/ Michael Kors - a popular accessory

Michael Kors Women's Bag - a popular accessory

As you know, handbags too much does not happen,because for different life situations we choose different instances, but not the same option. To go to work and to the theater with the same bag will not risk any self-respecting fashionista. That is why the demand for this kind of accessories has always been huge. Secular lionesses often choose their products from Michael Kors.

michael kors bag

Brand History

The Michael Kors bag is an American product. The brand is named after its creator, Michael Kors. He is a world-renowned and talented designer. His debut took place in 1981. Among the first creations is a collection of stylish dresses and accessories, which made him so famous.

Over the next twenty years, Michael perseveredworked in the chosen field. And only in 2001 the designer was able to open his first boutique in the heart of New York. By that time, Kors had already developed individual principles of work, acquired valuable experience in the field of creating fashion collections. A unique sense of style and his own understanding of beauty helped him to achieve success.

Bags for women Michael Kors

The main goal of the designer in creating these fashionableaccessories - to combine laconic forms and elegance, street style and chic. At the moment, even such super-popular show business stars and true style icons, such as Jennifer Lopez, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Michelle Obama, Heidi Klum and many others will not give up such a status accessory as the Michael Kors bag. All products of this brand enjoy incredible success. Often, on a red carpet or a high-level social event, you can see a dazzlingly dressed young lady with Michael Kors in her hand.

women's handbags michael kors

It can be argued that Michael Kors is a truly successful creative person, because his fashionable designs are incredibly in demand in high society.

Michael Kors bag: features of the accessory

1. The variety of models is simply amazing. You, for sure, will be able to choose the right option for any occasion. So, you can stop on a small or bulky, soft or frame, simple or bizarrely decorated handbag, not to mention the widest range of colors. Only one thing remains unchanged: the Michael Kors bag is always a comfortable, practical, but at the same time elegant and fashionable product.

2. A distinctive feature of this famous designer's accessories is the lack of flashy details. Some may even think that his bags look not so expensive. However, rest assured: true connoisseurs of fashion will definitely appreciate your choice. You will be a lady with an excellent taste and an impressive income.

3. The company label is attached to all Michael Kors bags. The original product is necessarily decorated with a monogram "MK", ​​executed in a minimalist style - and here the designer has not sacrificed his convictions.

bags michael kors original

Variety of textures

Michael Kors prefers to work with naturalmaterials. Skin, suede and fur, he calls natural canvases for his masterpieces. Special attention should be paid to the combined products, as the designer is perfectly aware of the material and is able to select impressive combinations.

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