/ Which highchair to buy: tips and reviews. Chairs for feeding Chicco, Jetem, Geoby, Capella, Selby

What highchair to buy: tips and reviews. Chairs for feeding Chicco, Jetem, Geoby, Capella, Selby

Your baby is already stable and firmly sits, eatstheir first kashki and soups, and also has in the arsenal of several teeth. He grew so much that he did not stay a minute, constantly spinning and trying to get off the couch. The child shows an obvious interest in adult food, trying to wrest it from the pope's hands. And you for the first time seriously think about buying special furniture, listening to the opinions of your friends and considering their feedback. Chairs for feeding are sure to be useful for every family with a baby.

Accustom to eat correctly

The culture of nutrition is very important for children. On how the baby will get used to eat, his health will depend. And when the baby grows up, he will thank you for teaching him simple and delicious dishes.

Children are intensively exploring the world, so theya balanced diet is needed. It is based on the consumption of the norm of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. These values ​​have long been known, they are calculated by pediatricians and nutritionists. To find out the necessary parameters for caring parents will not be difficult. How to choose the best highchair for feeding, reviews about which are exceptionally positive?

What to cook

You have already read the basics of baby food andyou know the approximate number of different foods that your child should consume per day. But this is not all. Cooked meals should not only be useful, but also delicious.

The child gets to know different tastes at a time,when parents first introduce complementary foods: soups, kashki, fruits, juices, cookies. If the adults do everything right, the baby will gladly learn new sensations. But here passes several months, and the child begins to turn away from food.

Why the baby does not eat

Parents are very worried about his health. Why does not he eat bread? Was he ill? However the kid cheerful and mobile, he joyfully jumps, runs and plays. Therefore, most likely, the fact is that he was bored with the process of consuming food. It's much more fun to have fun than to sit and periodically open your mouth. The traditional tastes of the usual dishes are also boring.

What to do? Really the child and will not start to eat normally? After all, it is dangerous, in the future, problems with the digestive system are possible. The arising problem is easy to solve. Pediatricians advise using the child's craving for new knowledge and sensations, as well as his desire for imitation. Parental breakfast is very interesting for the baby, the crumb would gladly eat it. Adult baby is still not allowed. But you can arrange a real dinner for him, taking note of expert reviews. Chairs for feeding are a good way out of a difficult situation.

highchairs for feeding

Eat adult

If the child is put at the dinner table, give hima plate and a spoon, a crumb at once will feel like an adult. And it does not matter what exactly he will eat. The kid will gladly eat semolina porridge and vegetable soup. And if there are a number of beloved parents who praise their child, then a positive result is guaranteed. A successful experience will provide a strong link between healthy food and positive emotions. And then there will be no more problems with food.

But how to protect crumbs during the jointlunch? How to ensure his comfort? Parents consider the situation for a long time, studying the most detailed and well-reasoned reviews. Chairs for feeding are the best way out. To this conclusion come mom and dad.

Need furniture!

Special seat designed for allnuances of children's comfort. It is as stable and secure as possible. The height of this piece of furniture allows the toddler to dine at an adult table, and wide rails and straps keep him in the right position. The seat with a soft back is covered with waterproof material. On it it is possible to put on a cover, which will be conveniently removed and cleaned. Seat belts, too, are usually unfastened and washed in the car.

When choosing a chair, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • dimensions;
  • functionality;
  • material.

What are the chairs

The following information will help you choosean ideal highchair, which you want to leave only the most positive feedback. Chairs for feeding are usually of two types: standard and mini. Small armchairs are lighter and more compact. They are very easy to add and transfer from one place to another. With such a piece of furniture you can go on vacation, loading it into the trunk of the car.

the best highchair for feeding reviews

When mom goes to work, she often happensforced to leave the child to her grandmother. Getting into a new apartment, the kid feels fear and loneliness, often he cries and can not calm down. In this case, the usual home piece of furniture, which can easily be moved, becomes an "anchor", permeated with the feeling of home.

