/ / Hartan - German strollers: types and reviews

Hartan - German strollers: types and reviews

Today we are with you to find out what is yourrepresents the manufacturer Hartan. Carriages of this company are very diverse and for some strange reason have become extremely popular among parents. At the same time, numerous reviews of this product are constantly ambiguous. And to judge their truthfulness is difficult. So today we will try to find out with you how much Hartan (strollers) are quality, what they can be, their characteristics and advantages with disadvantages. Only this will help to make the right choice for parents, so that later there will be no complaints.

Types of Prams

Before starting the Hartan study, let'sin general we learn what strollers can be. After all, this will help us to choose the specific model. There is a different classification of these vehicles. For sale there is a small standard list of models. Among them are:

  • cradle (classic for children under 6 months);
  • Universal wheelchair (for all ages, like 3 in 1);
  • transformer;
  • walking (cane for children from 6 months).

hartan strollers

To be honest, the stroller Hartanare completely different in appearance. But most parents tend to buy universal options or transformers. After all, they can, if necessary, become a cradle, a stroller, and a simple carry-over. It is very convenient, practical, durable and reliable. Let's now try to find out what kind of Hartan stroller receives feedback from buyers, regardless of specific models. The analysis will be based on several basic indicators of mobility for the child.


Of course, the first thing that draw attention toparents, is the design and appearance of the stroller. The product is trying to choose based on the expected sex of the child. To be honest, for many now the appearance of a child's vehicle is extremely important. After all, even here everyone is trying to follow fashion.

strollers hartan reviews

Fortunately, Hartan's strollers in this planvery happy parents. Each type of this product has a bright, but at the same time very neat, neat and pretty color. The color range is diverse - from the familiar to us blue and pink flowers to beige and violet. In addition, German strollers Hartan also have a beautiful and discreet drawing. Pleasure patterns, as a rule, are monophonic. They are executed, so to speak, with Japanese minimalism and taste. Nevertheless, the parents are quite happy with this. With such a stroller it's not a shame to go out into the yard or in the city to show up. So already for the design and color gamut, German strollers get very popular reviews, and positive ones.


Quite an important point is the equipmentany design. And the stroller is also concerned. It's very sad, if you buy an expensive option, and then have to buy a lot of various additional devices like a raincoat. Therefore, some parents take this matter very seriously.

Hartan (strollers), as a rule, have absolutelydifferent equipment. For example, in the VIP there is a car seat, but in the VIP XL it does not. Nevertheless, there is a so-called minimum, which is available in absolutely any form.

To begin with, Hartan (strollers of Germanproduction) include a standard set consisting of a raincoat, a cape from sunlight, as well as covers on the wheels. Now it is not accepted to buy children's means for movement without this kit, although you can do without it, but only at first. In fact then all the same it is necessary to buy.

stroller for twins hartan

In addition, the stroller Hartan anyThe model also includes a muff for the mother's arms, which is very useful during cold winter walks. This is quite a useful thing. Plus, it's the wallet options that have a special bag for children's things. But in other models (for example, in the VIP) it is not. And this is not particularly encouraging for some customers. But in the transformers, the handbag is still available.

Sometimes, as already mentioned,The carriage is also supplied with an automobile chair for the baby. Only this phenomenon is not very common. Nevertheless, parents are happy with the complete set of Hartan products even without an automobile seat.

Mobility and compactness

Another extremely subtle and important point in choosingmeans for transporting the baby is nothing more than the mobility and compactness of its storage. Well, if you live on the 1st floor, and you always have someone to help. In this case, it remains only to find a place to store the stroller - with its transportation problems will not be. But if it is not so, and your apartment is small, you will have to approach it very carefully and scrupulously.

Fortunately, the stroller Hartan VIP reviews receivesextremely good in this regard. This applies to other models of this company. That is, in disassembled condition you will see a spacious, large (slightly bulky) stroller. But if you collect it, you can see that it occupies very little space. Probably, the exception is only a stroller for twin Hartan. Nevertheless, according to many parents, this option will still take up less space than similar models from other manufacturers.


Women pay a lot of attention to thisfact, like caring for a stroller. If you have someone to help, you can omit this point. Only in practice it turns out that the young mother is forced to cope with all domestic and child affairs herself. And there is so little time for this. Therefore, the simplicity of caring for children's things is a huge plus.

Hartan VIP stroller (and other models"Hartan") in this regard, too, receives extremely good and positive reviews. The fabric from which the products are made, as a rule, is very easy to clean. Sometimes it's enough just to wipe it with a damp cloth.

stroller hartan

Stroller Hartan VIP XL reviews gets verygood and behind the wheels. And this applies not only to this model. Rather, the whole "Hartan" as a whole. After all, the wheels are also quite easy to clean. All of them, it is worth noting, rubber and easy (if necessary) can be removed. In addition, to quickly clean the wheels, too, sometimes it's enough just to take a rag, wet it, and then wipe the necessary areas. And all problems will be solved. So in this regard, parents also express their sympathy for Hartan. Carriages of this company, as you can see, are really good. But is it really that wonderful? There are still a few things that we did not take into account. Maybe they will change your mind.

