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Witcher's Pendant - News from Magic Countries

There's nothing to be done about it, not greatly admiredpart of humanity from routine and hateful reality. One and the same day in and day out, you do not have any displacements in space, no sharp turns in life.

Psychologists explain the popularity of thisPlots that carry the protagonist from the world of reality to the world of extraordinary adventures. But the film ends sooner or later, and the person realizes that you can not escape from reality. In this regard, all sorts of "magic" amulets and pendants play the role of a bridge of everyday life in a fairy tale. One of the most popular amulets recently due to fairy literature and filmography was the witch's pendant.

witcher's pendant

Who are the Witchers

In Slavic mythology, a witcher is the same as a witch, only a man. In addition, he is above the witch by status - he is the chief in any locality or in the community of witches.

Another thing is the recently become popularthe film history of the witchers. In literature and fantasy film cinematography, the witcher is a representative of the ancient and powerful community of fighters with black forces. A sort of knight without fear and reproach is a fighter of evil spirits of all kinds and forms, beginning from evil crafty sorcerers, sending morals and sowing death to unimaginable fierce monsters.

metal witcher pendant

But the witches themselves are not mere mortals. A witcher can only be born. Only this is not enough, in order to become a fighter against evil, a special witch preparation is necessary, an experienced mentor is needed. Under his supervision, the future fighter of evil spells must understand all the secrets of witchcraft, learn how to turn around in various animals.

Witchers differ from their ordinary people, strangely enough, sterile. The visible difference from a person is the narrowed "cat's" pupils of the eyes.

Why should a witcher pendant

However, the witcher does not have much to learn and absorbwisdom and experience of the old experienced mentor. After all, everyone knows that there is no knight without an amulet. The witch's pendant is given to him at birth, serving as protection from dark forces and multiplying the power of the warrior.

In addition, the amulet plays the role of informationsupport the fairy-tale character. With the help of his amulet the warrior can detect the near presence of magic, the witch's pendant will warn his owner about the approach of a dangerous monster or an evil wizard.

Witcher's collection medallion

What are pendants and amulets

The most popular such charms are medallionsreceived in connection with the release of the bestseller of the computer game "The Witcher". The first installment of released amulets copied the logo of the game with precision. Then they saw the light of a party of medallions representing various schools.

witcher's pendant

Metal witch pendant is a stylized symbol of a particular "educational institution".

Classical is the amulet of the school wolf,released first, in the form of a wolf's head with an open mouth. A ferocious squinting of eyes and sharp fangs give it a frightening appearance. It is to this school belongs the most famous of the witches - Geralt.

witcher's pendant

In the shape of a cat's head, also inmaliciously-warning grin respectively, a witcher pendant of the cat's school was made. In addition to these, there are also schools of griffin, snake and bear. Naturally, these schools have their own medallions in the form of the corresponding animals.

If the first two schools are known from the sagas about the witchers of the famous Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski, then the last three appeared only in computer games.

Lovers of witcher amulets

The collection medallion of the witcher will be an excellent gift to the fan of computer games "The Witcher". With the advent of new versions of the game, new characters constantly appear in it, new schools are mentioned.

Well, and a complete collection of witches' amulets - just a dream of any fan of the Witchers.

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