/ / How many days do kittens open their eyes after birth?

How many days do the kittens open their eyes after birth?

If you are wondering "after how many dayskittens open their eyes, "then they should know that after birth it is necessary to show them to the veterinarian in the shortest possible time. The specialist will determine whether the newborns have defects and, in accordance with this, will help to decide the feasibility of lulling unhealthy animals.

after how many days the kittens open their eyes
At the beginning, the most difficult

Fluffy babies are born with temperaturebody at about + 36 ° C, and by the first month of life it stabilizes at + 38-39 ° C. During this period, care for cats and kittens is to maintain the correct room temperature, it should not be higher than + 27 ° C, so that newborns feel comfortable. The most difficult are the first one and a half to two months of life. It is during this period that you should closely monitor the newborns and know how many days the kittens open their eyes to not accidentally harm them.

Proper development

Kittens in a dream can twitch, but this is a normal reaction of the nervous system. In addition, this indicates its correct development.

through how many kittens open their eyes
Already at the age of two weeks,crawl, so you need to equip them with a suitable surface. It should not be smooth and slippery to prevent stretch marks and dislocations of fragile legs. The kitten should be able to claw claws over the surface, so the ideal is the presence of a small pile. By the 4th week they are confidently holding, and at 5 weeks are actively running and playing with each other. If the kitten is sluggish and does not participate in joint games, this is an excuse to show it to the vet.

Teeth and eyes

Milk teeth appear for about 4 weeksafter birth and by the 8th week are finally formed. It is important to know how many days the kittens open their eyes. Usually this happens on the seventh day, but it can be prolonged for up to 10-11 days. You can not try to open the eyelids of the kitten by yourself, as this will cause damage to the eyes and mucous membranes. The color of the eyes in the offspring is initially bluish, but then it changes its color.


Veterinarians often hear the question: "How many kittens open their eyes?" However, few people are interested in how many days, they begin to hear. Meanwhile, the cats are born deaf and begin to distinguish sounds only in the second week of life. Interesting fact: often remain deaf white cats with blue eyes because the deafness gene is linked to a gene of this appearance.

care of cats and kittens
When to acquaint the kitten with the sanitary norms

An important stage in caring for pets isteaching them to the toilet. And even not so important, after how many days the kittens open their eyes, how important it is to teach them to go to the same place after the first month of life. To do this, you need to take a box, add a filler for the cat's toilet and make sure that the adult cat begins to go there to cope with the need. Kids will follow the example of mother.

Preventive measures

In order for pets to grow healthy and welldeveloped, it is necessary to conduct deworming. Usually it is carried out in the third week of life. During the following weeks, it is necessary to check the condition of the internal organs of the kitten, the presence of other parasites. The veterinarian will tell you not only how many days the kittens open their eyes, but also will carry out the necessary vaccinations.

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