/ / Mom for the note: the drug "Ambrobene" for the child - an effective remedy against coughing

Mom to note: the drug "Ambrobene" for the child - an effective remedy against coughing

It so happened that children have protective functionsorganism are formed gradually. In this regard, babies are more likely to be at risk of colds. Often, the disease is accompanied by symptoms such as nasopharyngeal inflammation and cough. At the same time, treatment with bactericidal agents alone may not be effective, and the pediatrician prescribes the drug Ambrobene for coughing. For a child, this medicine is available in the form of a syrup that has a pleasant taste.

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How does the drug work?

The active substance is ambroxol, whichstimulates the formation of sputum, reduces its viscosity and promotes free escape from the bronchi. Other components are considered auxiliary. Syrup "Ambrobene" for the child has a raspberry flavor, which is very like the kids. After taking the drug, the active substance quickly enters the blood, absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Its effect begins in half an hour after ingestion and lasts up to six hours.

Ambroxol on admission to the bronchial tissueactivates the work of glands secreting mucus. After this, sputum is liquefied and stimulation of the movements of the villi, which lining the bronchi. They help to expel mucus outside.

The drug "Ambrobene" for a child can also be prescribed in the form of a solution. It is often used for inhalation.

How to give Ambrobene to children?

Ambrogen for children up to 1 year

At once I would like to note that only an expert can make an appointment. Do not self-medicate, as it can provoke any unforeseen reactions of the body.

The medicine is recommended to be taken after a meal,squeezed it with a large volume of fluid, which will ensure the dilution of phlegm. When dosing, be sure to use a measuring cap. Syrup "Ambrobene" for children under one year is recommended for use only under the supervision of a pediatrician. The dose is calculated based on the weight of the baby. In other cases, you can adhere to the reception scheme, which is described in the instruction.

This drug is highly regarded among pediatricians. It is used even for the prevention of complications in premature infants. Syrup promotes the production of a substance such as a surfactant. Its content in the tissues of the alveoli and small bronchi interferes with the development of pulmonary complications in children born before the term.


"Ambrobene" is not prescribed for a child,

how to give an amber of children
if there is an individual intolerance to its components. Epilepsy, serious disorders in the liver and kidneys are also a contraindication for the treatment of this drug.

Advice of specialists

To ensure that the drug is well mastered, itsrecommend taking 30-60 minutes after eating. The child's organism is prone to intoxication during illness, so the baby can snatch if there is a syrup immediately after lunch. And to give the medicine again in no case it is impossible.

And one more important point: when using the drug in question, allergic reactions - rash, itching or swelling of the mucous membranes are not ruled out. In the case of such symptoms, you should immediately stop taking Ambrobene. But, as a rule, this medicine is well tolerated by both children and adults.

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