Veterinary clinic of Khabarovsk - round the clock help to pets
When a pet in the house gets sick, whether it's a dogor ferret, the owners are ready at any time of the day to rush to either end of the city in order to find qualified specialists who can help him. To save a four-footed or feathered friend, they usually do not regret time or material means. In some critical situations, every minute counts, so each responsible owner in the most prominent place in the house or in the veterinary certificate of the animal should be a phone after dialing is selected veterinary clinic Khabarovsk responds to a call for help, and the pet will be in the all-powerful good hands of specialists .
Modern Veterinary Clinics in Khabarovsk24-hour reception in emergency situations. At the disposal of the best doctors is the most modern equipment. Every client who comes to the reception receives attention and an individual approach that is his only consideration.
Almost every major veterinary clinicKhabarovsk carries out the following activities: diagnostics, prevention, surgery, animal care, identification tags.
At the primary reference it is very important to put the correct diagnosis. This determines the choice of methods and tools that will be used to restore the health of the pet.
For successful diagnosis is equipped withX-ray room. According to the received images, the integrity of bone tissues is determined, various diseases of the joints: vertebral hernia, dislocations, hip and elbow joint dysplasia, including for obtaining a certificate. With the help of X-rays at early stages, inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, stone formation in internal organs, and tumors are determined.
Ultrasound will help to establishmore accurate diagnosis of organs located in the abdominal cavity, circulatory system, retroperitoneal space. Veterinary Clinic "Beethoven" (Khabarovsk) offers to conduct an ultrasound study of the animal with the help of the most modern medical diagnostic system "Logic". Will spend it specially trained visual diagnostics doctors.
Lab tests
Laboratory study of the chemical compositionvarious biomaterials will make it possible to compile a complete picture of the animal's condition, to reveal microscopic parasites. Veterinary Clinic of Khabarovsk "Beethoven" has the opportunity to produce the following types of research:
- General blood analysis. In the venous blood taken out on an empty stomach, the content of platelets, leukocytes, and erythrocytes is determined, which will allow to know about the inflammatory process taking place in the body, or about the presence of anemia or poor coagulability of the blood.
- General urine analysis. The collected morning urine will help to diagnose diseases of the urinary and genital system of the animal.
- Study feces. Applied for the recognition of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for the determination of parasites.
- Biochemical analysis. Blood is analyzed for the qualitative composition of various chemicals, the percentage of which is an indicator of the proper functioning of the body.
- Microbiological, histological, hormonal analyzes are carried out when further research is required to clarify the diagnosis.
A set of preventive measures thatoffers the veterinary clinic of Khabarovsk "Beethoven", begins with advice and recommendations for proper care, grooming, feeding and keeping pets of various types. If necessary, you can refer to specialists for hygienic or professional haircuts. For a pet with a particularly delicate digestion or an exotic animal, professionals will develop a special diet that will help maintain it in great shape.
Especially important point of preventiveactivities is vaccination. Practically any veterinary clinic in Khabarovsk makes vaccinations to dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, parrots and other animals.
The main components of the successful treatment of a pet is the timely access to the specialists of clinics and compliance with all their recommendations. Remember this!