenly your pet has any discharge from the eyes - it's time to see a doctor. Ears are cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide or vegetable oil.

That the cat or cat did not get infectedillnesses, it is necessary to transport in time to the veterinarian and put the necessary vaccinations. Once a month, we perform a full physical examination, starting with the physical parameters, namely, the purity of the ears, wool, anus, eyes, and also the presence of fleas, ticks and the like.

Remember, if the cat does not eat - this is an occasion to appear to a specialist!

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