Functions and accessories

A good multi-purpose highchairs forfeeding. Comments from many consumers claim that they can solve a significant number of tasks. In addition to the chair itself, this object can become a rocking chair and a desk. In the cradle mode, in which the baby can be from birth, he will calmly fall asleep after dinner. Some chairs can be transformed into a desk or a table with a chair. With this mode the child will play, draw and even learn to read.

Included are accessories, for example, removablearc, on which you can hang toys. A tray for eating can also be separated. It will come in handy when a child grows up and can sit at an adult table himself. Some models offer two removable trays - large and small. Manufacturers have taken into account all the needs of parents. You can move the baby to a common table and give him only cookies, and sometimes it is necessary to arrange a full dinner for him, putting several dishes at a time on the tray.

highchairs for feeding reviews

Which company to choose

One of the most popular manufacturers of children'sfurniture - Italian firm Chicco. A highchair for feeding, reviews about which are exceptionally positive, guarantees the comfort and safety of your child. Armchairs have a double seat: a small one is convenient for the baby, and a large one for a more adult child. This piece of furniture is designed for children from birth to three years.

Quality models include wheels that givethe opportunity to take the baby to any place of the apartment, without disturbing his after-dinner rest. If you are worried that your scamp will leave to travel alone, the wheels can always be blocked.

Adjust not only the height and backrest mode, butposition of the footrest. An important plus is the "breathing" seat upholstery, which improves the comfort of the baby. A suspension grid is attached to the chair. In it, you can store all sorts of necessary little things, which are also taken care of by Chicco. A highchair for feeding, the reviews of which confirm its multifunctionality, has double seat belts.

The ruler of models Chicco offers armchairs forchildren of different age categories, for example, for babies from six months to two years. These pieces of furniture have different sizes of seating and a tray. They can also be decomposed if the child falls asleep in the afternoon.

chicco highchair reviews

Furniture from Korea

Fewer high tech bonusesincludes Korean highchair Jetem. Reviews indicate the absence of breathable upholstery and double seats. There are several provisions of the back, the child can practically lie in it.

Many chairs have an adjustment mechanism.heights, positions of a back and footboards. Some models include from five to nine such modes. The back can be put in the position of the crib or deckchair. This chair should be purchased immediately after the birth of the baby. As he grows older, when the crumbs become boring to lie down all the time, and he still cannot sit, the chair can be set to one of the intermediate modes. This will slightly raise the head of the child, which will give him the opportunity to look around and explore the world.

This chair has nice bonuses, for examplesliding tray with high sides and supports for mugs. In addition, you will be pleasantly surprised by the price of such a piece of furniture as a Jetem highchair. Reviews say that this chair is designed for children who already know how to sit.

Is it necessary to regulate

Height adjustment allows baby in differentsituations to feel comfortable. If the active crumbs want to see what is in the bottom drawer of the closet, the chair can be put on the minimum position. And the maximum height will allow the child to have lunch with adults.

Selby highchair very simple, comfortable, steadyand safe. However, this model does not offer users many pleasant and useful things for every mother. There are no wheels, adjustments of the height and position of the back, removable tray and cover, as well as a belt that is fixed between the legs of the child and does not allow him to slide down. The Selby highchair, which is often negative, is not very comfortable for children and parents. The absence of these familiar and convenient things creates some discomfort for the child. However, all possible problems are compensated by the price, which is two or even three times lower than that of the leading firms.

What is a transformer

In the lineup of the Korean company Capella there istransforming chair, which can be a full-fledged desk for an older child. It is a durable and stable chair with a wide tray and seat belts. Its rounded edges of elegant shape will bring up the aesthetic taste of the child. After all, the baby from birth should be surrounded by beautiful things. A highchair for feeding Capella, reviews of which mark its high functionality, is intended for a matured baby. When the child grows up, this chair will easily turn into a furniture duet of a chair and table, at which a crumb can draw and look at pictures in books.

highchair jetem reviews

Metal or wood

The metal chair is very durable, safe andsteady. Its only drawback is a lot of weight. Such a chair, as a rule, is equipped with wheels, it is not necessary to carry it. If you do not plan to transport this piece of furniture in the trunk of a car, then the metal model will fit perfectly.

