/ / Children's curtains - how to choose it correctly

Children's curtains - how to choose it correctly

A baby appeared in the house, and around this smallThe angel flies the whole family, trying to arrange his life and personal space in the best possible way. Affectionate relatives spend not one hour over thinking about design, selecting the most suitable accessories and decorative elements that are not only beautiful, useful, but also safe. Every detail in this room is very important: the best furniture from environmentally friendly material, the color of the walls and curtains.

The best version of curtains for children

In the shop window you liked a wonderfulchildren's curtains in soft pink flowers? Do not forget that choosing clothing for a child's window, one must remember about such factors as the sex and age of the child. Know: what is good for a two-year-old baby, is inappropriate and undesirable for a five-year-old child, a schoolboy or a teenager. Someone considers pastel tones a little boring and old-fashioned, but there is some sense in choosing pale pink and blue babies for the bedroom. These shades create a soothing atmosphere. Avoid bright colors and patterns, they contribute to hyperactivity, lack of sleep and anxiety. If you are preparing a room in advance and do not know the baby's floor, you can choose a soothing pale-lilac that is suitable for everyone and has the same calming effect. Little children over one year adore everything bright and colorful (photo 1).

Blue children's curtain with a red pattern
Especially good looks red-blue children'sCurtains with images of cartoon characters or themed toys that stimulate intellectual development. Of course, if the child is hyperactive, the best option is a curtain of coral or peach color, which casts soft pink shadows on the ceiling and walls. These colors not only stimulate intellectual development, but also give a sense of safe space. As for teenagers, it is better to consult with the child before choosing something. As a rule, as they mature, the tastes and preferences of boys and girls are completely different. They like absolutely different things: try to hang the red curtains with a gentle floral pattern in the possession of the boy. The response negative reaction is obvious. The same is true with the opposite side.
Children's curtains for girls
Children's curtains for girls (photo 2) basicallymake of light material, delicate tulle, ruches and bows, choosing fabrics of gentle light shades. And if in the same room there are different-sex children, try gender-neutral colors with a geometric pattern that satisfy everyone.

What should be the curtains

Regardless of age and sexchildren's accessories, curtains are recommended to be changed every few years to somehow update the design of the room. In addition, changing the curtains is much cheaper than repaint walls or buy other furniture. When choosing, consider the room lighting during the day.

Beautiful curtains for children
Children's curtain from thicker fabric (photo 3)can be used in solar applications. This is especially important when it comes to young children who sleep in the afternoon, or about teenagers who love to create an atmosphere of intimacy and secrecy in their bedrooms. As a rule, it is most advisable that the curtains are made of natural fabrics. Make sure they are well erased and not very edgy. Light curtains are better than heavy drapes for children with dust mite allergies, dyes or chemicals. However, if the room is too sunny, it is better to have a dense veil to protect the room from excessive light, or simply pick up blinds. Safety is the most important criterion for children. When the child's curtain is light, it is obvious that it is less dangerous than heavy, because small children tend to pull it when they learn to stand or walk, and the older ones hide behind or use it as a tent during the game. An excellent solution is to sew short curtains: a crawling baby will not reach them. And last in order, but not in importance, the factor. When buying beautiful curtains for a nursery, make sure that they are strong, as some tomboys are too active. In this case, it will be more correct to choose not very expensive curtains, because they will have to be changed more often.

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