/ / Single father: what to do if the mother left the family

Single father: what to do if my mother left the family

Fortunately, in our country, single fathers are considereda rarity. According to statistics, it turns out that a hundred and fifty women raising a child alone, there is one single father. But nevertheless there are dads who can not or do not want to entrust the education of the baby to the mother.

Life is tough: sometimes mothers can not or do not want to raise their own children. A lonely father, willy-nilly, has to deal with children alone. It also happens that a man remains a widower, then it is especially difficult for him. After all, it is necessary to accept the loss and take on not only responsibilities for financial support for the family, but also all household chores, classes with children, cooking, cleaning, washing.

A single father should reconsider his life and follow some tips that will help him make life easier:

  1. Do not take the pastime with the child as a job. The baby grows, changes, he is funny and affectionate, tells interesting stories from his life. He is a miracle, joy, light and happiness.
  2. Do not immediately try to become a superpop. To begin with, you need to listen to yourself and the child, evaluate your strength, do not cling to everything. Experience will come with time.
  3. The view that women are born owners,erroneously. Many young mothers, coming to the family, absolutely do not know how to cook, manage the economy, allocate the budget. They learn everything in the process. Therefore, a man is able to cope with all the duties themselves.
  4. First, you can make a list, which will take into account everything you need to do in a week. Each point will gradually be crossed out, there will be time for itself.
  5. If a woman leaves her family, her father will have toKeep your resentment with you. After all, the child gets even more stress while doing this, so he does not need to listen to what kind of mother is bad. It is necessary to explain that my mother really had to leave. If my mother died, then I'll have to tell the truth, explain that my mother is always around, that she looks at the child from the cloud and smiles at him. In any case, the kid will feel abandoned, so he should be surrounded with care. It is necessary to swear that you will never leave the child, you will not leave and will not die, because the crumb will be very afraid that you too can do so.
  6. A single father often faces a problem: is it worth it to marry at least for the sake of a child. You can invite a nanny or an au pair, but to marry just for the care of the child is not worth it. But if a sincere relationship develops between a man and a woman, then it's worth trying to formalize the relationship.
  7. If a single father brings up a daughter, then sometimesfears that she will in some way be inferior to her peers, because she lacks maternal warmth. In any case, children from single-parent families are different from other children. But this does not mean that they are worse. The girl will know how to get along with a man, will be able to hammer a nail and fix the faucet. It will be beneficial to allocate it among other girls. You must try to maintain a trusting relationship with your daughter. To answer her questions concerning gender issues, give advice on caring for yourself (you can consult with women before that, or read special literature), help choose clothes.
  8. Do not give up the help of loved ones,relatives, colleagues of friends. There is no need to build an omnipotent and powerful father of the family. We must adequately assess their strength. If the neighbor-pensioner is ready to look after the baby, agree. Attach a child to help around the house, it will benefit everyone.
  9. It is also necessary to find out about the assistance that can beto render the state. If you are a single father, benefits will be put in anyway. Only for this purpose it will be necessary to collect a lot of references and documents.

In any case, one should never despair andto give up. Life goes on. There's a kid next to you, which is your part. In the world there are many sympathetic and kind people who will be happy to help a lonely father.

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