/ / In 5 months how much should the child weigh? Weighing norm for a boy and girl in 5 months

In 5 months how much should the child weigh? Weighing norm for a boy and girl in 5 months

Despite the generally accepted statistics givingthe idea of ​​the optimal weight of infants, every child develops and grows according to his own individual program. Nevertheless, experts insist that all physiological and biometric parameters of newborns should be within a certain norm.

5-month-old child. Development

At this age, children are already beginning to learnclose people, in their own way to respond to familiar things, the tone of treatment. The movements acquire a systematic character. The child begins to spin around in a lying position, rolling and fingering, trying to crawl on his hands in a plastunian way.

At 5 months old the kid is able to sit with an outsiderusing or resting on the back of the chair. If it is supported by a hand, then it can stand for a long time on straightened legs. The backbone of the child to this age has not had time to finally become stronger, therefore long-term loads are contraindicated. In a day, the baby is recommended to stay up to 3 hours in the walker.

in 5 months how much should the child weigh
Also, children have an interest in adult food,plates, spoons, cups. At this age the child can not only consciously grab small items, but also choose the most interesting and bright ones from them. Gradually the child begins to walk loudly, as his vocal cords develop. These piercing sounds very much to him like, therefore so "to sing" the kid can long time, sometimes up to dryness in a mouth and tussis.

Also by the age of 5 months, many children begin to break through the first teeth. Most often this is the front lower tooth (left or right).

Russian weight norms

Domestic standards of physiologicalthe indicators of children differ little from modern international ones. So, in 5 months how much should a child weigh, according to Russian pediatricians? The minimum threshold is 5.9 kg, and the maximum is 8.3 kg.

It is worth noting that from the point of view of physiology,boys should weigh more than girls, because they are larger and develop much faster. Domestic standards in this criterion coincide with international ones.

child's weight in 5 months
The weight of a boy at 5 months should be from 6.1up to 8,3 kg. The height can be from 61 to 67 cm. The weight of a girl in 5 months should be in the range from 5.9 to 7.7 kg. Growth rates can range from 60.7 to 66 cm.

In modern pediatrics are also importantcharacteristics of the rate of development of the baby are the circumference of the head and chest. In boys and girls, rates may vary by 3%. The norm of the circumference of the head and chest is 40.3-44.6 cm and 40-44.5 cm, respectively.

International weight norms

International standards have a more extensive scope of what is permitted. So, the weight of a child in 5 months, according to foreign pediatricians, can vary from 5.4 to 9.3 kg.

Norms for boys will befrom 6 to 9.3 kg. Their growth should be not less than 61.5 and not more than 70.1 cm. The norm of weight at 5 months for girls is from 5.4 to 8.7 kg. At the same time, their growth can vary from 59.6 to 68.5 cm.

norm of weight in 5 months
Such a wide range of indicators is aimed atvariability of the physical structure and anthropometry of the organism. As is known, in different parts of the Earth children are born with different characteristics. In Peru, for example, the average adult does not exceed 1.55 m, and in Serbia, a 1.9 m height is considered normal. Accordingly, the standards of the weight category are changing. Indicators of the same circumference of the head and chest according to international norms do not differ from Russian ones.

Weight analysis and evaluation

Any deviation in indicators canto testify about pathological changes. However, there is such a thing as a physiological error. This means that each organism develops in its own way, therefore there is a framework of permissible deviations.

Within the norm there will be weight indicators greater orless than generally accepted standards to 7%. This applies equally to girls and boys at 5 months. How much should the child weigh in this case? In the norm there will be indicators from 5.5 to 9.9 kg for boys, for girls from 5 to 9.2 kg.

weight of a girl in 5 months
If the deviation is from 7% to 14%, then thisindicates a tendency to underweight or obesity. Indicators that exceed 14-15% require special diagnosis from the attending physician. If the deviation is more than 20%, therefore, cardinal measures are required to stabilize the weight, that is, the correction of nutrition and day regimen, massage, etc. In rare cases, doctors prescribe special herbal preparations to children.