Stools transformers Babyton are quite simple. There is no adjustment of height, position of the backrest and footrest. Beautiful colors, belts and rounded corners make it steady, bright and safe. Babyton highchair, reviews of which mark its simplicity and convenience, is intended for grown-up children.

Wooden furniture is the most environmentally friendly.is clean. In terms of strength, it is inferior to metal structures and is not as light as plastic ones. In addition, the wooden chair is usually much less adjustment modes. If such a piece of furniture is equipped with the latest technology, then it will be very expensive. The main positive side of a wooden high chair is its natural material.

According to the founders of Waldorf education,A child’s contact with natural materials not only accelerates personal development, but also makes it brighter. The more natural things you have in your apartment, the more harmonious the baby will develop. The stool in which the crumb spends a lot of time will become an indispensable assistant. For thousands of years our ancestors lived surrounded by trees. Historical memory ensures that this material is very much like the child and his parents.

highchair cam reviews

Seat upholstery

Italian style highchair camdesigned for babies from birth. It is a piece of furniture on wheels with a locking mechanism. Worth a chair is not very expensive. However, it should be remembered that it can not be turned into a desk. The highchair Cam, reviews of which mark its versatility, includes a hanging device for toys and a basket attached to the stand.

When choosing a chair special attention should bedraw on the seat upholstery. As a rule, these are waterproof materials that are easy to clean. Some models also offer a removable cover, it can be washed in a typewriter. Such materials are often specially created for the needs of children and parents. They are durable, safe and easy to clean.

Bright upholstery colors attract attentionbaby He can consider painted fairy-tale characters for a very long time. It helps the child to know the world. In the line of many manufacturers there are chairs of various colors that are suitable for girls and boys. Little cartoon lovers will recognize familiar characters. And for active and restless mischievous people there are neutral upholstery of light colors with a small ornament.

The largest range of highchair models forfeeding belongs to the company Geoby. This manufacturer produces chairs for all ages, with various transformation capabilities and accessories. There are pieces of furniture for the little ones with a rocking chair, hanging toys and a basket for the necessary trifles. The highchair Geoby, which reviews mark its convenience and versatility, is designed for babies who already know how to sit. There are also chairs transforming into a desk for older children. Practically all models, except for transformers, are supplied with wheels with the blocking mechanism. The company offers chairs from different materials: wooden, metal and plastic. Among the products Geoby you will find everything you need.

highchair geoby reviews

Criterias of choice

The selection criteria for high chairs shouldbecome top priorities and financial opportunities. If you want to buy a chair that can be used from the moment of the birth of a baby, you should choose a chair with backrest adjustment mode and a rocking function. The presence of hanging toys and baskets. Wheels will also be useful. With such a high chair, you can take the baby with you to the kitchen, where he will play or sleep in your field of vision. But it should be remembered that these pieces of furniture are not laid out in the desk. When the baby grows up, you have to buy him a new chair.

If you carry a child in a sling, then a chair fornewborns you do not need. Therefore, you should focus on furniture for children who already know how to sit. Such a chair is inexpensive and its purchase is very profitable. But do not forget about the lack of adjustment, wheels and removable parts in some models.

Moms who want to save and get twoa piece of furniture for the price of one, suitable for feeding-transformer. Reviews show that it takes up a lot of space, is not very convenient to carry, it can not be put in the trunk of a car. But this chair is safe, comfortable and beautiful.

What material to choose - to decide parents. Plastic give ease. The advantage of metal will be strength. And the naturalness and environmental friendliness of the tree will ensure the harmonious development of the baby. Well, choose the colors to your liking.

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