Convenience for the child

Packaging, ease of care and so on - allit is not so important. After all, the main thing is how the child feels in the wheelchair. The thing is that if the baby refuses to sit in it, you will have to look for other options. And this is not very happy news for parents.

What do young moms and dads say about this? Perhaps, for children this is an excellent option. Hartan stroller offers not only beautiful, but also soft, warm and tidy. In addition, the baby will always be completely safe, for example, thanks to the soft handle-bar, which is in all models. In addition, the stroller Hartan VIP XL additionally has holders on the sides. That is, the child will be able not only to lean on the front crossbeam, but also to take on the sides of the "cradle". And with all this, his hands and body will be completely safe.

However, some models are not particularly convenient forwalks. And it's about parents, not children. After all, for a baby Hartan - this is a great solution. Sits in a soft chair with adjustable positions, and that's it. But moms and dads need to constantly monitor the wheels and the road in front of their feet. In this regard, there are some flaws. Which ones? Let's try to deal with you in this matter.

Walking "stones"

For example, strollers Hartan reviews get awaynot the best for walking on the ground. The thing is that the wheels of all models of this production are rubber. And this is undoubtedly good. Only here is one small minus - these strollers are not designed for driving on the ground.

So, if you decide to be in the roleclimber or they wanted to take Hartan to the dacha, then it's better not to do it. After all, the stroller will just stand still. To move it, will have to make great efforts. And this for walking is very bad. As for foot "air baths" on the asphalt or tile, everything is in perfect order. So with Hartan it is very convenient to walk along the current streets, as well as shopping. But it's not necessary to go somewhere to a more "grounded" place. Only exhausted and tired.

strollers hartan

By the way, a little about shopping. Absolutely all models of Hartan (strollers) have quite large bags-baskets for purchases and children's things. To be honest, it's extremely convenient. Plus, if you need to go to the store, the German stroller will allow you to bring your child. They are light (despite their size in disassembled condition), and also equipped, as already mentioned, with rubber wheels. This makes the design stable and non-hazardous.

Unsuccessful model!

True, there is among Hartan and one is not veryquality goods. This is a stroller for newborns Hartan Racer GT. According to many buyers, it is best to shy away from it. And even if you are interested in Hartan, do not start to evaluate all the strollers of this production on the Racer GT. After all, this product receives extremely negative feedback from consumers.

The thing is that this wheelchair is badquality. It washes extremely hard, the components are quite often broken, and there is also no good equipment in the delivery set. In addition, some say that the most vulnerable area here is the back. About a month later the majority of it broke down.

As a cradle, such a product fits well. But here in the role of stroller for walking Racer GT is no good. In addition, the colors of this model, as many buyers noticed, are dirty and untidy. So this product is better shunned, otherwise you will have a bad impression of "Hartan".

The weight

Carriages Hartan reviews also receive andrelative to such a factor as weight. This is extremely important for young mothers. Especially if they live high. From the first floor you can drag a heavy wheelchair to and fro. But in other cases - no. And I would not like to see a walking trip turned into hard labor.

German strollers hartan

Fortunately, all Hartan strollers weigh a little. The maximum is 12 kilograms. In fact, this is not so much. After all, many other analogs (especially transformers) weigh about 15-16 kg. Thus, walking with the child will be just a pleasure.

Price list

The last point that is worth taking inattention - this is nothing like the price of strollers. It's not a secret for anyone that children's things are expensive. And wheelchairs including. True, I do not want to overpay for them either. Thus, it takes a long time to choose this product.

Hartan carriages in this sense are simplyawful reviews. The thing is that when buying in Russia for the most unpretentious walking model will have to give about 62 000 rubles. This is too high a cost, even if you take into account all the possibilities and the country of production. So if you are looking for an inexpensive and high-quality stroller, then Hartan does not fit here.

Is it worth it?

In the world there is always an opinion: expensive - it means, well. Only in practice it turns out not so. Therefore, you do not need to spend money on Hartan, if the budget does not allow you. Of course, when 60-70 thousand for a stroller - this is not money for the family, then you can choose your choice on such options.

stroller hartan vip reviews

So try first to weigh all the pros and cons"against". Only after this, decide on the purchase. Now you can pick up absolutely any analogue of the Hartan stroller, about which we have learned about reviews, about 3-4 times cheaper. But the final decision is made by everyone.

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