/ / Feed Brit for cats: review, reviews of veterinarians

Feed Brit for cats: review, reviews of veterinarians

When purchasing a cat, remember: this pet requires a lot of attention and care. From proper nutrition depends on his health. Veterinarians advise to purchase dry food. Pet shops are full of variety and wide range. How to make the right choice? The main thing is to pay attention to the composition. It should be as natural as possible. Brit food for cats meets this requirement. In what its advantages, we learn in the article.

brit food for cats

We study the assortment

After the cat appears in the house, the ownersyou need to decide on its nutrition. It can be completely natural, so to speak, from the table, or in the form of specialized food. Vets advise not to mix food, but to feed something by one. Many opt for a specialized diet. The assortment of offered goods amazes with variety of a choice. There are well-known brands, advertising of which we see every day on TV. But are they always the best?

Brit food for cats does not need marketing promotion. Vets advise to purchase it. In addition to its natural composition, it has a huge line of various products:

  1. Feed for cats and cats who have sufferedoperation on the genitals (castration, sterilization). These animals need a special balanced food, which will not create a burden on the kidneys and urinary system.

  2. For those animals that live at home. Eating is easier, because cats lead a sedentary lifestyle.

  3. Exclusively for longhaired breeds. In the stern there are special elements that pull the lumps of wool out.

  4. Universal feed. Suitable for all breeds and cat types.

  5. For kittens and pregnant cats. It is enriched with vitamins and microelements.

In addition, the food can be divided into Brit Care Superpremium and Premium. They differ among themselves in composition, price, and range. The Premium series is considered to be completely hypoallergenic.

 brit care

What is the composition?

The Brit Care diet is suitable for all breeds of cats,even the most elite and finicky. It's all about its unique composition. There are no prohibited elements, fats, offal, dyes, which negatively affect the health of the pet.

In addition, feed increasesImmunity due to an excellent balanced vitamin complex. Veterinarians say that after this feed appears in the animal's diet, the quality of the coat changes. It becomes shiny, soft.

It should be noted that the composition of the feed includesonly natural ingredients: bran, cereals, vegetable fats. This allows cats to receive all the necessary elements. Brit Premium food is designed for animals that can not tolerate meat and fish. The main ingredient is a chicken that goes well with vegetables. Such a variety of products allows pet owners to choose the right option.

 feed brit for cats reviews of veterinarians

What are the advantages: opinion of veterinarians

Feed Brit for cats, reviews of veterinarians about whichonly positive, has long appeared on the Russian market. Czech products fully met expectations, even despite the high price policy. Specialists distinguish the following product advantages:

  1. Huge assortment. In addition to dry food, canned food, jelly. For their manufacture use only fresh and natural meat.

  2. Thanks to two product lines, the buyer can choose the goods by his wallet.

  3. The original natural composition contributes to the improvement of the health of the pet, the quality of the wool, the strengthening of the teeth.

  4. For premium goods, the price of products is quite low, compared to other brands.

  5. The assortment is amazing. Specialists have provided and developed feed for all types and types of cats.

  6. Taste qualities. Animals with pleasure eat the food of this company.

According to veterinarians, the main feature is the original composition. Natural elements make the food not only tasty, but also useful.

 feed brit reviews

Are there any shortcomings

But still, Brit food for cats has some drawbacks, which are also noted by veterinarians. Among them:

  1. In many types of feed there is corn. This product may cause an allergic reaction in the pet. In addition, the ingredient is quite heavy for digestion, and in animals with a weak digestive tract, indigestion and vomiting will occur.

  2. The composition contains brewer's yeast. They contribute to improving the quality of the animal's coat, but often cause allergic reactions.

  3. Another important ingredient is flavorvalerians. Undoubtedly, he attracts cats who are not indifferent to this smell. But it also causes a feeling of thirst and unsatisfaction with the product. In this regard, the pet is able to eat 2-3 times more than the prescribed portion.

Food Brit, reviews of which vary, calls inthe community of veterinarians has a lot of discussions. Some consider it the best product for pets, while others, on the contrary, try not to include it in the ration of the animal.

Price policy

The cost depends on the type of food and its packaging. The price for Brit Superpremium ranges from 1000 rubles per 2 kg. Many consider this amount too high, but for quality you have to pay several times more expensive.

For those who are not allowed to buy a catfeed for a similar price, manufacturers are happy to offer Brit Premium. The price of the pack (1.5 kg) varies between 450-500 rubles. It should be noted that the quality of this type of feed is also at the level, the only negative is that the assortment includes only chicken with vegetables.

 brit premium feed

How to feed a cat properly

Dry food is very nutritious, so carefullystudy the instructions before determining the portion for the animal, in order to avoid problems with obesity. A cat with an average body weight of 4-5 kilograms will be enough to eat 2 times a day. The daily norm should not be more than 200 grams. A castrated animal consumes slightly more food, an average of 250 grams per day.

This rule does not apply to sick animals and pregnant women. For them, there is a special sort of feed, the nutritional value of which is slightly higher.

Brit food for cats is quite popular in ourcountry, even despite the high price policy. Veterinarians speak about it mainly on the positive side. It includes all the necessary substances, vitamins, microelements. Remember: the proper nutrition depends on the health and longevity of your pet.

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