/ / On how to deal with toxemia during pregnancy

On how to deal with toxemia during pregnancy

In many women, pregnancy is associated withtoxicosis. In all, it manifests itself in different ways. Many even do not know what it is, because their pregnancy has gone without him. But in some women, toxicosis causes so many problems that there is a threat to the health of the mother and child. Therefore, our main task is to tell how to deal with toxemia.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the main types of this phenomenon. There is an early and late gestosis (toxicosis).

Early toxicosis is generally considered to be one of the mostsigns of pregnancy, but this is not always justified its characteristic. The fact that it can manifest itself and at 6 - 7 weeks of pregnancy. Most often he begins to harass a woman in the morning: there is nausea, weakness, a decrease in pressure. If vomiting reflexes visit you more often 9 times a day, it can cause dehydration, which will harm not only the mother, but also the baby.

Because you need to know how to deal with toxemia withpregnancy, to help the body overcome the difficulties caused by its new condition. First of all, the solution to the problem can be found not only with the help of drug treatment, but also independently. There are several possible options for assistance:

  1. As a rule, bouts of nausea are visited by you in the morning,which is often caused by the emptiness of the stomach. To solve this problem, you can put something near the bed that you can eat in the morning (for example, cookies). Moreover, as soon as you hear the alarm sound or wake up yourself, you do not need to jump out of bed immediately: lie down, tune in for a work day and eat something prepared in advance.
  2. In solving the problem of how to deal with toxemia, regular outdoor walks will help. This remedy is a cure for many ailments.
  3. It is important to try to find out what is the causenausea. Perhaps the reason is a dish. As a rule, it is not recommended to eat hot food, because it is the most fragrant. But if this situation does not cause you discomfort, you can eat hot without problems.
  4. In the question of how to deal with toxemia during pregnancy, a significant role is played by limiting the amount of flour products consumed, as well as sweets.
  5. Meals should be frequent, but fractional. Thus, there is no oversaturation, and the stomach will not reject food.
  6. Sometimes, when a woman determines how to deal withtoxicosis in her case, she can try to eat some of the listed products: lemon, ginger, mint, brier's infusion, brewer's yeast. But do not limit your diet to only one element from this list, because the baby needs a full complex of vitamins.
  7. In order for you not to get sick at night, do not eat much in the evening.

With regard to late toxicosis, whichoccurs after the 20th week of pregnancy, then here it is necessary to determine its possible cause. Typically, this condition can be caused by a previous abortion, the presence of chronic diseases, stressful situations, Rh-conflict. Late toxicosis can cause very serious health problems in the mother and baby (increased pressure, violation of water and salt balance), so you can not start with its elimination.

First of all, how to deal with a toxicosis that has occurred after 20 weeks can help:

  1. Restriction in the use of liquid. Daily rate - 1.2 liters.
  2. Refusal of pickles, conservation and smoked products.
  3. Refusal of roast in favor of boiled and stewed.
  4. Absence of strong emotional and physical loads.
  5. Regular walks in the fresh air (at least two hours a day).
  6. Complete absence of psychological overstrain.
  7. A night's sleep, which lasts at least 9 hours.
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