/ / How to prepare a sports festival scenario

How to prepare a sports festival scenario

Children are our future, happiness and hope. And, of course, for them we wish all the best, the best. Giving sons and daughters to education in kindergarten or school, we believe that competent, experienced specialists will help us to grow from our children worthy, smart and healthy people. In these educational institutions, all necessary classes are held, and among them sports are not the last place. A healthy lifestyle is not for nothing inoculated from the very childhood, because health is the greatest value in life, and without it everything else does not make sense.

In addition to the lessons of physical education, walking, gymnasticsbetween classes and the Days of Health, for the children are held sports events, competitions and relay races. How to prepare an original scenario of a sports festival, if you needed it for this purpose?

Of course, you can ask it from your friends teachers or educators, download on the Internet. But, if you have a rich imagination, it's best to think of it yourself.

The scenario of a sports holiday should consist ofas from mobile games in which both children and their parents can take part, and from reading poetry, singing songs, theatrical scenes by children on a suitable topic. You can use musical or dance numbers for a variety of programs. In the presence of computer technology, a holiday can decorate video films or presentations relevant to the topic.

The scenario of a sports festival in a kindergarten can also be suitable for holding in school in primary school. Games and performances of kids are very happy with their parents and educators.

For example, such competitions onspeed, like jumping in bags, collecting pictures from puzzles or catching a toy fish on a magnetic fishing rod. Also, for a change, you need to use quiet games. For example, the guys are seated on two opposite sides of the chairs and begin to turn on the music one or another of the children's songs that your students know. Guys should guess and sing along with the lyrics. The team that recognizes and executes the greatest number of songs wins. And the songs can also be picked up with sports themes. Such a musical break is necessary as a rest after active games and competitions.

Scenario of the sports festival, which youwill spend in your children's institution, will necessarily bring variety in its everyday life, will revitalize the situation and the general mood of both children and the collective of educators or teachers. You just need to try to really make this event a holiday.

Another fun contest in whichtake part, and children, and their older relatives - this is a fun relay race. Here the participants will need to alternately carry water in a spoon to a bucket, pour it out and, returning back, pass the baton to the next participant. When the last player of the team completes the task and returns to the team, the result will be evaluated: who will perform the task faster and who gets more water in the bucket is the winner. This well-known competition enjoys constant success among its participants and causes cheerful laughter among the audience.

Scenario sports festival in school caninclude contests showing the theoretical and practical knowledge of children acquired in physical education classes. For example, the names of sports equipment or exercises, the ability to properly and accurately perform them.

That's how you can diversify the children'sleisure. And it is not difficult to hold such events several times a year. The script of the sports holiday, compiled by you, will help to hold children's competitions in a non-standard and fun way, instilling in children an interest and a habit for a healthy lifestyle.

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