As for the growth indicators, their deviation should not exceed 10%.

Adequate weight assessment

According to statistics, about 10% of children are far fromnorms physiological indicators. Variations in weight in them vary from 1% to 30%, however, the babies develop well and have no problems with eating and moving. The generally accepted medical assessment of the child's physiology is far from ideal, because it does not take into account many biological factors.

In real life, deviations can bemuch more than on paper at any age of the child, in particular, and at 5 months. How much should the child really weigh? Identify the deviation should be in the dynamics, that is, for a certain length of time.

If the baby loses weight in a week from 6% to 10%,then this is the norm. At the age of 5 months, children begin a very active lifestyle, which was previously unavailable to them. Also, the child begins to appear taste preferences in food, the desire to eat from a spoon, and not from a bottle. All these factors affect the lack of weight. A similar situation is with excess kilograms. Perhaps you just need to make the child move more, motivating him with his favorite toys, new subjects, music.

the weight of a boy in 5 months
If deviations from the norm are more than 25% during the week, then it is worthwhile to think about the change in nutrition and the corresponding course of prevention.

Importance of body mass index

Often the weight and height of the child is significantlymore or less generally accepted standards. Do not despair. If the baby develops normally, then such deviations may be caused by its physiological characteristics.

To check the optimal development of the child, you should calculate the body mass index. This is an extremely important parameter that allows an adequate assessment of underweight or overweight.

The index is calculated by the formula: the body mass is divided by the growth rate in square (m / h2). The measurements should be in kilograms and meters, respectively. The limits of the norm of the mass index in 5 months for boys are from 15.9 to 18.9 kg / m2. Girls have a similar range of 15.4 to 18.4 kg / m2.

The mass index should be counted by the district pediatrician monthly up to one year, and then quarterly up to 3 years.

Dependence of weight on the period of birth

Children with obvious shortages in body weight oftenare premature. This concerns childbirth at 7 and 8 months. In these cases, children can be born with a weight of 2 kg. Growth rates also differ from the norm.

weight infants at 5 months
Nevertheless, the acceleratedweight gain. At 5 months, preterm infants can have a body weight of 4.8 to 6 kg. In this case, their physiological development is considered normal. So, in 5 months how much should a child weigh if he is premature? Limits of acceptable values ​​are from 4.6 to 9 kg.

Similarly, the situation is the case of children who are born, whose weight at birth can reach 5.5 kg. In this case, by the age of 5 months, the acceptable indicators will be from 6 to 11 kg.

Proper nutrition

In order for a child to gain weight optimally, the main feeding should be exclusively breastfeeding. In this case, the baby can suck mother's milk before and during bedtime.

It is important that the weight of the baby at 5 months is within normal limits. Therefore, feeding to this age should be timely and full.

From the age of 4 months, children begin to be distracted by extraneous noises and even rustles. Therefore, places for feeding should be as quiet as possible. Such conditions must be observed until the 7th month of the baby's life.

At feeding it is necessary to watch, that the child sucked out all milk and remained satiated. The regime at this age is especially important. If the baby does not eat, then very soon he will ask for breast again.

The influence of complementary weight on weight

To introduce new products into the diet of a 5-monthThe baby should be gradually, since his digestive system is used only to a homogeneous liquid food. Lure has a positive effect on the normalization of the weight of the child. In the case of obesity, you can introduce an additional vitamin diet, and with underweight - new nutritional products.

weight gain in 5 months
Lure it better to start with buckwheat or riceporridge. They not only normalize the child's weight in 5 months, but also strengthen his immune system. Their advantage lies in the rapid assimilation and minimal likelihood of an allergic reaction.

You can then enter the main menuvegetable and fruit purees. It is recommended to start with broccoli, cauliflower and pumpkin. Then you can vary the ration of puree from courgettes, potatoes, carrots and fruits.

Juices at this age are shown only to children, notprone to allergies. Important in 5 months for the baby's body will be getting enough protein. For this purpose, a low-fat baby curd is ideal.

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